A Day With The Monster (Part 2)

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"Okay, I got the donuts!" Steven said as he came back. Sardonyx reached into the hollowed-out tree and pulled out a picnic blanket. As she placed down the blanket, she took a seat. Even sitting, Steven was still amazed by her size. "Steven, they accidentally gave us 13!", Sardonyx remarked before laughing. Steven couldn't help but laugh. "You know... we're different, but so alike."

"W-What do you mean?"

"Well, definitely not on the outside. I mean, you're small, I'm big, you can go through doors and I can... barely fit into your house... my point is... although we're different on the outside... we're the same on the inside... we're both the same... I just don't know why."

"That was really thought out, Sardonyx. You could write a novel about that." This caused the two to laugh.

Steven took a bite out of one of his donuts. He noticed Sardonyx was taking one of her plain donuts, and with two other arms, spreading some strawberry jam on it, then sprinkling some rainbow sprinkles. It looked tempting for him to take a bite. "Woah.. You're, like... taking the flavorless and... adding flavor..." was all Steven could say. He was that amazed. The 20-foot-ish creature looked at him. "Oh, it's just something I do. Sometimes, at least. I would do it for other but, well... for obvious reasons, I don't get many guests." Steven understood. "Where are you from?", he asked. "...London."

"Wow, it must've been great!"

She blushed a little. "Oh, you little charmer..."

They finished the donuts rather quickly, then a thought came to Steven's mind.

"Yeah... uh.. I know a place you'd really like. I mean, WE'D like, I'm not doing this just for- y-you know what I mean." The boy said. Sardonyx couldn't help but giggle. "Of course I understand, you're my... er... my..."

He looked up at her. "Friend?", Steven asked.

Sardonyx stood up, looking at him. "Sorry, I just... haven't said or heard that word in so long...", the girl told Steven. "I don't get many visitors after what hap-." She covered her mouth.

"...after what...?"

She quickly smiled. "Oh, never mind that.", she continued, kneeling down. "Go on, why don't you take a seat? You seem puckered out from all that walking.", Sardonyx added, placing her hand down. In a split second, Steven hopped up onto her hand. The hand was brought up to her shoulder. Steven took a seat on there. "Woah... I know this sounds weird but... your shoulder is really comfy...", he said. Sardonyx turned her head to him. "Oh, thanks! So, what exactly was it you had in mind?", she asked. She began to walk. Steven looked up to her. "Well, there's a lake in the forest, I figured we could go there."

She giggled a bit. "But I don't have a swimsuit. And none fit me anyways, so two options: One, go in fully clothed, or two...", she sarcastically remarked. "Well it probably won't matter, there won't be anybody there."

And he was right, for there was nobody else but him and his new giantess friend. The afternoon sky made it perfect for Steven to take Sardonyx to a nearby lake. "Trust me, you'll love it here! Just gotta find a good spot... over there looks good." Steven said, pointing to a wide open spot. They arrived and setup their beach umbrella. Of course, Sardonyx got shade from a convenient oak tree. Steven immediately did a cannonball into the water. "Banzai!" He exclaimed before he splashed.

When he resurfaced, he looked at Sardonyx, who was removing some of the normal-sized things she had in her giant pockets so they didn't get wet. "Come I'm in, the water's perfect! You aren't scared, are ya?", he asked, starting to giggle. Sardonyx walked into the woods. "Hey, come back! I was joking! What are you gonna do, jump into a puddle?", Steven laughed. Suddenly, from the woods, Sardonyx leapt up from the woods, causing her shadow to cover the entire lake. When Steven looked, up, he saw the giantess leaping into a cannonball position.


She landed in the water, causing a mini tsunami that caused a few trees to be knocked over.

Steven stood up, after being launched onto the land. Sardonyx noticed him laughing. She laughed too. "Oh! Sorry, darling, I'm just... so excited to be with you... see, last night was so amazing, all those stars..."

"Yeah... and you were so cool!"

Sardonyx blushed, still surprised and amazed by how powerful the waves were. She stood up, and her eyes were focused on him. Even when standing in the water, it only reached her waist. Although Steven said he was ok, Sardonyx still examined him for injuries. Luckily, there were none. Steven looked up at her.

"Sardonyx, that was amazing."

After swimming for a few minutes, the two dried off. Sardonyx lightly blew on Steven to dry him faster, and Steven had to bring several towels to even get Sardonyx close to dry. "Oh, I'll just let Mr Sun do the rest, thanks for the fun, darling."

She turned to head back home. "I guess I'll see you again later, unless you have some other surprise planned."

"Well, I actually do. While we were swimming, I got an idea. I should introduce you to my other friend, her name is Amethyst, and she's a really nice person! I think you two would work well together!", Steven suggested. For a couple seconds, Sardonyx was thinking. "Actually, that sounds really great! Okay then, lead the way!", she exclaimed.

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