The play

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Sardonyx woke up from her nap and began to eat her grilled cheese Steven left her. Sabina texted her telling her a Christmas play was coming to Beach City Junior High, and Steven has the role of the angel. Sardonyx responded with "Of course I'll go!"

A week later, the school was opening the doors for the play. All the money earned would go to the children's hospital. Sardonyx thought it was a nice cause. I mean, children who were injured deserve money... right?

They took their seats in an orderly fashion as the curtains lifted. The drama teacher Madame Opal walked on stage. "Hello everybody, welcome to Beach City Junior High's presentation of The Angel. I'm sure all of you are excited for this. The drama club has been perfecting their roles and lines for a whole two weeks, and this is our first performance! Now, before we begin, please silence your mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets, refrain from flash photography, and... well, enjoy.", she said before walking off stage. The curtains opened up.

The first scene was a snowy forest. A boy dressed as a snowman walks on stage. "Boy, Christmas is sure close, it's only a day away!", he exclaimed. "I need to get ready." He puts on a Santa hat. "There, that's better. Wait... aren't I missing something... oh, yes. A Christmas tree." He then walked off stage, presumably to find a tree. Three elves walked onto the scene. "Christmas is nearing the corner, just one day away. We need to get our presents."

Scene two was inside Santa's workshop. A man dressed like Santa walked in. "We only have 12 hours left before Christmas morning, let's hurry packing those gifts.", he said. The elves were scrambling, packing the gifts into Santa's bag. Suddenly, they yawned. "May we take a break Santa? We're tired.", they asked. Santa nods. "Yes, but only a quick one.", he said walking off stage. The elves followed suit. A bright light covers the stage, as Steven, an angel, floats down. Sardonyx is overjoyed. She took a photo. A non-flash one of course. "Looks like this job is half done. Better finish it.", the angel exclaimed. He began to pack the gifts into the sack.

Suddenly, without warning, a fire broke out. Sardonyx remembered she saw somebody familiar going into the back of the school, but she couldn't remember who.

No, he couldn't have.

Immediately, everyone ran out, except Steven, who was still tied to the wire that he used to float down.

Everyone made it outside, but Sardonyx realized Steven wasn't there. "Oh no... he still must be inside!", she realized, running back inside. "Sardonyx, wait!"

Sardonyx ran over to Steven, who was frantically attempting to get down. She made herself tall enough to reach him. "This may hurt a bit.", she said before pulling him off the wire and running outside.

Sardonyx lay Steven down and examined him for burns. "Darling, are you ok?" Steven chuckled. "Yeah... but who caused the fire?"

A police officer walked over. "Well, we have an answer. Ronaldo. Security footage caught him breaking out of prison. We believe he is the one who caused this. It also appears he escaped us again, we are looking for where he is."

The three of them went home. Steven had a talk with Amethyst over what happened. Sardonyx watched some TV with Sabina. "Wow... who knew that The Grinch would return the gifts? Everyone. It runs the same every year.", Sabina said. Sardonyx was on the couch staring outside. "I know right? It's not like he's gonna spice it up sometime.", she joked.

That night, they were preparing to go to bed. Sabina would notice Sard was reading through a list. "What's that?", Sabie asked. "Oh, it's my Christmas list. Steven told me about it... a man named Santa comes down the chimney and brings gifts... I'm going to bed so he can come."

Sabina chuckled. "Sardonyx, it's not tonight... it's the 25th... still, you excited?"
"Of course! Erm... sorry about your play being ruined."

Suddenly, her eyes glowed red. "I swear... When I find Ronaldo... I will literally crush him...", she grumbled, clenching her fist.

"Sard, calm down! It's okay, nobody's hurt..." Sabina held Sardonyx's hand, as her eyes slowly went back to their normal, black color, and her fists relaxed. "Sorry, I just... can't believe it. Ever since I joined your school, something has gone wrong... I'm sorry."

"What? Don't be... it isn't your fault.", Sabie said placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're just being bullied. I promise, when we get to work, I'll make an assembly first thing, about non-bullying. Get some rest babe."

Sardonyx sighed as she turned out the light. "Alright... good night dear." The next morning at the assembly, Steven sat next to Connie, who had a cast on her arm. "Good morning students. I have noticed a number of attacks towards Mrs. Lane. This will not be tolerated. From this point on, anybody who harasses her will be given a week of detention. We are not tolerating bullying towards anyone. She used to be bigger than this, she was mocked for her looks. And if you are mocking her looks, you're judging a book by its cover. Because Sardonyx is a great person... and as soon as she feels comfortable with it, we'll have an assembly of how she got this way."

After the day was over, it was Amethyst's birthday. "Wow.... Amethyst is turning 23?"
Steven nodded. "Yup. So we're throwing her a party. Wanna join us?" Almost immediately, Sard nodded. "Yes! Of course!"

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