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"Sir!!!! Wait!!!" 

I stop walking as I heard he yelled at me to stop. He stand in front of me and I keep look down.

"Sir, can I know who are you?" he asked as he try to see my face. 

"Umm, I come here for business. " 

"What kind of business? What your job?" he asked. Aishh, too many question.

"Your clothes probably too stand out, Jimin. " said Namjoon.

"Who wouldn't suspect him?? Come on, he wearing black hoodie and black skinny pants with cap and mask. You look suspicious." said Yoongi. 

Thank god I can't answered them. 

"I work as...air-conditioner repaired. Your boss calling me." 

"Ahhh, really? But...where is your tool?" he asked. 

"Uhh...my friend will get it for me. I just want to check it first." 

"Ohhh, I see. If that so, let me lead you to boss office." he said. 

"IT okay. I know where. YG company is famous company, I have been here before so don't worried." I smile at him.

"Okay. Sorry for disturbing you sir." he bowed and walked away.

"It okay." 

I sigh and walking again.
"Nice lying. " said Hoseok.

"Ughh, shut it." I growling. They laughed at me. This is so annoying. 

"Hey Air-Conditioner repaired guy, you near to the diamond." tease Namjoon.

"Ahahahahaha!!!!!" Jungkook burst into laughter.

"Shhh!! Kook, don't be too loud!!" scolding Taehyung. 

"Just wait till we get home." they just chuckles. 

"But really Jimin. You near to the diamond." said Namjoon. I saw the door in front of me.

"Behind this door?" 

"Yes. I can't see anything in there so be careful." said Namjoon.

"I already shut the CCTV also. So, don't worried." said Jin. 

"Seriously, I don't see the girls. Where are they?" Jungkook asked. He was right. They're not here. 

They start to talk and I just do my work. I open the door and saw a stair. I look behind and no one. By that, I went up and I think it lead me to.....rooftop? 

"Namjoon hyung, you really can't see anything?" 

"No. It just like...someone block it using hack. What's wrong?" Namjoon asked.


I twisted the knob and open the door. Soon, I open it.....my eyes widen. There I saw....Mr Bang, YG with a few bodyguards and....my one and only...Rose. What's going on??? 

I saw Rose being hold by bodyguards. Mr Bang here? How...what...when?

"What take you so long, Jimin?" Mr Bang asked.


We went inside without using any mask or what. It not the right time. We push everyone that on our way.

"Step aside!!! " yelled Jisoo.

"Get out of my way!!!" Jennie push them. This two older sister is sure...didn't mind at all.

Soon we get in, we look around. Everyone looking at us with weird expression. We breath heavily while searched for the boys. 

"Girls?" that voice...

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