Sabina Discusses The Backstory

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Steven woke up early. Looking at Sardonyx through his bedroom window, without any words being spoken, he got into his black suit. Peeking out the window, he saw that Sardonyx was just getting into her tuxedo. "Morning!", Steven greeted, waving to her. Sardonyx turned over to him. "Hey...", she responded, still a little sad about her parents dying. "So, the service starts in about an hour, we should head out.", Steven said walking out back. Sardonyx kneeled down, allowing Steven into her front shirt pocket. "Alright... sounds fine."

On the short walk to the funeral, it became apparent to Steven that his friend seemed nervous about this. She did seem quite nervous whenever something happened involving her backstory or parents. Well, Ex-Parents anyways. Still, he seemed a little curious about some details he missed out on in the backstory. "So, I'm sorry if this brings up any bad memories, but what was the walk from the circus to Beach City like?", he asked. Sardonyx didn't respond. Okay, thinking back, he picked a horrible time to asked Sardonyx.

Sardonyx arrived as it began, sitting down at the back of her row. The priest began to read his bible. "Friends. Family. We are gathered here today, in remembrance of June and Frank Lane.", the priest started. Steven held Sardonyx's hand as she wiped tears using her tissues. "They died just as they came into this world, loved by family. On November 2nd, 2011, on an overseas trip from London, they were shot on their plane, by two bandits, Art and Jerry Glover. Their son Jake, who miraculously survived, is pressing charges. He has been moved to a nursing home to recover from his injuries.", he continued. "And now, if anybody who would like to say some last words, please do so." A woman who looked like she was in her mid 60's walked up on stage. Sardonyx whispered to Steven, "That's my Grandmother Paula. She's kind of a nutcase." Paula made her way to the microphone. "I am extremely sad about my daughter's death. Those bandits who killed June will pay!", she said before walking back to her seat. Her cousin Ace walked over to the microphone. He didn't look a day over ten, but he was rather smart. "June and Frank seemed like nice people. I wish I got to know them better.", Ace said. Sardonyx stood up. She walked over to the microphone. The priest detached it from the stand so Sardonyx could hold it better.

"Uhm... hello. I'm Sardonyx. Their... daughter. I'm the reason they got on that plane... to see me. But they can't see me... because of me...", Sardonyx said. She handed the priest the microphone back, walking back to where she sat before. Steven noticed she was beginning to cry. "It's okay.", he whispered. "Don't start thinking you're the cause of them dying. You're not."

After the funeral was over, Steven thought tomorrow would be a good time to ask Sardonyx about her backstory, since right now she seemed pretty sad still. He began to walk back inside after they got home, when a knock was at his front door. He answered it. Connie was there with her chemistry set. "Hey Steven, so I did some research about Sardonyx's backstory.", she greeted. Steven let her inside. They sat at his table and began to eat some of the cookies Amethyst bought. "What do you mean?", Steven asked as he bit into one of the oatmeal raisin cookies. Connie took a sip of her milk. "Well, I did some research about the rock she came in contact with. It was a rare rock named RothaBoldus. It has some radiation in it that would usually kill a human in a matter of seconds. Sardonyx is pretty lucky.", Connie continued.

"Her DNA and chromosomes were changed by the radiation, which is probably what made her grow. I guess that's what caused her body to change like that too, with her arms and stuff.", she explained. Steven began to feel bad for Sardonyx. She was having major problems with her size, and she probably hasn't had a good life since her transformation. Looking at the driveway, he saw Sabina's motorcycle pull up. He went to open the door. "Hey, is Sardonyx ok?", she immediately asked. Steven looked at the backyard. "Yeah, she's fine. She's still a little sad though. You probably could see her. Just don't mention her... you know who."

Sabina walked into the backyard. "Sardonyx, I need to ask a couple things about your uh... backstory. If now's a bad time, you don't have to answer.", she greeted. Sardonyx thought for a moment. "Yes. Go ahead, ask away.", the mutation responded. Checking her paper, Sabina asked her first question. "Did you have any problems getting used to your size?", was the first question. Suddenly, for the first time since her parents passed away, Sardonyx laughed. "Yes... I was rather unused to walking at the height of 20 or so feet... It seemed like the ground was so far away for me...", she answered. Both Sabina and Sardonyx laughed. "I mean, I did keep falling over sometimes, but I got used to it." Sabina flipped to the next question. "What made you decide to move here to Beach City?", she asked. Sardonyx looked at a brochure she had. "Well, at first I didn't know where I would go after the fire... it seemed like I had my life all planned out for me until it happened. But I do know how I got here."

(Flashback time! WHEEEEEE!)

So after the fire, I left for somewhere else, some place I would be accepted in... of course, I didn't know much about America... so I had to keep walking... hidden in the woods... I was wishing I could find somewhere I was welcome... Soon however, I did find something in the woods though... a vacation brochure for Beach City. And if coincidence would have it, I happened to be just ten minutes from it.

Although I knew I wouldn't be welcome, I decided to stay near the coastline... that's where Steven found me. He seemed scared at first... but he got used to me.

Sabina looked up at her girlfriend. "Hm, interesting. Uh... one more question.", she said. "Do you... like being big?"

"Well, it's certainly a unique way to experience the world.", she answered. The two lay down on the lawn. Sabina put her hand on Sardonyx's. The smaller of the two women began to get a little sleepy.

 The smaller of the two women began to get a little sleepy

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"And that's why I love you. You're just so different... it's perfect.", Sabina whispered. "Nobody in the world is going to be like you... And... even if you weren't a giant woman, I would still love you." Sardonyx looked to Sabina, turning her head. "You... mean it?"

Sabina gave Sardonyx a hug. "I mean it."

Sardonyx blushed even more, embracing the hug.

Steven walked outside. "Hey, what's up?", he greeted. The two looked to Steven. "Oh, we were just.. having a conversation, that's all.", Sabina remarked. Sabina walked out of the backyard, but not before giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. "See you soon babe."

Steven walked up to his room and checked the video he published of Sardonyx. "Sard? Bad news.", Steven called. Sardonyx looked at the screen and saw it had been deleted. "What? Why is it gone?", she immediately asked. "Somebody spam reported it. I told Youtube about it, they're working to resolve the issue.", Steven explained. "Good news at least! I heard there's a talent show in two days! It's going to be great! I signed up and I'm going to be doing some magic!", he excitedly said. Sardonyx noticed the magic kit he had in his room. "Oh, so that's why I saw you with that box the other day?", she asked. Steven looked at the box. "Yeah."

That night was peaceful. Sardonyx loved the quiet night sky. It reminded her of when she first met Steven. The thought of seeing him brought a warm smile to her face. Soon after, she fell asleep.

Steven was what made her feel safe.

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