7th Street Diner

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Sabina and Sardonyx stopped by Steven's house so that Steven could come with them. It was only a ten minute walk from Steven's house to the diner. Sabina saw there were special outdoor reserve only tables. Well... a second try couldn't hurt, right?

Sabina reserved the tables in her phone, and they walked over to them.

"I guess this is kind of our... first date?", the smaller of the two girls asked.

"Well, we did go to that talent show together... that didn't go over well."

"And we tried to get some donuts, but that didn't work either..."

"This is our first ACTUAL date... one that doesn't go wrong."

Steven looked up to see the giantess worrying. "It's okay. I'm sure nothing can go wrong."

Pearl walked over with her notepad to write down their orders. "Oh! Sardonyx, hello, you're here on a day out, I see." Sardonyx smiled. "Yes, and it's been... good."

"Sabina, this your first time?" She nodded.

"Well, hello there Steven, how's your morning been?", Pearl asked her son. Steven chuckled. "Fine. I made a video on my new DS, and it got 50 views in an hour.", Steven excitedly told Pearl. "Well then, I see all of you are his friends, correct?", she asked the trio. They all nodded. "Alright, I'm Pearl, and I'll be your waitress today, can I start you off with some beverages?"

This is what they ordered:
Steven: Dr Pepper, Grilled Cheese + Fries
Sabina: Sprite, Hamburger + Fries
Sardonyx: Water, Garden Salad

As they began to finish their meals, Sardonyx noticed something.
The menu had an extra page. It had flames drawn all over it. The text looked like it was flaming too. It read;

The Egg Challenge: Finish 6 scrambled eggs in thirty minutes and your party eats for free. But, there is a catch. They will be served with hot sauce on them!

"Eh, those eating challenges are a load of garbage. Still, free food sounds good.", Sabina said. Steven saw the look in Sardonyx's eyes.

Pearl walked over with the check. "Oh, uhm, I heard about your Egg Challenge, we'd like to attempt it.", Sabina asked Pearl. "And a side of milk, in case.", Steven requested.

Pearl looked at them unsure. "Nobody's ever completed it before... but okay. One Egg Challenge on it's way... with a side of milk...", Pearl wrote down the order and walked over to the kitchen. At this point, a crowd of elementary schoolers had gathered the three of them. Not because of the 20-foot woman, but because they were about to take on the challenge nobody had ever won.
The Egg Challenge.

In fact, it was so interesting, a local news station had a reporter talk about it.

"I'm here at a local restaurant, the 7th Street Diner, where as we understand, Beach City's uncrackable Egg Challenge is about to commence.", said Ricky Sani, the news reporter. "For those who are unaware, this challenge consists of eating 6 fried eggs covered in hot sauce. They are given free milk, and if they succeed in finishing the entire platter in less than half an hour, their party will eat for free. The challengers are Steven Universe, Sabina M, and Sardonyx Lane. Oh, here comes the eggs.", Ricky continued.

Pearl had a timer. "Okay, you have thirty minutes starting the moment I put down the platter. You can drink a single glass of milk to sooth the hot sauce. But if you do, you lose five minutes. Ready?", she explained. The reporter eagerly watched.

"Go!", Pearl shouted as she put the platter down. Almost immediately, Steven and Sabina worked on the eggs. Sardonyx tried to eat a little. She ate a tiny bit of the egg and her tongue started to feel hot. "Just pretend it's something cold, that's what I try to do.", Sabina recommended. The camera zoomed in on the eggs. "Thirty seconds have passed, and at this rate, it is safe to assume the eggs are not going to be finished.", Ricky joked.

Suddenly, her eyes turned red.

"Sardonyx?!?", Sabina yelled with a sense of panic in her voice. She looked on as Sardonyx looked at the eggs.

Sardonyx grabbed the edge of the table, lifted it, and slid the eggs into her mouth. Immediately, she grabbed all three glasses of milk and poured them down her throat to soothe the pain. "Done.", Sardonyx uttered before collapsing onto the ground. The crowd cheered as she smiled. Her eyes turned normal. Steven poured some milk into her mouth. "That was actually really great.", Sabina said. "I don't mean the eggs, they were kinda hot, but you... you were great."

Pearl walked over. "Congratulations! You have just been the first party to overtake the Egg Challenge! As promised, you will have your entire meal for free! You also will have free food for an entire week!", she exclaimed happily. The crowd cheered. "Proud we are for Sardonyx and her quick thinking! She has been the first person to take The Egg Challenge and succeed!", Ricky exclaimed. "Sardonyx, how does it feel to be the first lucky winner?", he asked the mutation. "Really hot... is there any milk around here?", Sardonyx jokingly replied. The crowd laughed, and so did Steven and Sabina. Sardonyx smiled.

"So back at the diner, when you ate the eggs, your eyes... they just turned red...", Sabina mentioned to Sardonyx on their way home. "Oh? Why, that sounds quite peculiar. What do you mean?", the giantess asked. Sabina looked up to her. "Peculiar? Didn't this happen before?", she asked. Sardonyx thought. "No....", she replied, arriving at Sabina's house, setting her down.

"That was really concerning. You saw anything during that?" Sardonyx shrugged. "No... I just blacked out.", the woman said kneeling down. "This was quite weird... I just need to find out more about this. See you later, darling!", Sardonyx said walking home. Sabina waved as she walked in.

Steven was looking at the calendar excitedly. Tomorrow, it would be his birthday. His special day. Steven saw Sardonyx arrive in his backyard, sitting down and watering her tree. Knowing her, those red eyes probably had something to do with her mutation.


Steven walked outside to Sardonyx, who was knitting herself tomorrow's shirt. "Uh... hey. So about what happened at the diner...", he tried to say before Sardonyx turned away. "I don't want to talk about it." Steven looked at her. Understanding her feelings, he walked inside to play some video games.

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