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I can't sleep waiting for Rose to come home. I mean we but the others already sleep on the couch.

I told them that I will wake them up if Rose home. Until now, Rose didn't come back. I worried sick about her. She never gone for one day.

I'm scared that something happened to her. 

"Mmmm, Jen? You already wake up?" Jisoo asked as she wake up. 

"I didn't sleep, Jisoo. Rose still not home." 

Soon I said that, her eyes widen.

"WHAT!!?" Jisoo yelled. Lisa who asleep wake up in shocked by Jisoo loud voice.

"She still not home!?" Jisoo asked. I shake my head.

"You wait for her the whole night, Unnie?" Lisa asked. 

"I didn't sleep, Lisa. I did try to call her again but she didn't answer." Lisa face turn into sad and worried. 

"Where is she...." mumbled Jisoo. 

While we thinking, a guard come in.

"Miss, someone want to meet all of you." he said. 

"Just let them in." I said without looking at him. I don't want to think something else other than Rose. 

"Yes, miss." he said.

I stand up.

"She probably with the boys." said Lisa. I glare at her.

"I don't think so. Don't talk about them also, Lisa." I said in stern voice. 

"Unnie, I just saying." said Lisa.

"Don't fight, right now. Can you? Rose is missing!!" Jisoo scolded. I sigh heavily. Suddenly-

"Rose is not missing."

A voice make us startled and that voice is familiar. We turn around and saw Junhoe standing there. 

"Junhoe? W-What are you doing here?" Jisoo asked. I glare at him.

"You better out now, Jun. We don't have mood to talk with you." 

"I know you guys hate me but trust me, I know where is Rose." said Junhoe. Our eyes widen.

"W-What??" said Lisa. Junhoe sigh heavily. 

"I just met her just now at cafe. Then, I pissed her and she went away just like that." said Junhoe. I walked closer to him and grab his collar.

"Where is Rose!!??" I gritted my teeth.

"Jen, calm down.." said Jisoo. I can feel my lips is shaking. 

"Where is s-she...." tears slowly run down on my face. My grip on his collar become loosened. Junhoe hold my wrist and gentle put it down.

"We shouldn't talk here..." said Junhoe. We look at him with confused. 

"Why?" Lisa asked. 

"Your mansion have CCTV and I will get caught if I did. Just listen to me. Just this once..." begged Junhoe. We exchange look and thinking that we should trust him or not. I look down. Only him know where is Rose. 

"Fine. We will meet you at your house." said Jisoo. Junhoe nods.

"I'll send you the address. Remember, make sure no one followed you girls. That house is not my real house. It where I hide." said Junhoe.

"If that so, we will go there. This afternoon." said Jisoo. He nods. 

"Jun, is it true that Rose is not missing?" Lisa asked in sad.

"She's not missing." said Junhoe. We sigh. Rose please...stay safe...



I staring outside window as I thinking what Mr Bang did to Rose now. It hard for me to admit that Jungkook was right.

I don't know why. I didn't mean to do it to her. I just...mad that knowing Rose betrayed me.

"What I'm doing right now? Missing you? Huh...I hope I can get rid of this feelings but I know, I can't." I mumbled.

"Of course, you can't." said Yoongi. Wait. Yoongi?

"Yah!! Since when you there!?" I yelled. He just shrugged his shoulder and lie down on my bed.

"I heard that you fighting with Jungkook again." said Yoongi. I let out a sigh and push my hair back. 

"I take that as yes." said Yoongi. I sit at the single sofa.

"He don't understand me. He just understand himself."  Yoongi sit up.

"Then, did you understand him?" Yoongi asked. I look at him with stunned. Yoongi raised his eyebrows. I slowly look down.

"See? Even you didn't understand him. Both of you are wrong. We're not on a good state right now that's why Jungkook so sensitive. So do us." said Yoongi. He was right. 

"Jungkook just need a comfort from someone, so do you. " added Yoongi. Comfort??

"We just need to talk about our feelings. That's all. We can't keep it by ourselves, Jimin." said Yoongi. 

"We never have this big fight before so it probably new to us and...I now that it was our fault also." said Yoongi. I frowned at him.

"Why?" I asked. 

"We shouldn't attack the girls and reveal everything's out." said Yoongi. I felt bad also make Yoongi like this.

"Hyung, it okay. Don't blame yourself."

"I just...uhhh. I can't stop thinking about it. What will happened if we didn't reveal it? Of course you and Rose still happy like usual." said Yoongi.

It make me taken back a little bit because Yoongi never care about people relationship.

"It fate, hyung. We're not the one who plan the future. We just dream a future and try to make it come true."

"Anyway, hope you and Jungkook getting along. Same with Namjoon. " said Yoongi.

"I'll try." Yoongi went to me and hold my shoulder.

"Get ready also. Namjoon already found the 5th diamond. I'm sure we will meet the girls also. They probably asking us where is Rose." said Yoongi. I nods. He give me a smile and went out.

I sigh heavily. How if I visit Rose just once? It just visit. Seeing her face is enough already. I grab my things and went out.


READERS...if I can update today, I will update. ^^

But if I dont have update..that's mean...I cant. TT

Im sorry...a lot homework to do TT

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