Food Fight

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The next day, Steven prepared to go to school. It was Friday; the last day of school before the weekend. Amethyst packed him his favorite lunch: a peanut butter sandwich, one of her oatmeal cookies, an apple and some water. As he walked outside, he saw Pearl in her van. "Hop in, I'll give you a lift.", his mother told him. Steven got in the car.

The school day was normal, in Sardonyx's class, they continued their discussion about percentages, and he finished his homework in class. Sardonyx gave him an A for it.

When they got to lunch, Steven saw that Ralph was buying eight lunches.

Now, Ralph has just came back from his in school suspension a week ago, so Steven suspected something. Sardonyx decided to have her lunch in the cafeteria as well, sitting next to Steven.

Her lunch was a beautiful fruit yogurt, with a side of an orange. "Hm, rather quiet today.", Sardonyx said as she began to eat her orange. Steven smiled. Knowing Sardonyx, she's probably going to ask something about America in three, two...

"Hm, these lunchrooms are a little different than in London... there was a window over there, one over there..."

Yup, called it.

Ralph threw a banana at Aquamarine. "Ow! Hey! Why did you do that?!", Aquamarine shouted angrily. "I demand an answer!

Suddenly, Ralph stood up and yelled...


Immediately after he said that, most of the students in that cafeteria started throwing their food all around, aiming at other students. Sardonyx grabbed Steven worriedly and hot under the table with him. "Steven?!? What's happening?!?"

"It's a food fight, we gotta warn Mrs M!"

When they stood, Sardonyx began to run towards the door.

Suddenly, a salad was thrown at Sardonyx's face, and tomatoes all over her.

"W-What I-"

Sardonyx's eyes turned red. She grabbed a convenient megaphone and yelled...


With that, she threw the megaphone on the ground in a fit of anger and practically dragged Steven as she dashed to the office.

On her way, she went to normal. "Steven... I'm sorry if I overreacted. I was just... hoping after that incident earlier, I could escape being brutally embarrassed..."

Steven hugged her. "No, you weren't embarrassed. They were just bullying. It'll be fine... Calm down..."

She giggled a little. "Seems like I might need you to run home to get me a fresh pair of clothes."

"I'm sure Sabina has some for you."

They arrived, Sabina gasped when she saw Sardonyx this dirty. "Oh my... what happened?"

Steven began to wipe some of the tomato off of Sardonyx. "Two words: Food. Fight."

Sabina handed Sardonyx a towel and a fresh change of clothes. "Me and Steven will be right back."

Sabina and Steven walked to the Cafeteria. Sardonyx cleaned herself off with the towel and began to change into the change of clothes.

Sabina flung open the doors.

"Okay, I want answers and I want them now. Which one of you started this?"

Everyone pointed to Ralph. Sabina rolled her eyes. "Ralph, sit outside my office."

"As for the rest of you, I want you all to clean this place up by the time I return. If not, all of you get detention."

Sardonyx just changed into her new clothes when Sabina walked in. She was just getting her shoes tied. Sabina looked outside. "Okay Ralph come in. I found the student responsible for this whole fiasco."

Ralph walks in and sits down.

Sardonyx took a seat next to Steven. "Oh, and... I might have trashed one of the school's megaphones."

Sabina laughed a bit. "Oh, it's okay... now then Ralph."

"Seeing as you came back from in-school suspension, I know thought you would have learned from your punishment. But no, you started a food fight and caused all of that food to go to waste.", Sabina began.

"Right now, you are in serious trouble and will face consequences. I'll be calling your father to pick you up."

Once his father came, he took a seat. "Thank you for coming on short notice... I'm sure you understand what your son did to our cafeteria?", Sardonyx asked. "I heard over the phone. And I have to say that I am not pleased at all."

He focused on Sabina. "Ok. So for punishments, he is to serve a week of after school detention for defacing school property. Also, you are to pay the dry cleaning bill for Sardonyx. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Ralph went to punch Sardonyx, but Sardonyx grabbed his arm. Sabina has to call another staff member to restrain him. "Well, on that note, in addition to your previously mentioned punishment, you are to serve a month of out of school suspension for attempting to injure staff, effective immediately."

As Ralph's father took him to the car, Sabina seemed amazed. "Sardonyx, you've shown improvement since I first met you... I mean don't get me wrong, I loved when we were dating... but now that we're an officially married couple, this is amazing..."

Sabina walked back to the cafeteria. It was spotless. "I'm impressed, this place is much more clean than I last saw it. Good job.", Sabina praises. "Maybe she should fire all the janitors and make you guys clean up the school during recess.", Steven jokes. Everyone laughed. Connie however, slipped on a stray banana peel that they forgot to pick up. When Connie landed, a crack was heard, and she began to cry. Steven worried and went to get the nurse. Sabina stops him. "No, her arm is broken. We need an ambulance. You have permission to go into my office and declare a stay-in-place."

Steven ran back to the office to start the stay-in-place.

The announcement went a little something like this:

"Hello... this is Steven Universe. Principal M has given me permission to declare a stay-in-place. Due to a recent incident in our cafeteria, a student needs medical attention. Teachers, keep your students in the class, and students, stay in your room. If you are currently in the bathroom, stay where you are until the stay in place is over. An ambulance will be called. Thanks for your understanding, and the stay-in-place is in effect."

Less than three and a half minutes later, two people with a stretcher ran to the cafeteria. Good to know medical staff are fast, Steven thought.

As the ambulance left, Sabina was preparing to tell Connie's mother.

(CM: Connie's mother, SA: Sabina)

CM: Hello?
SA: Hello, this is Sabina M of Beach City Junior High. I'm calling to inform you that your daughter, Connie Maheswaran, has fallen and broken her arm.
CM: Oh no, is she okay?
SA: She's fine, they're taking her to the hospital to give her a cast for her arm, and we need you to come down to the school to get her things, then go to the hospital to visit her.
CM: Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible.

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