Christmas Eve

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Sardonyx watched the snow fall outside her bedroom window. The ten year old finished their Christmas list. The list went as follows:
•A new computer
•New DVD Player

The list was short, but then again, she didn't want to be too greedy. Her mother came in to get her list. "Alright, I'm sure Santa can get these.", she said.

Present Day:
7:15 AM
Christmas Eve snow fell, signaling the beginning of Christmas. A certain person is, at this moment, sleeping.

Sardonyx woke up to the smell of eggs. She got dressed and walked downstairs. Sitting at the table, Pearl handed Sardonyx a plate of scrambled eggs and poured her some juice. "Eat up, you have your job. The last day of work.", Pearl said. "Really? Oh no... am I losing my job?!", Sardonyx worried. Pearl chuckled. "No, she means the last day of school of 2011. You'll still have your job.", Steven told her. Sardonyx let out a sigh of relief and ate her breakfast. "Sorry, I'm just unused to the public school system. It's been a while since I went to school with humans when I mutated. Though it's been a month or two since we met, this whole school system you have in America is still a bit difficult to get used to."

2:10 PM
Sardonyx was finishing up her final class. "Okay everybody, happy holidays and a happy new year!", she said as the bell rang. Sabina walked over with a tea set. "Sardonyx, meet me in the cafeteria.", she said.

Sabina was preparing the two of them some tea. "I just want you to know that the students in your class have shown major academic growth.", Sabina praised. The woman waited for the tea to finish. "So, I want to focus this Christmas on bringing London here. I mean focusing on traditions. What kind did you have?"

"Oh, well... our family always ordered pizza at Christmas. Or we just made them."

2:20 PM
When they got to the store, Sabina picked out the supplies, and Sardonyx was browsing some dresses for Christmas. Eventually, she settled on this one:

"Found a dress yet Babe?", Sabina asked as she walked over with the cart

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"Found a dress yet Babe?", Sabina asked as she walked over with the cart. "Yes... it looks beautiful... just like you."

Sabina blushed. "Aw..."

2:25 PM
They arrived home to find Steven playing a game on his Wii, and Amethyst watching him. Pumpkin was currently meowing at Pearl for food. "Okay then, let's get you fed."

Pearl opened the cabinet and got a can of wet food, pouring it into Pumpkin's dish. The cat walked over and began to chow down. Sabina placed the supplies on the counter. "So Sardonyx has a family tradition of ordering pizzas near Christmas time.", she told Pearl. Pearl squealed in excitement. "Amazing! I was actually planning on ordering some pizzas today!", the mother said. Sardonyx's look of happiness changed to that of... even more happiness.

"It's much easier, not to mention faster."

"Why don't you go to your room? There's an early gift in there.", Pearl said as she dialed Dominos.

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