Parent-Teacher-Principal Conference

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The next few weeks were pretty good. Sardonyx's science lessons were... great. There was one incident where she set some gummy bears on fire by accident, and landed the school on the news. Sabina simply laughed it off, and jokingly said "No more gummy bears in class.".

When it came April, Sabina deployed some special students called the Super Prank Stoppers. Or SPS for short, to make sure that no pranks happened, not only for Sardonyx's safety, but for the school's. Luckily, Sardonyx was only hit with one egg, and that was during her lesson on gravity. The entire school, Sardonyx included, laughed it off. May is now here, and on May 9th, Steven had a Parent-Teacher-Principal conference.

Pearl walked in with Steven. "Thank you for coming, take a seat.", Sabina greeted. Steven and Pearl sat down. "So your son is very well behaved, and he has shown very good progress in his studies. So far, Steven has been excelling in Math, English, and Health. Science is just as well, and History is pretty good."

"We knew he would pass. Steven is pretty smart for his age.", Pearl said, readjusting her sock. "Yes, it is very great, now the reason I called you here is I actually have something he has to do."

"See, we usually pick the highest graded student to be our school's news station."

Sardonyx peeked through the door. "Am I supposed to come in yet...?", she asked. Sabina nodded. "Of course, take a seat." Sardonyx took a seat next to Pearl. "Anyways, time for some comments from our science teacher, Sardonyx. You definitely know her."

"Well, I would definitely remember a giant woman who lived in our backyard for almost two weeks." Everyone laughed.

Sardonyx took out a page and read it. "So, Steven has shown very great and role model behavior in class. He's passed most of his tests with flying colors. He's only failed once, but he opted to stay after school to redo it, and he got an A.", she said. "We also saw him preventing bullying among youth, which is simply amazing, right darling?" Steven nodded.

"We also wanted to say that he is our anchor for the Monday student news, starting next week. Steven, why don't you show up this Saturday to practice?"

When he got home, Steven made a video. After a minute, he decided on a gameplay of Twilight Princess. After recording, he edited and uploaded it. "Steven, time for bed.", Pearl said peeking through the door. "But it's a Friday, and it's only 7:30."

"Sabina called. You need to practice arriving early to school to do the news, and that includes a good night's rest."

Steven nodded and went to bed.

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