A Hero's Beginnings

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Steven woke up and stretched.

Sardonyx slowly woke up. She yawned and looked through Steven's window. "Good morning Steven. Did you sleep well?", she asked. "Yeah. You alright?"

"Oh, of course. Now, why don't you get ready?"

Their schedule was mostly the same.

Washing: Steven took a shower in his bathroom, as most other people would. Due to Sardonyx's size, she couldn't wash normally. She had to go to the lake that she and Steven swam at and just soak in the water. It was relaxing though.

Clothing: Steven put on a red shirt with a star, and some blue shorts. Sardonyx had no other clothes that fit her due to her size, so she knit herself a shirt that was a different color every day. Today, it was a light blue top. She had even included the straps that were once there, just to see if it would fit.

Sardonyx, secluded deep in the woods where nobody was around, slowly slipped on the tank top, being extra careful with the straps. "Please hold, please hold...", she whispered to herself, wincing as she finished lowering the top onto her chest, slipping her arms through the holes.

RRRIP! The straps on her tank top burst. It was both annoying and relieving for her. Annoying as she had tried for a while to see if she still fit in the straps of her old tops, yet relieved, as it was very tight for her. Still, it was worth a try every time.

Breakfast: Sardonyx and Steven had the same breakfast. Although Steven ate inside, Sardonyx of course ate outside.

Sardonyx fit her hand through the back door when Steven finished eating. "Are you ready to go, darling?" He stepped onto her hand as she brought it out. "Of course. You knit yourself a new shirt?", he asked as she began walking. "Yes. Your mother bought me some more knitting supplies. I think that maybe, I should make a different one for each day of the week." She laughed. Steven joined in her laughter.

They were on their walk to school, watching the scenery. They heard a scream, then a splash, and they looked at the nearby river. A rather fat boy had fallen in. "Oh no! That boy's drowning! Sardonyx, quick get help!", Steven yelled. Sardonyx shook her head standing up. She walked over to the river and carefully fished the boy out. "You should be more careful next time.", she reminded him, with a concerned tone. The boy happily nodded. "Okay miss, thank you!", he thanked, before continuing his walk to school.

"Well, I think that's taken care of, let's get you to school Steven.", Sardonyx told Steven, picking him up and placing him on his shoulder. On their way, they saw a man being cornered by armed robbers. She couldn't bare to see somebody die, so she had to take action. Separating the three, she grabbed the two robbers, then immediately softly tapped the roof of a police car. An officer, who was on break, got out of it to see what the problem was. He looked up to her. "...sweet mother of...! H-how can I help...?"

"I hope I'm didn't disturb your break too much, but... Arrest these two, they were trying to rob this poor innocent man.", Sardonyx asked. "Y-yes, Madam." As the two went to jail, she turned to the would-be-victim. "Are you alright darling?", she asked him. Reaching into his wallet, he said "Of course! Uh.. thanks! You really saved my life back there... here, you need this more than I do.", before handing Sardonyx a hundred dollar bill.

He walked off to tell his family about the amazing person he met, while Steven marveled at her reward. "Woah... Sardonyx?", he said, looking at her amazed. Sardonyx turned to Steven, putting the hundred dollar bill in her pocket. "I think you're starting to change their minds! Maybe could try and see if there are anymore problems around town, I'll see you after school.", Steven told her all in one breath. As he continued his walk to school, they both heard a crash, and they went to investigate. They separated the two cars, removing the drivers to see who they were. One was a man, who was thankfully ok, while the other... "Oh no! Oh-oh stars..."

Sardonyx held Sabina softly in one hand, looking at her face. "Sabina...?", she asked, trying to wake her. "Please... I can't lose you..." She lost control and began to cry, and her tears came down like rain. But, as she did, Sabina woke up to the sound of her crying. Her eyes saw Sardonyx sobbing.

"Sardonyx, it's fine, I'm here..."

Sardonyx gasped and looked over. "You're.... You're okay!", she happily shouted before embracing her softly in a hug. "Oh, I was so worried about you, I could barely even contain my sadness!" Sabina looked up at Sardonyx before hugging her as well. "Sardonyx, you're... you're a hero..." She smiled.

Just then, a two sirens were heard. One for an ambulance of course, but the other for a police car. Sardonyx set Sabina down to let her be examined by the doctor in the ambulance and looked as the officer walked up to her.

"And how may I help you darling?", she asked. "Well, I wanted to thank you for yesterday, and this is just adding on to how valuable you would be to the force. So, we wanted to give your friend this.", the officer said before handing Steven a check. As he drove off, Steven looked to see how much was on the check.

"Sardonyx! We got 50,000 dollars!", he exclaimed happily before hugging Sardonyx. She embraced it for a moment before Steven's watch beeped. "Oh my stars, you're getting late for school, and you wouldn't want that, would you?", Sardonyx reminded him. Steven went off to school as Sardonyx watched.

She kneeled down to Sabina's eye level. "So, what do you say we have a nice walk together?", Sabina suggested, looking into Sardonyx's shimmering eyes. "Well, seeing as I have nothing better to do, of course darling." The two of them set off on their walk, with Sabina talking to Sardonyx about Beach City.

When he got to his homeroom, they were watching the student news. "Good morning Steven, you were nearly late.", his teacher said. "Find your seat, it's about to begin." Steven got to his seat next to Connie, as the news started. "Our top story, a bit of an unusual one."

"A large woman, formerly known as the town's monster, has been helping out this morning. She saved a boy from drowning in Lake Dewey, she prevented two armed robbers from attacking a man, and she saved two people from a car crash, including the principal of Beach City Junior High, which- wait a minute. That's our principal!"

The entire school, as if all at the same time, gasped.

"I'm here with some witnesses of her heroic acts today, including this little man here, the victim of the robbery. So sir, anything to tell our audience?", the reporter asked. "Well, everybody's been calling her a monster, and that isn't true about her at all. She's just different looking, she isn't a different person from the rest of us.", a man said, pointing up to Sardonyx. Sardonyx kneeled down so the camera could see her better.

"Yes, I mean no harm to humans... after all, I am indeed a human... like all of you. I have feelings, and I used to look like a human.", Sardonyx explained. She sighed. "But due to reasons I'd rather not share on the air, I became this.", she said, smiling. An announcement came on.

"Steven Universe, please come to the front office, you have a visitor.", the vice principal said. Steven immediately got to the office to find his aunt standing there.

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