The Talent Show

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Although we try to turn life in our direction, we can never truly. It is simply a big game of roulette. Your favorite sandwich at a restaurant could be there one minute and gone another. And for Sardonyx, she'll learn that fate, just like life, is hard to control.

When the annual Beach City Talent Show-Off was around, Steven thought he would do some magic for it. He was good at it.

When it was the day of the Talent Show-Off, he walked outside to Sardonyx's spot. "So, today's the day. You ready?", he asked immediately.

She wasn't there. "Hello?", he called.

Sardonyx emerged from the woods, wearing a bright red top with a star on it. "Wow, you took a page from my fashion, I guess?", Steven asked. Sardonyx giggled. "I suppose."

"I take it that you're ready to go?" She nodded, allowing him into her front pocket. "Oh, is it... fine if I bring Sabina? She said she wanted to watch." Steven smiled. "Of course!"

Sardonyx kneeled down in front of Sabina as she walked out. "Looks like we have somebody from Hogwarts with us.", Sabina joked as she hopped into Sardonyx's other shirt pocket. "Yeah, I was practicing for a while. I'm pretty excited...", the boy said, amazed by the view. "I bet you're nervous, right darling?", Sardonyx asked him. Steven rolled his eyes. "Well, yeah." Sabina looked over at her girlfriend and saw she looked nervous too. All of them seemed that way. Steven was nervous about going on stage, Sardonyx was nervous about what the public would think of her after that whole vandalism incident, and Sabina was nervous that Sardonyx might be made fun of. She looked over and saw they arrived at the stage.

Sardonyx set the two down. Steven walked backstage to prepare, and Sabina got their seats. Thankfully, it was in the back row, so it wouldn't be uncomfortable for... you know who. "Oh my goodness, it's packed!", Sardonyx said, amazed by how many people showed up. "It's probably mostly school field trips.", Sabina joked again. "This your first talent show?", she asked. Sardonyx looked at the pink-haired woman. "Erm... yes.", she admitted. "What's it like?" Sabina chuckled. "Well, people enter, they show off their talents, and whoever is the best wins.", she told her. "Looks like Steven is up against some stiff competition, Ronaldo's entering. He's won 3 consecutive times." Sardonyx looked around, trying to find him. "Where? I don't see-", Sardonyx asked. Sabina pointed to him. He was backstage, preparing his Napoleon Dynamite style dances. "That's Ronaldo. Better not mess with him, he's kinda... mean.", Sabina said, answering quite quickly. The curtains opened, showing Amethyst on stage. This year, she was hosting the talent show.

"Heya, I'm Amethyst Universe, and welcome to the Beach City Show-Off!", she started. The crowd cheered. "I know, pretty big deal. We have for you a lineup of fourteen acts, of all ages. At the end of the show, the winner shall receive a a cash prize of 5,000 dollars, and a gold trophy.", Amethyst continued. The crowd had an uproar of cheering once again. "Yup. 5,000 solid greenbacks. So without further ado, let me introduce the judges! First, our very own Mr. Smiley!", Amethyst introduced as Mr. Smiley walked to the judges table. "Next, the principal of the recently vandalized Beach City Junior High..." Sabina noticed Sardonyx shed a tear when Amethyst said this. She seemed a little unsure of her form's capabilities after the incident. Sure, she was confident about her size, but Sardonyx was worried she might accidentally hurt somebody she cared about... or worse...

"Sabina M!", Amethyst said. The crowd cheered her on as Sabina walked to the judge's table. "I know I'm supposed to be the second judge, but she seems like the nicer role. And last, but certainly not least, little Sapphire Universe.", Amethyst introduced. "Aww"s were heard from the crowd as Sapphire, Steven's cousin, who was rather smart for an 8 year old,  walked to her seat. Garnet watched in the back with her other child Ruby. "Why can't I be a judge?", Ruby asked her mother. "Sapphire is on her school's highest honor roll. Once you make it, you'll be a judge.", Garnet replied, not taking her eyes off of Sapphire.

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