The Storm

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Thunder sounded near eight year old Sardonyx's house, startling her awake and causing her to yelp. She held her Spongebob plush for safety. "Calm down, it's only the thunder...", she whispered to herself.
The thunder struck again. Her mom walked in. "Is everything ok? I heard you yelp.", she asked, sitting on her bed. The 8 year old looked at her. "No... I'm scared."
Sardonyx hid under her blanket.

"I just want it to be over..."

"It's okay, sweetie. It's just thunder."

"Trust me. It'll be over soon. Well, here's what to do if you feel nervous. Count the seconds between the flash and the bang. For every second, that's one mile away the storm is. And remember that it's only temporary.", she said. "Good night, Sardonyx." She gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked out, closing the door.

Sardonyx silently waited for a flash. Then, from outside, amid the rain, there cane a bright flash.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
The storm was five miles away. Sardonyx began to get sleepy again. A flash. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.
Seven miles. "Oh, silly old storm...", she whispered to her plush. Another flash. "One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... ni.....", was all Sardonyx was able to count before she fell asleep. In truth though, the storm had ended.

Present Day:

Rain was coming down like... well, rain. Sardonyx was starting her class, using all of her arms on the board; two to write and two to draw examples.

"So you leave the denominators alone, and only add the numerators.", she lectured. Steven was starting to fall asleep. Monday, the day they returned, nothing really happened. Except in homeroom, when the teacher landed a paper ball in the trash can.

"...Alfred, if I have 1/4, what do I add to reach 3/4?", Sardonyx asked a student. "2/4, Mrs. Lane.", Alfred said. Now, Alfred was a rather smart and well-respected student. He never got into any trouble, except maybe once or twice, but that was just for being late. Whenever he was late, he would always say "Sorry Madame, Dad's car was suffering issues. I'll arrive on time next time."

"...But what if the answer is higher than the denominator? Well, that is called a-"

"Attention. Steven Universe to the front office. That's Steven Universe to the front office."

Steven walked to the office. Sabina had an trophy. "Steven, you have been showing good work since you arrived. I want to present you with this trophy of my appreciation. Only 4 students per year get this, the hardest working, if that. Congratulations.", she praised. Steven smiled. "Wow, uh... thank you."

Steven returned to class, sitting at his seat. Sardonyx passed out tests. "Welcome back Steven. You're just in time. We're just about to begin our weekly test. I've already passed out yours, so just wait a moment."

Once she passed out the tests, she sat at her desk and started a timer. "Okay, as usual, you all have 15 minutes to finish the test. Begin."

"Class dismissed.", Sardonyx said when they finished.

During lunch, Steven sat next to Connie. "Your cast any better?", he asked. Connie nodded. "Yup. The doctor said it can come off in three to four days."

"Okay, I'm Malachite, your gym instructor. We will play a game of dodgeball. I-I mean you will, I'd probably be too power- you know what I mean. Girls against boys. Connie, you can sit on the bleachers. Girls on that side, boys on this."

They lined up. The whistle blew. Almost immediately, three boys and three girls were eliminated. That left Steven and Alfred against Trinity and Kiki.

"Okay Steven, you distract them while I throw. Run like the wind."

Steven ran up to the edge. "Bet you can't hit me!"

They two girls were throwing dodgeball after dodgeball at him, missing due to his speed. "Watch Steven's speed! Five extra points Steven!", she said.

Alfred knocked the two girls into elimination with one shot. Steven was amazed. "How's your do that?", he asked.

"Now now, that my friend is a secret.", he joked. "Secrets are secret."
They chuckled as they walked to their next class.

When he got home, Steven put the trophy in the trophy case, before going up to his room and watching the afternoon sky. Sardonyx walked to her room, placing her bag on her bed and sitting down.

Steven began to listen to some soft Christmas jazz on his computer as he browsed the internet. He checked Youtube and he saw something amazing.

"Sardonyx, quick, come here! A miracle!"

Sardonyx walks in. The video of her was back up. "Oh my stars! It has a thousand views-!"

Steven got an idea. He hit record on his camera.

"Everyone, thanks for your support. While we were gone, Sardonyx changed her size, and she can now control it. We'll step outside so we can showcase it."

Steven walked outside with his four-armed friend. "Okay Sard, do it."

Sardonyx made herself 15 feet tall.

"It's amazing, really." Steven turned off the camera, and Sard shrunk back. "Okay, that was amazing.", she whispered as Steven followed her upstairs. "I know I've said this so many times before... and I know I'll say it so many times again... but thank you. Thank you so much, just for giving me the confidence I needed..."

They hugged. "It's not a problem at all... come on, why don't we play some video games? You can put those arms to good use.", he joked, to which Sardonyx laughed.

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