Sardonyx's Transformation

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"Oh no...", she thought as she saw the glowing hand. "If I stay perfectly calm, I'll stay just the way I am... I think. Okay, first to cover this hand." She opened the first aid kit. "Just what I was looking for. Now, let's see..."

Sardonyx quickly wrapped her hand in bandages. "Okay, if Sabie or Steven asks, I burned my hand on the hot water."

"Sard! Cookies are cooled off!", Sabina called.

I hope this works, she whispered to herself as she walked downstairs.

"Woah, what happened to your hand?", Steven immediately asked. "Oh, don't worry darling. I just burned my hand on some hot water. I just wrapped it in some bandages since I didn't really know what to do."

Sabina came over. "Sorry to hear that. You want me to bring you a first aid kit so we can treat it properly?", she asked. "Erm... I suppose so."

Sabina came back with the first aid kit. "Alright, first I need to just remove these bandages so I can look at the burn properly."

She unwrapped the bandages carefully.


Your arm... it's glowing... The past-giantess backed away. "I don't know... it just started when I washed my hands...."

"Wait... this all adds up... your eyes were red, your strength increased... now this... so that means there's still some radioactive material in your body!", Steven realized. Sardonyx gasped. "Oh no... why didn't I realize this earlier..."

Sardonyx got an emergency alert on her phone. She read it. "Oh no... guys, there's a meteorite heading towards Earth...."

Sardonyx was completely shocked.

"It's said to impact us in about three hours... the warning said to-" Sardonyx screamed in pain, interrupting Sabina. Her whole body was glowing this time, and she had gained four eyes.

"Sardonyx! Y-Your eyes! T-"

Arms spouted out of her sides in a truely horrifying fashion.

Sardonyx backed away from the two. "S-Stay back! I'm not controlling this-", was all she was able to utter before she screamed in pain once more, and her eyes became a dark red tint. Sardonyx looked in the nearby mirror. "Oh no-"

Sabina approached her. But she wasn't able to say anything before Sardonyx's skin turned red. "Sardonyx... calm down... it's gonna be okay..."

Sardonyx began to cry. Steven joined in the group hug. "It'll be okay, Sard... We'll get through this."

Sabina looked at her phone. She had received another alert.

"This whole thing was a false alarm... just some guy who accidentally hit the wrong button."

Sardonyx calmed down, and yawned. "Oh... am I the only one thats tired?", she asked. Sabina walked upstairs. "Nah, I think we're all tired, come on, babe."

Sabina helped Sardonyx to their room.

Due to her suddenly shrinking like that, they would need to get her some new clothing, and Connie would edit them to suit her arms.

She wrapped herself in the blanket, laying down. It felt so good to be in a human sized bed, to wrap yourself in blankets soft as silk, it was a feeling she missed. "Sabie... wait, can I call you Sabie?", Sardonyx asked as Sabina brushed her hair. "Yeah, that's fine." Sabina lay down on the other half of the bed, getting under the blankets. "Anyways, you were saying?"

"...did you like me better when I was... bigger?"

Sabina looked at her. "No, no, don't say that... I like you the same anyway you are. Bigger, three times my height... smaller, the same height as me... they're both great."

"But... if I really had to choose..." The pink haired woman looked at her wife, who had a tear in her eye as she awaited an answer. "...oh, never mind, I can't choose. We'll look into getting you a job tomorrow, good night hon." She turned out the light.

Sardonyx sighed. "Good night..."

Time: 1:00 AM

Suddenly, Sabina's phone rang. She checked the ID. It was her secretary. She answered. "...Hello?", she whispered, rubbing her eyes.

"Hi, sorry to call at this hour, but one of the math teachers quit. We need a replacement."

Sardonyx woke to Sabina's frustrated noises. "Hm?"

"Oh, sorry. It's just that one of our math teachers quit all of a sudden.", Sabina explained. "Hey, didn't you say you had a major in mathematics?"

"Sure I do. I still can't believe they let me in at 15 years."

Sabina went back to her call. "Now, I have a couple of available candidates for a new math teacher...", her secretary began.

"Actually, I know somebody who could replace her."

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