Amethyst's Birthday

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Amethyst was just about to watch some TV when Steven walked in. "Happy 23rd birthday, sis.", he said. Amethyst smiled, flipping through the channels. "I got Sardonyx to come over. She seems excited." Amethyst settled on a cop show. "Yeah, she does seem happy. I mean, her birthday IS soon."

Sardonyx was helping Sabina with the cake. "Okay, two eggs.", Sabina instructed. "I can't wait until she sees this..." Sabina nodded. "I know, it's gonna be great. Okay, checklist."

Sardonyx got the checklist.

"Three pepperoni pizzas."


"The presents and gifts."

"Check. Though, don't those go under the same category?"

"Eh, it doesn't matter. Anyways, special gift?"

Sardonyx checked the box. "Double check."

Amethyst was laughing at her show. "You already have a car, why run?", she joked. Steven laughed too. "I know, right?"

About twenty minutes later, everyone watched Amethyst blow out her candles. Sardonyx put the special box in front of Amethyst. "Okay, open it. But be careful, no shaking it now."

Amethyst heard a meow inside, and tore open the wrapping to see a beautiful orange tabby, which meowed and walked into her lap. "Aww... its adorable! Thanks guys!" Sardonyx smiled. "Oh, no need to thank us darling. Hope you enjoy. What did you decide to name it?"

"Hm... it has orange fur so how about... Pumpkin?"

That night, Pumpkin slept on Amethyst's bed with her. Steven was currently watching some Pokémon in his room. Sardonyx was doing some laundry with Pearl.

"It's amazing what you can do with those arms.", Pearl complimented. "It's almost like you're two people at once!" Sardonyx laughed. "Oh, thanks Pearl. It's a simple talent. I never did laundry like this back home. At least, with four arms." The two of them shared a chuckle, then Sardonyx yawned. "Oh my, I'm puckered out... Better hit the hay."

Sardonyx walked to her room and began to get ready for bed. She got under the covers and fell asleep.

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