Another Nightmare

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TIME: 2:30 PM

Sardonyx was finishing up teaching the class about PEMDAS. "Now, I'll be passing out your homework. Once you have it, you may leave." She passed out the work and the students left. Sabina walked in. "Hey Sard, ready to head home?", she asked. Sardonyx places the chalk back on the board. "Yes actually, I just handed out the last of the homework. Steven did perfectly on the pop quiz today, as expected.

TIME: 10:30 PM

Sabina places their dishes in the dishwasher. Sardonyx was getting into bed.

As she got under the blankets, Sabina places an extra one on her. "Night babe.", she says as she joins her under the bed's blanket. They kissed for a second. "Goodnight, Sabie." They fell asleep. Sabina had a simple dream of being in a plane.

Sardonyx had a nightmare, however.


Sardonyx was in a limousine with Sabina on their way to the church that would house their wedding. She looked normal now. Her arms were gone, and her extra eyes too.

The limo was getting close to the church, about 10 minutes away.

Sabina's outfit was beautiful, a tuxedo with black and white jewels, and beautiful gloves as well.

Sardonyx's dress was spectacular, to say the least.

Her sparkling white wedding gown, complete with some shoes that Connie designed her, oh it was beautiful... "Sardonyx, your outfit is missing something.", Steven whispered. "Oh! What is it missing, darling?" He placed a flower in her hair. "Wow, it's great! You were right, this makes it complete."

"Wait, don't forget the veil, you don't want to forget to protect yourself from spirits."

"Is that what veils are for?", she asked. "I don't know, that's just what Mom told me. Drink?" He handed her a soda. "Of course. I can't get married with a dry throat." As she drank it, she felt... a little different. "Hm, that did seem rather different than the other sodas I drank. Oh, never mind that."

They entered the church

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They entered the church. hand in hand, and walked down the aisle. Many guests were amazed by Sardonyx's look as she and Sabina made their way to the end of the aisle. Her silky white dress caught the attention of everybody.

When they got to the front of their two families, Steven stood in between them, holding the Holy Bible.

"Friends. Family. We gather here today for the marriage of Sabina M and Sardonyx Lane. Sardonyx, on November 4th, 2011, proposed to Sabina at Makeout Hill in Beach City. And now, Sabina M shall now remove the veil, and officially begin the ceremony.", Steven began.

Sabina nodded and removed the veil.

"Sabina Marissa M, do you take Sardonyx June Lane to be your loving wife, in rain or shine, in light or dark, in health or suffering, and to always care for and after her?"

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