Anger Management

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Sardonyx went into the woods like Sabina said to. While she waited, the mutation sat under the shade of a fine oak tree. The mid-autumn wind was relaxing. As she watched the birds in their nest, Sabina arrived. "So, you ready babe?", Sabina asked looking up to her girlfriend. Sardonyx nodded. "So, this rage recently, is it from your transformation?", Sabina began. Sardonyx looked over at her. "No... I don't think... this only happened recently..." Sabina looked in her bag. "What we need is to find a way for you to relieve your stress. First we need to find out source of it. I'm going to ask you some questions. Be sure to answer truthfully.", she said pulling out a clipboard. Sardonyx nodded.

Sabina: Okay, first question... on a scale of one to ten, how angry were you to see Ronaldo bullying Steven?
Sardonyx: Ten. He's my friend! Ronaldo has no right to bully him! It's horrible!
Sabina: Alright, so you hate bullying, I guess?
Sardonyx: Yes. Very much. The thought of an innocent person, especially a child, being mocked because of a certain characteristic... their looks, personality, it's horrible!
Sabina: I see.
(The two looked at each other like they had the same idea)
Sabina: Maybe if we reinforce...
Sabina/Sardonyx: ...The school's no-bullying rule- Oh my god!
Sabina: We just had the same idea!
Sardonyx: Yeah! It.'s amazing!
Sabina: Anyways, back to business... were you ever angry when you were smaller?
Sardonyx: Sort of. Sometimes, I would disagree with my friends... some of the kids at school often did this thing when they taped a pencil to the back of my chair. It wasn't bullying technically, but it got annoying.
Sabina: Sardonyx. If you were getting annoyed, then it's not bullying. Bullying is supposed to lower a person's self-esteem or confidence.
Sardonyx: Yeah... thinking back, I never got bullied back in London... it only ever started when I moved here to America.
Sabina: Okay, last question... what gets you the angriest?
Sardonyx: I'd have to say either somebody hurting you or Steven, or being isolated from society.
Sabina: Interesting... so you're angry they think you're different?
Sardonyx: Yeah.

Sabina put her notepad in her bag. "Okay, I want you to just let your anger out. Punch that tree as hard as you can.", Sabina motivated. Sardonyx looked at it. She was remembering the tree she had near the water. The tree that Steven met her at.

The last remaining memory she had of her parents.

Sardonyx noticed that another tree had spray paint on it. Spray paint that looked like Ronaldo's handwriting. It read "Steven Is A Loser". Sardonyx had enough of Ronaldo. Without any warning... she ripped the tree out of the ground and threw it into the lake. A knee-high flood was caused by it. Sabina looked up at her girlfriend. "Sardonyx..."

Sardonyx looked back at the pink-haired woman. "I'm sorry! I didn't want my anger to go that far!" Sabina hugged her. "No, that's the point of anger management... to let your anger out...", she calmed. "Just... peacefully I mean."

Sardonyx sat down and embraced the hug. "Oh, I just remembered, I have these coupons for the 7th Street Diner. Sound good?", Sabina asked, pulling out the coupons. Sardonyx allowed Sabina onto her shoulder. "Of course! Sounds perfect!" The two made their way to 7th Street.

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