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Today we have to attend a mafia party. Mr Bang said we have to and he tell Namjoon that there is a chip in that letter. When Namjoon check it...there..we being informed that party is where the diamond being hide.

"How do I look?? " Taehyung asked me. Wow. I admit that Taehyung look good. He wearing a black suit and bow tie.
"Good choice, Tae."
"Of course I am. Yah, koo-AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I startled as Taehyung suddenly laughed. I look at Jungkook and yup... I join Taehyung laughing also.
"Yah!!! What's wrong with your mask!!??" he wear a party bunny mask.
"Don't laughed. It cute okay." said Jungkook.
"But kookie, find a party mask that look like...a fancy one." said Taehyung. I nods agreement.

He groaned and take off his mask.
"I think I'll wear a black party mask. It look sexy on me." Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Everything is look sexy on you." said Taehyung sarcastically. I chuckles and try to choose my suit. Well, we only have time until afternoon. After this, we have to discussed about plan. It will take a long time.



I saw Yoongi got a head shot. He really a professional. He always got a headshot. Why I can't?? Nahh~ maybe I'm not good in it. But I'm good at knife. Playing with knife.

All of us good at something but sometimes we try to change it.
"Woahhh, good work hyung." said Hoseok as he clapped his hand.
"It normal." said Yoongi. He give the gun to Hoseok. He sit beside me and sigh.
"Where is Namjoon? We have to make a plan for the mission." said Yoongi. Yeah, where is he? We wait for him at shooting room but now he's the one who late. We need to make a better plan so that we can take the diamond.
"Probably...still finding his pen." said Jungkook.
"Why he finding his pen??"
"I saw him in his room just now and I don't know." said Jungkook. Suddenly the door open reveal Namjoon. Finally.

"There you are, hyung. We wait for you." said Taehyung.
"We only have a few hours to make a plan." said Jin.
"I'm sorry. Jin, I take your pen." said Namjoon.
"It just a pen. Nothing much." said Jin. My member always weird.


6:30 pm

"AHHHHHH!!!" I startled as Lisa yelling. All of us looking at Lisa.
"What's wrong!!??"
"Look at my dress. Isn't it beautiful??" Lisa asked as she playing with her dress. I sigh heavily.
"The colour is too bright." said Jennie.
"But I love it." said Lisa.
"Lisa, I think it not suit to you." said Jisoo. Lisa pouted and try to choose another dress. But, I have to be honest. It not suit her very well.

Then, I saw one dress.
"Lisa!! That one!!" Lisa take it and it was dark blue dress.
"This one??" Lisa asked.
"Yup. It cute on you and suit to you." Lisa went to changing room. Now, my turn. I choose my party mask is dark red so now...my dress must be dark red too. But...nothing that take my attention. I saw Jennie Unnie wearing a black dress and white party mask. Jisoo Unnie wearing a green dress and dark green mask.

We need to find a suitable appearance also. Don't think we too fashionable. Appearances also important. Suddenly, something catch my eyes. It dark red dress. It off shoulder and it reveal my waist. My favorite.
"We have to be fast. Or not..it wouldn't be like we plan." said Jisoo.
"Who fault it is playing game without realised the time?" Jennie asked in sarcasm.
"Why you guys expecting me? Am I your clock?" Jisoo asked.
"I'm sleeping and asked you to wake me up. Guess what? You didn't." said Jennie.
"Geez, sorry okay." said Jisoo as she rolled her eyes.
"We have to use the earpiece right?"
"Yup. We need to communicate." said Jisoo. Lisa come out and take the earpiece. She look better.
"Remember, don't take it off. " Jisoo said as she glare at Jennie.
"Why you looking at me?" Jennie asked.
"Because you always take it off. Anyway, Jennie and Rose, both of you tried to find that diamond. Lisa go to high building soon you heard my order." said Jisoo.
"Aye Aye." said Lisa.
"But Unnie, I think that place have body guards guarding the electronic room." Jisoo smirked at me.
"I know what I can do." said Jisoo.

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