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"Sorry, I'm late."

My eyes widen when see who is it. Namjoon and the boys stand up and bowed.

"Are you the one that we should met?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes." he said. The boys look at us.

"Yah, stand up. Don't you have manners?" Jungkook asked. We didn't reply but just...stand up with stunned.

"I'm Koo Jun-hoe." he bowed. Don't tell me...he's the one.

"Have a sit, Junhoe." said Jin. He sit beside the boys.

Want to know who this guy? Well, he is one of YG worker also. He's the top agent. I know we're the top but he really good at spying and clever. We and him are not in a good term. Junhoe is jerk. I don't know why he's here.

"Should we introduce ourselves?" Namjoon asked.

"Ah~ no. It okay. I already know all...of you." said Junhoe while looking at us. I try to look away.

"So, why we have to meet you?" Yoongi asked.

"I know where is the fourth diamond." said Junhoe. My eyes widen. No wondered because he clever.

"Really!? Where??" Taehyung asked.

"It here." said Junhoe. Here?

"You mean...in this Jeju Island?" Jin asked. He nodded.

"I already got the location. It in Shinhwa Theme Park." said Junhoe.

"Woah, it fun!!" said Jungkook.

"I don't think it fun. We obviously can't find it in the day." said Hoseok.

"Hoseok was right. If you guys find the diamond at day, some people will know it. You guys should find it at night." said Junhoe.

I glance at the other girls. They didn't lifted their gaze but look down.

"We can do it tomorrow" Namjoon said.

"What!? Noooooo." whined the other boys.

"Why?" Namjoon asked.

"We want to have fun here first. It so rare for us to be free like this." said Jimin. Namjoon think about it first then he talk.

"Fine. We will enjoy it first." said Namjoon.

"YESSSSS!!" yelled Taehyung. I glance at Junhoe and he already smirking at me.

"Girls?" Jin called. We lifted our gaze.

"Y-Yes?" I accidentally shuttering. I can see Jimin looking at me with weird.

"Why you girls so quiet?" Jin asked.

"We...um...we just thinking." said Jisoo.

"You girls look like in deep thought." said Jimin.

"We're not...actually." said Lisa.

"Rose, Lisa, Jisoo and Jennie. I heard that you girls already found three diamonds. Is it true?" Junhoe asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Jennie asked with cold tone.

"Wow. I can't believe it. Well, without the boys, you wouldn't made it right?" Junhoe asked. My hands already clenched in fist.

"Is YG send you here?" I keep my eyes lock on him.

"Yes. Why? Not comfortable seeing me?" Junhoe asked.

"We don't need your help."

"Sure you have to....what if you being followed?" Junhoe smirked. What? How..he...

"I have to go. It nice to meet all of you." said Junhoe. The boys nodded. Then, he look at us.

"Good luck." by that he walked away.

"You girls and him look like not in a good terms." said Hoseok. Without wasting my time, I run after Junhoe. I can heard they calling me.

I went outside and panting heavily. Where is he? How he can be so fast-

"Like I expected." I turn my head to the side and saw Junhoe leaning on the wall with that smirked again!! Ugh!! I went to him and grab his collar.

"Tell me what you know!!!" I said through my teeth. You know what I mean right?

"What I know? I don't know anything." said Junhoe with that stu*id smile.

"Don't make me do in hard way, Jun!!"

"People are watching you know. A criminal...hurting innocent people." said Junhoe. Innocent? Tch. Innocent your ass.

"I don't care. Tell me who's the one that hunted us!!??" Junhoe let out a dark chuckles and look at my eyes.

"Poor you girls. Don't having so much fun. It wouldn't last long." said Junhoe. I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth.


"Rose?" I turn my head and saa Jimin standing there.

"U-Uh.. Jimin." I let Junhoe go and fix my dress.

"What are you.......doing?" Jimin asked. He look like he...sad and angry.

"I just...um...talking with Junhoe." Jimin didn't response but just staring at me.

"I have to go. Good night." said Junhoe. He leaned on my ears.

"Someone is in trouble now." he whispered. This guy...

By that he walked away. I back to Jimin and he just looking at me with his emotionless face.

"Jimin, what's wrong?" he went to me.

"Who is Junhoe to you?" Jimin asked out of blue.

"Well, he just...a worker at YG. I barely know him because...we're not in a good terms."

"If you guys not in a good terms then...why you put your body on him?" Jimin asked. Put my body? Wait. Is he jealous?

"We just...it coinc-"

"Coincidence? A same word that will come out from girl." said Jimin like arrogant person. It make me pissed.

"Don't compare me with other girls. Why you care by the way?" Jimin didn't response but then he look away.

"Let's go." said Jimin and went in. I just sigh heavily. I look back and Junhoe already gone. YG...what are you trying to do? I can feel something bad happened....


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