Sardonyx's Powers

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Sardonyx woke up and got ready for her first day of her new job. There was a note attached a a blue dress. It said,

I bought you a new dress and some new shoes to start. We'll go clothes shopping after we get home.

After changing into her dress, and getting into the shoes, she got downstairs, she saw Sabina preparing her coffee, and Steven watching one of the seven DVDs of Spongebob Squarepants that Sabina owned. Currently, he was watching the episode when Spongebob and Patrick take care of the baby scallop.

Sardonyx sat down at the table and poured herself a small bowl of Apple Jacks, and a glass of orange juice. "Did you tell him yet?", Sardonyx asked Sabina as she took a seat. "Oh, not yet.... Steven?", Sabina called out. Steven paused the episode and walked over, with a little milk mustache. "Yeah?"

"So, good news. Sardonyx is going to be our new math teacher.", Sabina explained. "Thanks for coming for a little breakfast. It's the least I could do Steven.", the mutant added. Steven nodded. "Not a problem at all. I've been trying to spent time with you now that you're smaller." Sardonyx blushed. "Aw, you little charmer!", she complimented as they finished their breakfast. Steven checked his watch. "Oh, it's about 7:40, we should get going.", Sardonyx noted. The three of them got into Sabina's station wagon.

The ride was rather short, it was only a ten minute drive. Sardonyx opted to sit in the back, so Steven could explain a few things.

Here is how it went:
Note: (SA: Sard, ST: Steven)
SA: So, I'm really nervous, but I'm looking forward to this...
ST: Yeah, a few things to know. First, you look good.
SA: (blushing) Oh, thanks...
ST: But seriously, first thing, know that you're probably going to get a few weird looks. I mean, you-
SA: Yeah, I expected as much....
ST: Second, do you know math?
SA: Of course... lots in fact...
ST: Alright, see you second period.

They arrived to school and Sabina made an announcement.

"Good morning students, today is December 4th, 2011. We have a new math teacher. Please welcome in room 105, Mrs. Sardonyx Lane. She looks different than most of you, so I will not tolerate any bullying of any kind to her. If you even make one small tease about her, you will immediately be sent to my office for after school detention. Other than that, lunch today will be a choice of whole grain peanut butter sandwiches and lettuce with orange juice, or hot dogs and fries with apple juice. We wish our baseball team the best of luck in tonight's game. If you wish to see them go against the South Bohan Bats, please notify me before Period 6. Have a good day."

After period 1, which was homeroom, Steven went to room 105 for his math class.

He went to his desk and got out his notebook. Steven then looked to see the four armed woman waiting for her class. Once they all arrived, Sardonyx walked to the chalkboard and wrote "Mrs. Lane" on it.

"Good morning class, I'm Mrs. Lane, your new math teacher. I'd like to start with a small quiz, just to see what you know.", she greeted the class. Sardonyx walked down the two rows of the class, using her four arms to hand out the tests. "Don't begin until I say to.", she reminded them. Everybody was mesmerized by her amazing form. Sardonyx then sat at her seat. "Okay, you all have fifteen minutes to finish your tests, starting... now."

Everybody began to do the math on their sheets. Most of the class had no problem, and they all finished in under seven minutes. Sardonyx collected the papers. "Okay, I'll take a few minutes to grade these. Until then, you may quietly talk among yourselves.", she told them as she began to grade the papers. Steven doodles on his papers, drawing Sardonyx fighting a monster. Sardonyx noticed and calmly walked over.

"Steven, your artistic skill is remarkable...", she said as she watched him finish. The boy finished up the details and looked up at her. "Thanks...." Sardonyx smiled. "But... I don't think you should be drawing in class... still, great drawing.", the woman told him as she walked back to her desk.

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