Meet Amethyst

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Steven's neighborhood was a peaceful area. The children were out playing, some adults were tending to their yards and hedges. When Sardonyx began to come down the road, they looked at the giantess with looks of curiosity and some of fear. She took her time walking down the road as to not accidentally crush any fences or houses. "I'm starting to have second thoughts on doing this.", Sardonyx said. "I mean, there aren't that many humans I've had the time to properly interact with... at least after my tra-", she tried to continue before she covered her mouth. Steven looked over to her. "After your what?", he asked. Sardonyx removed her hands from her mouth, faking a smile. "Er... nothing darling, since nothing.".

They arrived and Sardonyx set Steven down. "Dear, you go get Amethyst, I can't really, erm... bring myself to it.. besides, I can't even fit inside.", she requested. After a second, Steven answered with, "Okay.", before heading inside. When he was inside, Sardonyx turned towards the ocean, which was visible from the suburban area that Steven lived in. "Oh... why did I have to mention that...", she worried.

Amethyst was making some sandwiches for a little snack, when she saw Steven walk in. "Sup man?", Amethyst greeted. Steven took her by the hand. "So the monster's name is Sardonyx, and she's really friendly! Come see her!", he said quickly, pulling her outside. Amethyst "corrected" him saying, "No, you didn't bring the monster, you just brought a new neighbor. But it's still cool, let's go.", as they made their way outside. When they got through the door, Amethyst realized it was indeed the monster.

"Hi... I'm Sardonyx, and I-", was all Sardonyx was able to utter before she felt a lump in her throat. Steven looked up at her. "It's okay. Amethyst is really kind. I think you might like her." Amethyst looked at Sardonyx. "Yunno what, she doesn't look bad. She's just bigger than most people. And by most, I mean all.. and she has more arms... and eyes... you know what I mean.", Amethyst stuttered. Sardonyx chuckled a little. "Don't worry, I know what you mean... Oh, and these shoes, they-", She continued, before Amethyst finished with "They're a birthday gift. Your size, it's amazing! You're gigantic! You've got to be at least 50 feet tall!", Amethyst praised."

"Thank you... oh! I'm nowhere near being some 50 foot giant... well, I certainly am what most humans would consider a giant, but... I'm only about 19 feet tall. I'm actually quite small compared to giants you might find in movies and television programs..." Sardonyx took a deep breath and sighed. Steven went inside. It left Amethyst and Sardonyx, having a little bit of a conversation.

Steven got his sleeping bag, and came outside. Pearl, his mother came home and watched as Steven hopped onto Sardonyx's shoulder and waved to Amethyst. "Oh my... Steven? Is this your..." She looked up, surprised by the giantess on their front lawn.

"Yes, this is Sardonyx, my new friend. Sardonyx, this is Pearl." Sardonyx waved. "Nice to meet you. I assume you're his parent?", she asked. Pearl nodded, still amazed by her height. "Don't be afraid. I mean no harm to you, or anybody for that matter." She giggled. "Unless of course, they were to harm my little sugar pea Steven here. He's just so sweet, Pearl."

"Thank you. Steven, I understand if you want to spend the night with... Sardonyx, was it?" He nodded. Pearl looked up to Sardonyx. "We're trying to get Steven used to going to bed early for his new middle school, so could you have him head to bed as early as possible?"

"Pearl, relax, live it up a little! I'm sure the 50 foot tall woman wants to enjoy herself too!", Amethyst interrupted. Pearl rolled her eyes, sighing in defeat before smiling. "Well, alright. But I still want him in bed by 10. I mean; in his sleeping bag."

"I'm gonna have a sleepover with my new friend, see ya tomorrow mom!", he exclaimed, before Sardonyx carried him to her tree. "Bye! Oh, be home by two, please. I need to get you ready for your new school. You know, buying supplies and such." Pearl said, waving. Amethyst waved. She walked back inside to finish her sandwiches. Pearl, her mother walked in. "Where did Steven meet her?", she asked curiously.

"I sent Steven to capture her on the beach."

"Oh, he's already making friends! That's amazing! But I'm not happy that you decided to send your little brother out to capture a potential threat. Did you at least give him a weapon?", she asked. Amethyst shook her head. "Well, I'll let you off the hook with a warning for now, but you can't just send a boy his age out on his own to try and capture somebody like her, without knowing if she was even harmful or not."

"She's still a friend."

Pearl nodded. "Well, can't argue with that. Amethyst, I think you should consider getting a job soon. This is a new town, and it's just full of new opportunities!"

Amethyst went out in search of a job.

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