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I take the bread and put it inside the basket. I'm so sleepy. I just hope to layed on my bed. And also, I have to admit it. I'm scared to went out because...we're mafia. Our life is always in danger.

"If my turn happened again, I will run."

I went to cashier and pay it.
"Thank you. Come again." he said. I bowed and open the door but....

"Ouch!!!" I rubbed my nose. My face hit someone chest and that's mean...it a guy. I lifted my gaze and saw a guy with mask and sunglasses.
"I'm sorry!!"
"It okay. It my fault." he said. I walked out and sigh in relief. Thank god that guy didn't mad.


I shake my head. I'm too focus on my phone until I didn't realised that girl infront of me. She used balck mask also and hoodie. Her eyes is brown. I admit it. Even just by looking at her eyes but it beautiful. Her hair is blonde.

Nah, it just a girl. I can find anyone. Just snapped my finger. But...I'm mafia and I have to find a right girl. It not easy.

I grab a soda and snacks that my member want. Well, they asked me to buy for them. Such a lazy ass they are.


I knock the door and heard Mr Bang voice. I come in and saw all the member already there. I put down the food and sit beside Taehyung.

"So. Everyone is here?" Mr Bang asked. We all nods.
"Great. I call you guys to tell you something."said Mr Bang. We all hoping for something.
"We have top missions." said Mr Bang. By that, we all yelled happily.
"Nothing better than missions." said Hoseok.

Mr Bang just keep in serious face. Weird. Usually, he will laughed. Why today he so serious?
"Calm down. It not a normal missions." said Mr Bang. We all frowned in curious.
"What you mean it not a normal mission?" Namjoon asked.
"You guys have to take something precious. It Diamond. It not a normal diamond." said Mr Bang. Diamond? We can buy it.
"What so special about it?" Jungkook asked. Mr Bang sigh heavily. He give the file to us. Namjoon take it and open it.
"There is 5 diamond. The one who can take all of it...they will become the most powerful. " said Mr Bang.

All of us exchange look.
"So it mean...not only us find this diamond?" Mr Bang smirked.

Rose POV

"Yup. Not only you guys find it. There will be a lot of mafia around the world will race for it." said YG.
"So...it a race?" Jennie asked. YG smirked and leaned his back on his chair.
"Race...until death." said YG.

We all exchange look. This mission is...dangerous. We race for this 5 diamonds and then..we become the most powerful. What is hard here is, all mafia find it.
"But...we are the most popular mafia right? I'm sure we will get the diamonds in easy way." said Lisa. YG chuckles.
"Not so easy, Lisa. I got informed that there is one mafia group that same level with you all." said YG.

Same level with us? Who? Well, of course we didn't know. We just trapped in our house, eat and sleep. Or training.
"Who?" Jennie asked.
"I forgot their group name but they are boys. People call them 7 devils." said YG. Wow. Nice name.
"Don't worried. We can handle them."
"Great. Go find that 5 diamonds before someone took it." sais YG. We nods.


I punched the punching bag non-stop. Lisa and Jennie training as they fight each other while Jisoo build her body. We all thinking about the new mission. It sounds like a race to me. Race for the diamonds.

"Do you guys think we can handle this mission? Because..you know. Not only us find this diamonds." I heard Jennie scoffed as she dodge Lisa punch.
"Don't worried. We are the top mafia. " said Jennie. She grab Lisa hand and twisted it.
"OWWW!!!! UNNIE IT HURT!!!" yelling Lisa in pain.
"Jen, let her go. Anyway, the thing we must worried is...the mafia group that Papa YG said to us just now." said Jisoo. She stop push up and sit.
"Yeahh, I wondered who are they." said Lisa.
"They must be out there. It just..we don't know. " said Jennie.

I punched and punched and...


The punching bag fall on the ground. Was my punches too strong for the punching bag to break? The girls look at me with shocked.
"Wow, Rose. What you think about until the chained of that punching bag can broke by your punch?" Lisa asked.
"Nothing. Maybe I'm too much training." I shrugged my shoulder.

They just laughed. Well, I always punch this punching bag before I trained fighting. So, it maybe already fragile. Is it fragile the right word? I don't know.


I dry my hair with my towel. I just about to sit on my bed but-
"ROSE!! COME DOWN HERE!!" yelled Jennie. I groaned and went out. I just about to rest. I went downstair and saw they all in living room.
"What's wrong?"
"There is party for all mafia in Korean, Seoul." said Lisa. Party? We never being invited before.
"Party? What party?" I sit beside Jisoo.
"It just come like that. Here." Lisa give it to me.


We invite you to come to Mafia party.

Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: *******

Remember, it formal party. We asked all the audiences to use mask. Hope you all can attend.

Thank you.

What weird this party? Plus, if we have party, Papa YG will tell us. I give the card to Jisoo.
"But..don't you guys think it weird? "
"Yeah, usually, Papa YG will tell us." said Jennie. Suddenly, Jisoo phone ringing. She pick up and turn on the speaker.
"Hello?" Jisoo said.
"Hey girls. Do you guys get the invitation?" Papa YG asked.
"We did."
"Well, Jisoo. Inside the card, there is a chip  in that letter." said YG.
"What chip?" Jennie asked.
"Your mission is start girls." said YG.

By that, he hang up. We look at each other. Jisoo take the chip in that letter and it really small. She take her laptop and do her work.
"And one more thing. Why we have to use a mask?" Jennie asked.
"Think wisely. All mafia want to kill us. If they see your face...they can detect you anywhere." said Jisoo as she focus on her laptop.
"I love that kind of party." said Lisa.
"Me too. We will make a beautiful mask." Jennie sigh.
"This two maknae never worried about this." said Jennie.
"Think positive, Jen. Don't let your negative vibe flying in the air."

Jennie rolled her eyes.
"Whatever." said Jennie. Then, Jisoo talk.
"Umm guys. It not a normal party."said Jisoo. We all frowned as we look at her.
"Then what?" Jennie asked.
"There will be a diamond. First diamond. " said Jisoo.
"Why I felt like it was a race?"
"It mission. I think...that diamond is everywhere. We have to get it no matter what." said Jisoo. This party will be wild. I'm totally into this mission. Don't judge me. I love a wild mission. Not a slow mission.
"That's mean...we have to get ready for the party tomorrow!!!" said Lisa.
"Let's choose a dress." Jennie hold her hands up.
"Woah, chill. I think...we shouldn't choose a expensive dress that we love." said Jennie.

Then it hit me. Jennie is right. That dress wouldn't make it to home. I mean..it will be ripped by us. Who want to fight in dress?
"Jennie was right though. That dress will be ripped by us." said Jisoo. We laughed as we can imagined how is it.
"Tomorrow morning, wake up early. We need to be prepared." said Jisoo. We all nods. So, it mean..our mission start tomorrow.


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