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"Rose!! Wake up!!"

I graoned as I heard Jisoo yelling from outside.

"What????" I growling.

"Wake up. It already 12 pm." said Jisoo.

12 pm? I grab the clock and it true. I sigh heavily.

"Okay okay."

"Make sure you wake up." said Jisoo. I groaning and close my face with pillow.

"I take that as yes." said Jisoo.

I heard her footsteps getting far. I think I overslept because after I went home, I cry so hard when remember about what Jimin said.

I went to the bathroom and look at the mirror. Gosh...my eyes are puffy and eyebag is so obvious.

" Jimin...do you really mean it?"

Great. Even I asked...there's no answer. I asked mirror. Not him. I groaned and huffed in stress.

"I should clean myself." I grab my towel and do my routine.


"Arghhhhh!!!!!" I throw the controller away.

I think it probably broke. I leaned my back on the bed as I sigh heavily. I keep lose. No. I'm a great gamer. But why I- Ughhh!!

As I stare at XBOX 360, I remember about me and Jungkook. We have a lot of fun. Day by day, I fell in love with him.

What can I do? Everything is fate. I miss him. I really miss him. Where we play a lot. Laughing together. Teasing together. Arguing together.

I can't do anything. It always distracted me. I can't focus. Without me realise, a tears run down on my face.

"I hate this...." I mumbled.


I didn't answer. I heard knocking again. I sigh heavily. I open the door and saw Jisoo.

"How long you will stay in there?" Jisoo asked.

"I just tired, Unnie."

"Lisa, you didn't breakfast. You keep lock yourself in your room." said Jisoo.

"Better than out there. Everything's out there keep reminds me about that...coconut guy."

Jisoo sigh. She put her hands on her hips.
"Then? Inside your room, is there nothing that make you remember about Jungkook? Huh?" Jisoo asked harshly.

I'm sensitive this lately. I can't help myself.
"Whatever." I close the door without let her talk.

"Lisa!! Open the door!!" yelled Jisoo.

"Unnie, please! You don't understand me!!!" I yelled back.

I grab my game things, pull out everything that make the game things working and turn it off. I take the box and put my game things in it.

I throw it inside my wardrobe. I don't care it broke or what. What matter right now is, my mind can't stop thinking about Jungkook.


I eat my lunch silently. I can feel Jisoo and Jennie looking at me. I felt uneasy right now. I glance at them and they still looking at me.

"Okay. What is going on? Why you staring at me like...I did something wrong?"

They exchange look.
"We just wait for you to talk." said Jisoo. I frowned.

"Talk? Talking about what?"

"I heard you crying last night. Around....4 or 5 am? I think." said Jennie. I look down.

"So? Is something happened?" Jennie asked. I sigh heavily and put down my spoon and fork.

"Nothing happened, Unnie." I said in low tone.

"Don't lied. You been...down since come back from walking last night. What's wrong?" Jisoo asked. I sigh again.

"Tell us." said Jennie.

"Fine. I met Jimin last night."

Jennie and Jisoo silence for 1 minute. I think they still process what I say.

"You mean...Park Jimin?" Jisoo asked. Jennie groaned.

"Jisoo, we didn't meet the boys just for...a weeks. Of course it was Park Jimin. Who else with Rose other than that Jimin guy?" asked Jennie in annoyed.

"Okay okay. Then, what happened?" Jisoo asked.

"He...He said we didn't have any relationship anymore. He said...we never fit for each other. We suit to be...enemy."


Me and Jisoo startled as Jennie slammed the door. We look at her with confused.


"Stop talking about them. I'm sick of it. You guys keep talking about them. Listen, they betrayed us. They want to kill us. They just use us. Everything that they want to do to us is negative." said Jennie in calm tone but I know ge angry.

"Jen, I know you're annoyed. Can you calm down?" Jisoo asked. Jennie sigh and walked away.

"Jen, are you hurt?"

She stop walking.
"Hurt? By what?" Jennie asked without eyes contact with me.

"You know...hurt about what Tae-" she cutted me.

"Don't you dare to talk about him or say his name. I never know about him. We enemy remember?" Jennie asked.

"But... I can feel that the boys is not 100% wrong." I heard she scoffed.

"Fine. If you really 'LOVE' them then, go. Go to them." said Jennie in sarcastically. I frowned. She turn around with fake smile.

"You love them right? Then, go to them. Let's see you drowning in your own blood!!" said Jennie harshly.

My eyes widen. She breathing heavily and I know she's angry. She walked away. We become sensitive this past few days. Even you saw Jennie blank face, inside her is hurt.

She hurt, knowing that Taehyung want to kill her. I sigh as I sit back.
"Rose, you know Jennie didn't mean that actually." said Jisoo.

"I know. She just...mad thinking about it. So she try to get rid of it."

"Same with Lisa." said Jisoo.

"Talking about Lisa, where is she?" Jisoo sigh heavily and sit.

"She's in her room. She said...she don't want to go out because everything out here can remind her about...you know. Jeon Jungkook." said Jisoo.

"I think...we become more...apart because of this stu*id feeling."

"It okay, Rose. I promise, everything will be fine." said Jisoo. Without I realised, I felt tears run down on my face.

I just sad that we arguing and fall apart. I feel someone bring me on their arms. It warm.

"It okay. Let it out, Chipmunk." comfort Jisoo softly. She rubbed my back. It warm.

I really wish it was you Jimin. I wish this warm belong to you. As I think about it more, I burst into tears.

"Shhhh, I'm here." said Jisoo. Little bit I know, Jisoo crying also. She maybe look strong but...inside her is fragile.

She miss Jin. She miss everything about him. She have to be strong for everyone. Because three of us are weak right now.


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