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You can never truly trust a book by its cover. A look can never show who somebody is. Steven is about to discover that no matter how different somebody is, they are still a person.

As Steven made his way to the coastline, he felt butterflies in his stomach. Never had he felt that feeling he was feeling. The monster couldn't be that bad, right? ...right?
When the 12 year old got to the coastline, he noticed there was a trail of footprints. Large footprints. "Oh no..." he thought, knowing the monster was probably tall. He took a few steps forward before getting his foot stuck between two rocks. This caused him some pain, causing him to scream, but then he covered his mouth. In the distance, he saw a shadowed figure rise.  Four arms. It had triangular hair.

As he watched it get closer, the ground was shaking, his palms were sweating, his foot was trying to break free of the rocks so he could run to safety. All this combined gave him a sense of panic. He tried to break free as it got closer and closer. Finally, he squeezed it out, running away from the coastline. The monster was following. He hid inside a small cave, but it was no use. He was cornered in as the monster looked in. After a second, she peeked in, slowly fitting into the cave. She brought her hand closer to him, slowly.


Steven screamed in horror as their eyes met. The giantess quickly retracted her hand and appeared visibly scared.

Steven looked at it. Wow, it's huge, he thought to himself.

"Uhh... who are you...?" All it could do was stand there nervously. She didn't seem to want to talk about herself.

Silence filled the air. The monster wanted to run off, but it stayed to see what would happen. A newspaper flew in the night wind, landing between them. "Someone threw away this perfectly good newspaper.", the boy said.

He picked up the newspaper. Most of the text was scribbled, but he could make out "The monster has been identified as..." before the rest was scribbled out, except for a photo of a toxic refinery plant. He looked up to her. "Are... you going to kill me now?" The monster quickly left, headed for a tree on a hill near the beach. "Wait! I didn't mean to..."

As Steven began to walk home, he stopped and thought for a moment. "Maybe it just needs somebody to talk to... " It couldn't hurt too much, right?

After a minute of walking, Steven arrived at a tree. Underneath that tree, there sat the same monster he saw, looking up at the stars. She sat with her legs crossed and feet slightly dipping into the water. She looked a bit... lonely. Despite this, she had a bit of a smile. Her eyes had a child-like innocence to them as some of the thread of her tattered-but-beautiful pink top blew in the wind.

Maybe it just needs a friend, Steven thought as he slowly approached, careful not to make a sound. By the time he arrived to her, she began to notice the child in the corner of one of her eyes. "...are you okay?", Steven asked as he tried to greet her. She flinched, her eyes looking to him as she stood up.

Steven didn't make any friends in Beach City yet. He hoped this would be his first friend. Not the most usual choice, but it worked.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Steven. Steven Universe. I just moved here.", he said. Then he put his hand out.  The monster seemed a little nervous as she kneeled down to his eye level. "Don't worry, it's ok. You can trust me. I know you're a good person... they're just going rough on you because of your looks." He continued.

"My mom taught me something a little while back. She said that looks don't make who a person is, it's who they are. I'm sure you're a really awesome person if somebody looks beyond just your body... and besides, I like your look." The giantess just appeared confused. She shook her head. "No, I really mean it."

She turned her head in confusion, wondering how a human who was just afraid of her could immediately seem fond of her appearance. "Well, what I mean is..."

"You aren't a monster in my eyes... you're a... a star."

He waited for her to hold his hand.

Still a little nervous, the "star" slowly reached it's finger out to Steven. He held onto it, causing the two to smile. Wow, she really is innocent, he thought as he looked up to her. Steven sat down next to her, and they watched the stars together.

They didn't say a word. They just looked up at the star-covered sky, occasionally looking at each other with a smile.

Steven wanted to take a photo of his new friend, but until he knew her better, he felt like holding off on photos would be the best choice.

Several minutes passed. Minutes turned to hours. The boy looked at his phone. It was 9:30. He decided he should get home before it got too dark. "Uh... I gotta get back home... maybe I can see you again later?", he asked. After a second, the monster nodded, still feeling happy after meeting somebody she could trust. Steven left, waving to her.

After Steven got home, Amethyst tiptoed in again. "Hey bro. So, did you capture the monster?"

"No, it didn't seem harmful. We actually watched the stars together.", Steven said, still happy that he met a new friend. Amethyst finished brushing her hair. "Looks can be deceiving Steven."

"Amethyst, I'm sure she's innocent. Besides, we had a good time."

"Little bro, I know she probably is, but you can't you take any chances. I got an idea. You could spend the whole day tomorrow with her. Get some info on her, and then you can see if she does anything bad.", she recommended. That thought stayed in his head the entire night.

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