A Proper Date

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As soon as she heard Sabina's name, Sardonyx began to worry. When she came into the backyard, Sabina immediately walked over to Sardonyx. "H-Hello...", the giantess nervously greeted.. "Hello, it's me... I saw you run off, are you OK?", she asked. Sardonyx was too nervous to admit she loved Sabina. At least right now. "Uhm... I'm okay, just had to... water my garden." Sabina noticed her blush. "Aw, you're blushing..."

"What?" She looked in her hand mirror and noticed her blush. "N-No! I'm just hot from the sun!", Sardonyx lied, nervously chuckling. before Sabina checked her smartphone. "It's 59 degrees out, how can you blush from hot weather?", she asked. After some sweating, Sardonyx admitted.

"Okay, I have a crush on you, I was too nervous to admit it, I thought you wouldn't either."

Sabina giggled. "That's why you ran off? Don't worry-"

"I've always been a failure in the love world, and this just proves it..."

She fell to her knees, bursting into tears. "Aw...", Steven uttered from the balcony. Sabina pulled some tissues out, wiping some tears from Sardonyx's eyes. "Hey, don't cry, it's okay! We're both on even ground here! I'm just as nervous as you are..."

The giantess looked down at the human in front of her. "...what do you mean?"

"I know this sounds weird, but I kinda love you too... like love at first sight...", Sabina whispered to her, attempting to cheer Sardonyx up. She looked at Sabina, turning her head. "Surely you're joking?", Sardonyx asked. Sabina smiles, hugging Sardonyx.

"I mean it."

The two shared a small hug, before Sabina got a text. "Oh, that's my lunch reservation, it's in a couple minutes. Wait... wanna come with me? It could be like our little first date...", she asked, looking up at the giantess. Sardonyx blushed. "Of course! We should, it's a great idea! Come on, let's go, let's go!", the woman said, letting Sabina onto her hand. "Pretty excited, I see."

"Yes, I've never been on a date before... so if I mess up, please don't get angry..."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. You know... I thought your size could only be possible in a science fiction movie... but now that I met you... anything's possible."

They arrived at the Big Donut. It had special outdoor reserve-only tables. "Welcome, do you have a re...". the boy at the reception looked up and was surprised to see a woman at 20 feet tall with four arms and eyes. "Yes, I have a reservation. Is it fine if she comes with me? She's a little different than most, but she's still-", was all Sabina was able to utter. "No, absolutely not, I am not serving this monster, go away, or at least don't let her near, either way...", he rudely announced. Steven was following behind on his bike when he noticed this happen."Stop! She's friendly!", Steven shouted as he arrived. "Hello there sir, just a moment. I was just getting this couple a seat, right this wa-", he tried to say before Sardonyx grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"Don't act like you were just insulting me and my new girlfriend. If you go around making fun of me again, I will hunt you down and have a very stern talk with you.", the giantess grunted. The man gulped. Steven was speechless. Sabina was astonished. "Wait, let him go, it's okay!", she said before Steven looked up at Sardonyx. "What's go-", he said before Sabina pointed to the receptionist. "Ask her.", she said. They all looked at him, arms crossed. "Uh... so I kinda called her a monster...", the man uttered, before a siren was heard.

Then stepped out Officer Brady.

"Hello, what's the problem here?", he asked to Sardonyx. "Sir, she's not who you think she is. She is my new girlfriend.", Sabina said, holding her hand. Steven held another hand. "And she's innocent. That man right there just denied her entrance, just because of her look.", he continued, pointing to the man at the reception counter.

Officer Brady looked at him. "Is this true?", he asked him. The rather fat man gulped saying "Yeah but she deserves it!". Sabina points to the security camera.

"If the footage on that camera doesn't prove my point, then I must be dreaming!", she suggested. "Hm. I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

So they checked the footage, and it showed what happened previously. Along with that, it showed that he was the one who vandalized a brick wall if looked at from another angle. Officer Brady put handcuffs on him. "Brad,", Brady scolded, reading his nametag. "I am detaining you for the crimes of vandalism and discrimination. You have the right to shut your fat mouth.", he said as he shoved him into the police car. "Now GET IN THE CAAAR!", he screamed, before driving off.

Sardonyx felt hurt, really hurt. Looking at the ground, she felt like it was her fault.

"There there... it's okay. You didn't do anything."

Sardonyx hugged Sabina. The two shared a hug for what felt like minutes. "Come on, let's get you home.", Sabina said. The two of them took Sardonyx home.

Before Sabina left the backyard, she looked at how miserable the giantess felt. "Hey... Before I go...", Sabina whispered, before she gave Sardonyx a small kiss on the forehead. The woman blushed, rubbing her arm. "Thank you.", Sardonyx sputtered out. "Maybe we can have another date sometime? One that doesn't turn into a fight?", she asked. "Yeah, soon. See you later babe. Oh, never got your name, what was it?"

"Sardonyx. I'm Steven's transport sometimes."

"That's what he meant... okay, maybe we could meet up again sometime soon. Well, gotta get back to the school. If you see Steven, tell him he can have the rest of today off, since it's an early release day for open house.

As Steven got ready for bed, he looked at Sardonyx out the window. Her tree was beginning to look like a regular tree. Amethyst walked in, wrapped in a towel. "Dude, I just talked to Sardonyx. She might need a sleeping buddy.", she said, drying her hair. Steven walked outside with his sleeping bag.

Laying down next to the giantess, he asked her, "Is this about what happened?". Sardonyx smiled. "No, I just needed a good friend to sleep with... see, I'm worried I might have another nightmare... and besides, you're just so pleasant to be around. Just like I was..."

"You were like me once? What do you mean?"

She gasped, realizing what she had just said.

Oh no! I can't tell him that!

She sat down, looking at the sunset, with tears in her eyes.

Steven looked up at her. "W-Was it something I said?", Steven asked. Sardonyx's eyes moved to his as she let out a sigh. "No. It's just... I need to tell you my backstory. I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you might get too scared. But I knew that I needed to tell somebody I can trust."

"You have a backstory?"

She nodded. "I do... But I feel like you might not want to be friends with me after I tell you."

"Sardonyx, of course I would want to be your friend. That's what friends are for. To help."

"...you're surely joking?", the 20 foot tall woman asked Steven. "No, of course I'm not joking."

"Thanks Steven. Hm, how to begin..."

"Why don't you start from where you came from?"

"But I came from London."

Steven giggled a little. "No, I mean what life was like in London."

"Sounds easy enough. Okay... so it all began..."

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