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Everybody was up to their daily business. Sardonyx was on a walk with Sabina, Steven was playing video games, Amethyst was playing with Pumpkin. All was going well until a loud siren went off.

Attention citizens of Beach City! This is not a drill! A meteorite has been detected! We highly recommend you evacuate the city immediately!

Sardonyx gasped. "Oh no..." Sabina looked at her. "Babe, we need to evacuate."

"No. This is my town. I need to protect it."

"But you're going to die if you get hit!"

Sardonyx kissed her. "And that's a chance I must take. You get out of here, I'll protect."

Sabina worriedly left. Sardonyx knew that 20 feet probably wouldn't be enough to destroy a meteor, let alone get it back into orbit. She made herself about 50 feet, accidentally crushing an unowned house under her feet. "Oh! Thank goodness it's unowned, right?", she joked to herself. "But enough of jokes. On to more serious matters, this meteor. Oh, I see it now."

The meteorite was roughly 500 feet from the down. The meteorite was close, but then she punched it into smithereens, destroying it, if it weren't obvious.

Sardonyx was amazed by what she could accomplish by just being 50 feet tall.

Sabina was in reality, peeking out from behind a bush. "...Sardonyx?", she called out blushing.

She turned to her. Sabina was amazed. Not just by her size, but what she just did.  Sardonyx sat down. Thinking back, she may have put herself at major risk. "Sabina... I'm sorry for putting my life at risk. Thinking back to what you said to me, it really was going to get me killed..."

She wiped tears off of Sardonyx's face to the best of her ability. "No, no, it's okay... if it weren't for your bravery, we wouldn't be here right now... you were willing to take a risk, and..."

Sabine hugged onto her hand. "...and that's why I love you."

The 50 foot woman blushed. "Thank you..." She shrunk down to normal, then news reporters and press workers arrived.

For the next few hours, she answered questions for the press. Suddenly, a police officer walked over. He whipped out a megaphone. "Can you hear me?", he asked. Sardonyx couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, darling."

"I've found the whereabouts of Ronaldo. He is currently fled to New York."

"Then it's settled. I'm getting Steven and we're going to New York City to hunt him down. Oh, but a first class trip may be a bit expensive..."

The officer laughed. "Not to worry miss, we- er I, recently stopped a bank robbery of 100,000 dollars, so the city split me 50,000. So all your expenses are paid for."

Steven was currently drawing when Sardonyx knocked softly on his window. He walked over and opened it. "Steven, we found where Ronaldo may be hiding. Pack your suitcase. We are going to New York."

After packing, they went to the airport. Sardonyx was nervous when they got on the plane. Her girlfriend noticed. "Nervous are you?"

"Yes. I've never been up on a plane before....", Sardonyx admitted. Sabina places a hand on hers. "I'll hold your hand during takeoff, if that makes you better." Sardonyx's nervous smile turned into an actual smile. "Okay... that makes it slightly less terrifying."

As the plane was landing at New York, Sardonyx remembered her list.

"Oh! I remembered a list of things I wanted to do here!", she said to Sabina and Steven pulling out her list. "See Central Park, stay in Plaza Hotel... I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."

Sabina chuckled. "I have my ways."

They landed, got their luggage, then went to the Plaza Hotel. They had a beautiful suite with two bedrooms, a bathroom with a jet-tub and speakers, flat screen TV, and a full kitchen stocked with all sorts of utensils and ingredients. Sardonyx was skilled in cooking, so that was no issue. Steven noticed the suite had a console with some games, so he played some. Sabina immediately took a nice cold bath.

That night as Sardonyx got into her warm bathrobe, she immediately felt tired. She joined Sabie in the bed. "Okay, helping you sleep, I can tell you."

Sardonyx got under the covers and got ready for bed. Steven walked in too, just to wish Sardonyx good night. "So..."

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