Sardonyx's Nightmare

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They arrived at Sardonyx's tree about four minutes later. It was six for Steven when he first met her, but due to Sardonyx's size, she got there in four. "Well, you just get yourself all set up..." She yawned as she set Steven down onto the grass, laying down. "I think I'll turn in early..."

Steven was just finishing up with setting up his sleeping bag near Sardonyx's tree when he yawned. As he fell asleep, he noticed Sardonyx was having a nightmare. He moved closer to her, to attempt and make out what was going on in the nightmare, just by her movements.

Sardonyx couldn't believe her eyes. Whatever was happening to her was extremely painful. Her body slowly and painfully turned into a freakish monster that looked inhuman. Eight arms, ten eyes, she was growing at a rapid pace, and when she saw Steven approach with a alien-like ray gun, she tried to run, but her body felt so stiff she was unable to move. He prepared to fire and...

Sardonyx shot up on the grass, gasping. She looked around and noticed she was normal. Well, normal as being a giantess got. She wanted to check in her mirror to make sure. The 20-foot-woman looked in the mirror that was resting against a rock. She looked at her form, paying close attention to the amount of arms and eyes. Four arms. Four eyes.

"Are you okay?!? I saw you having a nightmare, are you alright?!?" Steven said, running over to her. Sardonyx started to cry. "Oh, you're okay! I'm sorry I turned into that monster, I didn't have any control!", she cried. As Steven looked up at Sardonyx, he realized what had happened in her nightmare. "Sardonyx... It's okay. You didn't turn into a monster. You were having a nightmare. We all have nightmares sometimes.", he said, reassuring her. He lay down aside her. "If it makes you feel better, I'll stay by your side tonight.", Steven told her. Sardonyx, still shedding a couple tears, smiled a little, and lay down under the blanket. As she smiled, they slowly fell asleep.

The two woke up to the morning birds tweeting. As they yawned, Sardonyx prepared them some toast for breakfast. Unfortunately, her toaster was broken in the recent windstorm, and it wouldn't toast toast. Or, toast bread, it doesn't make toast from toast, that's be ridiculous. "Well, I knew this toaster wouldn't last long. I mean, I did find it in a dumpster, makes sense.", Sardonyx uttered, before tossing it back in her tree. She continued. "Oh, never mind that, usually I skip breakfast anyways.". Steven thought for a moment. Then he got an idea. "I had an idea. So I heard of this place called the 7th Street Diner. My mother got a job there, you know her, right?", he asked. "I was thinking we could grab some breakfast there. They have pretty good pancakes from what I heard."

Sardonyx had a smile across her face. "Oh! I remember going there! I went there all the time!"

Steven smirked. "Okay, I never went there before... but that doesn't matter. Come on! Let's go!" She exclaimed happily, practically snatching Steven up and heading to the diner. Little did they know that some sparks from the toaster spread inside the tree to a broken strand of Christmas lights, causing a little flame to spread.

And this flame, changed Sardonyx's life forever.

And you are about to see why.

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