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My eyes widen. The worker stunned when Jimin suddenly appeared.

"J-" Jimin tighten his grip on my shoulder. At first, I'm confused but then I understand why. I can't say his name.

"I mean...Chim." Jimin smilling.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry, sir." he said.

"Next time, do your job nicely. Do not flirting with girl." by that Jimin dragged me out.

"Wait!! I want to buy that thing!!!" I whined but Jimin keep dragging me.


I puffed my cheeks in anger. I crossed my arms on my chest. Jimin keep glancing at me. Then, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Rose, stop sulking with me." said Jimin.

"Hmph!!" I look away. I'm so angry right now. First, he dragged me out from the store. Second, I can't buy the things that I want.

"Huhh, I don't know this girl is so hard to persuade." said Jimin.

"Then, you don't care!!??" we stop walking and he face me.

"Rose, you can buy your things anytime." said Jimin with bored tone. I clenched my jaw. How can he take that easy!!??

"Yah!! It promotion and it so cheap!! If we buy at another mall, it so fu*king expensive!!"

"You are so rich, Rose. Then, what's the problem?" Jimin asked. I don't know why but his words is stabbing me. YG didn't give us any money this past few months. How can I buy that? This money is my savings.

Since there have a promotion, my money is enough.

" YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND!!! " I run away from him.

" Rose!! Wait!! " yelled Jimin. I just ignore it. His voice become faded and I know I already far from him.

I went to the toilet. I take off my sunglasses and let out a heavy sigh. That freaking Jimin is sure make me super angry today. He never understand our situation.

I wash my face to reduce my anger. Suddenly, I heard someone went in. I grab my thing and went to one stall.

"Is she inside?" I heard people talking. Somehow, that voice is familiar.

"No. I swear I saw she get in here." she! Are they talking about me?

"Lock the door. We need to check this toilet." who are they? Are they looking for someone? Is it me?

"Check one stall to stall. She might be here. Rose is someone who really cunning."

Obviously it was me. Wait. Did they just said they will check one stall to stall? I heard the stall door being open.

"She's not here." sh*t!! How I want to hide??

"She's not here either." there's no time!!

"Rose, I know you are here." when I try to recognize that voice...my eyes widen. That was...JUNHOE!!!

"Come out~" said Junhoe. I stand on toilet and climb the stall wall. I just hope it wouldn't broke by me. I pull my leg and that time also the door open. I almost let out a sound but I shut it. It so hard to balance myself....

"She's not here also. I give up. I think that was not her." said his man. Junhoe let out a groaned.

"Fu*k!!!" he cursing. Suddenly-

My phone ringing. My eyes widen. I declined the call as fast as I can and mute it.

"Let's go." they went out. How brave they are until get in girls bathroom.

Soon they went out, I try to get down. Accidentally, my finger hurt by a sharp corner of the stall wall.

"Ouch..." I get down. I saw a cut on my finger. Great. I wash it.


Aish!! Where is this girl!!!??? I will dead by thd girls if they know Rose gone. Especially by Jennie. Seriously, I'm worried about her.

I keep looking around like a lost child. I try to call her but she's not pick up my phone. I shouldn't make her mad like that. But...why she must be that angry?

Without I realised, I come back to the store that I dragged her out. I sigh. I went in and saw the same worker.

"Yah, can you take out the bracelet that my girlfriend want it just now?" he looking at me with arrogant.

"Tch. So rude. You think you what? She really don't deserve you." he said. I have to make it quick. I take off my mask and sunglasses.

Soon he realised it, he shaking in fear.

"P-Park Jimin!?" he asked. I smirked and leaned closer.

"Better do what I want." he nods. Coward.


I think I roaming around this mall already until I met the others also. Where are you Rose?

"Jimin!" I stopped walking and turn around.

"Rose!! There you are!!" I rush to her. I cupped her face and check if she was hurt.

"Are you hurt!!?? Where are you goi-" she cut me.

"We have to get the others!!" said Rose. I furrowed my eyebrows.


"We have to go back. Someone looking at us." she whispered. My eyes grew bigger.


I try one more shoes.
"Unnie, are you done?" Lisa whined.

"Aish, hold on. I save this money just to buy this shoes you know!!"

Lisa let out a heavy sigh. Then, Taehyung sit beside me.

"How about this?" he give me another shoes. I gasp.

"It beautiful!! Kook and Lisa!! Put all of this back. I want this!!"

Jungkook groaning. Taehyung always have good taste. It make me...fell different with him.
"Is she always like this!?" Jungkook asked Lisa. She just shrugged her shoulder.

"Not always." said Lisa. Suddenly, my phone ringing.


"Jennie!! Get back to the van now!!!" yelled Rose.

"Why?" Rose yelling can be heard by them also.

"There's...someone...after us." said Rose. My eyes widen. I hang up.

"We have to go now."

"We heard it. Come on." said Taehyung as he grab my hand. We went out from the store and on our way to the van.


I'm sorry... I thought I want to published three chapters tonight as apologies but... Sadly I can't....

I'm sorry...

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