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I keep looking for Rose but still not found. I let out heavy sigh and push my hair back. I'm worried that I might...saw her...dead.

No. Don't think like that Jennie. She's gonna be fine.

"Unnie?" I startled when someone call me. I turn my chair and saw Lisa.


"I just about to ask you for breakfast but...are you okay?" Lisa asked.

"I'm just...fine." I turn my chair back and sigh. I heard Lisa footsteps getting near to me.

"Unnie, I know you very well. Just tell me." said Lisa.

"Fine. I'm worried about Rose. I wondered where is she right now?" Lisa patted my shoulder.

"Don't worried. We will meet her soon, Unnie." said Lisa. Even she try to comfort me but I still worried about her.

We went out to the kitchen to have breakfast. While we eating, someone phone ringing.

"Pick that call up. It annoying." I growling.

"Calm down. It my phone." said Jisoo. She pick the call up. We looking at her and her eyes suddenly widen.

We look at her with confused. She turn on the speaker.
"Hey girls." YG fake sweet voice come out. 

"H-Hey sir." said Jisoo. 

"Why shuttering?" YG asked. We exchange look. We wouldn't tell him about we went to BTS house. If he know, he will think different.

"Nothing sir. Just...weird why you call us so sudden." said Jisoo. He chuckles.

"I'm calling because I want to ask, have you girls found Rose?" YG asked. Seriously? Even at time like this, he didn't even care that Rose missing. YG change lately. 

"We haven't found any hint. Even we have...it useless..." I said sad tone. I remember the incident at BTS place. 

"Well, keep going. I'm sure you girls will found her." said YG. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Um, sir." Lisa call. 

"Yes?" YG asked.

"Junhoe...do you know already that something happened to him?" Lisa asked. That's right. I forgot about that. 

"What happened to him?" YG asked. 

"Um...someone killed him, sir." said Lisa. Even we're enemy with Junhoe, we always forgive him if he asked to. From his act yesterday, he really want to help us. 

Sadly, someone killed him. 
"What? Really? Wow, that was...a shocking news." said YG. He sounds not care at all. 

"Yes sir. We still didn't know who kill him." said Jisoo. 

"If that so, go investigate." said YG. We shocked by his statement. Investigate?

"But sir...we're on mission for 5th diamond, remember?" YG chuckles again. What's so funny though? 

"You can do two work in one time, right? Don't tell me you can't?" YG asked. 

"Sir, we're human also. We're not robot." I blurted it out. They look at me with stunned. 

"Jen, I didn't say that you're robot. I didn't ask you to do it. I order you." said YG. I clenched my fist on the table. 

"Sir, what Jennie say is true. We have another mission to finished off." said Jisoo. 

"Yah!! Just do what I say!!!" he yelling so sudden. We flinched by it. 

"Y-Yes sir." said Jisoo. 

"Good. I'll hang up now. After you found something, tell me." said YG.

"Yes sir." we said. 

Soon he hang up, I slammed the table using my fist. 

"What he thing he is!? Yah!! We're not robot!!" I groaned. 

"YG seem...weird." said Lisa. She dig in her food and eat.

"He always being weird." I mumbled. Jisoo sigh and put down her cup.

"We will went to where Junhoe died." Jisoo said. We nods. 

"Ughh, I don't have appetite anymore. " I push the plate and crossed my arms on my chest. I'm really doesn't have mood to eat right now. 

If that old guy didn't call us, I already finished my plate. What matter right now, why he asked us to investigate who's killed Junhoe? 



I open the door slowly and saw Rose sleeping on the chair. I know it's not comfortable. I close the door and went to her. I put down the bag and kneel down. I can see a few more cuts on her face. I think it new. 

"They hit her....again." I muttered. 

I sigh heavily and push my hair back. I open the first aid kit and treat her wounds in silence. She really in deep sleep because I can heard she snoring. It cute for me. It make me sad treating her wounds that because of me. 

"You are really a good man, Jimin." I stop what I'm doing when I know who. 

"Sir, I just treat her wounds. That's all. " he chuckles and went beside me. 

"Hmm, my men sure hit her so hard. I'm sorry for that." said Mr Bang. 

"Sir, why you hit her without any....reasons?" 

He laughed so hard and walked like he circling me and Rose. 

"I didn't mean to. Just for fun I think." said Mr Bang. I clenched my jaw and pack the stuff.

"But Jimin. I confused with you. Why you still helping her even she's betrayed you already?" Mr Bang asked. I stop for awhile.I look at Rose face slowly and caressed her cheeks.

"Is that even a question?" I asked back. Mr Bang gasp and let out a small laughed.

"Aigoo, don't tell me...that..you love her?" Mr Bang asked like this is entertaining to him. 

"I have to go. Have a nice day sir." I take my things and about to went out. 

"Jimin." he call.

"Yes, sir?" I try to being polite as long as I can. Because I'm still holding my anger right now. 

"Trust me. You will betrayed me one day." said Mr Bang. I look at him over my shoulder.

"Why you think like that, sir?" I asked. He chuckles darkly and wrapped his arms around me.

"Because...people who in love will do anything to protect and to be with his special person." Mr Bang whispered to me. I didn't say anything but clenching my fist.

He laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Well, hope you not. See you later, Jimin." said Mr Bang and walked away. I poke my inner cheeks using my tongue and kick the wall. 

"Arghh!!! Fu*k your hope. I wouldn't let you kill Rose...as long as I still alive here. " 



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