The Convention

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Nothing out of the ordinary happened the next day, but the day after that was the convention.

They arrived, and almost immediately, Sardonyx noticed a banner above the entry that read Welcome Sardonyx. "Wow... they care about me this much..."

After they arrived, Sardonyx took a seat at her part of the convention and waited. "Steven, this is amazing... I can't believe that in just a few moments I'll be in front of all these people! I just get so nervous, but I'm still excited!"

Steven held her hand. "I'm happy for you too. Don't be nervous either, just keep calm."

The convention officially started. "Um... hi everyone, welcome... I'm Sardonyx... and I'm really glad to be here... you may wonder, why this room has such an awfully high roof. And that is because..." Sardonyx made herself 20 feet tall, her original height. "I now have control over my size."

"Now then, You may remember the incident two days ago when a student of Beach City Junior High decided to cause massive issues... and during that, I incidentally discovered I have if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

Some of the questions were "Does this mean you'll protect our town?" and "Do you plan on telling us your backstory?" Of course, this was because most of them were news agents.

After about an hour of answering questions, Sardonyx shrunk back to 6 feet. "Thanks everyone! I need to go, see you!", she said as she left with Steven and Sabina.

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