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"Good job, boys." said Mr Bang. We at his office. Even we're early arrive at Seoul but we eat breakfast first. Now it was 9 am.

"But...I'm so disappointed that you guys can't kill Blackpink." said Mr Bang with sad tone.

I hate to hear it. I look away while holding my anger.

"We're sorry..." said Namjoon.

"I thought if you guys kill them, our job will be easy. Look like you guys fail." Mr Bang shake his head and put the diamond down.

"Can I know why?" Mr Bang asked.

It make me look at him with shocked.
"W-What do you mean, sir?" Jin asked. Mr Bang chuckles.

"You know what I mean." said Mr Bang. We remain silence. No dare to tell him the truth.

What? You want us to say that we fell in-

"Don't tell me you guys fall in love with them?" Mr Bang asked.

My eyes widen. We all standing here with shocked. He just looking at us with that...smile. Fake smile. He raised his eyebrows.

"Hm?" he wait for our response.

"Um..sir. There is no way we love that girls. We're enemy before. Remember?" said Namjoon. Mr Bang silence at first then he laughed.

He stand up and went to us. He put his hands on his hips.
"Really? Then, why I don't see smile on your face?" Mr Bang asked.

"We...We have to respect you. We must serious during work." said Namjoon. Thank god. Namjoon IQ is helping for lying.

"Ouh. Good good. So disciplined. I hope you guys wouldn't lying to me." he smirked. Something weird about Mr Bang.

"We wouldn't." said Namjoon. Mr Bang chuckles and sit at his chair back.

"Now you boys can go. Take a rest first. We have a last diamond to take." said Mr Bang. We nods and went out.

Before I stepped out, Mr Bang call me.

"Being betrayed, Jimin?" I look at Mr Bang.


"I can see your expression Jimin. You seem sad. I know you...fall in love with one of them. Am I right?" Mr Bang asked.

My eyes widen once again. I can't say anything. It just like...no words come out.

"Silence? Hmm, I take that as yes." said Mr Bang.

"What do you want?" Mr Bang smirked.

"Forget her. I want you to treat her like your enemy." said Mr Bang. I clenched my jaw.

"Kill her and get that diamond, Jimin." said Mr Bang. I didn't response anything.

Kill her? Rose? No. I can't. I just went out like that without response anything. This is stu*id. I close the door and froze there.

I can't kill her. Please...don't make me kill her. I love her. I want to live with her. If I can't live with her then...I want her to live for me. I want to die for her. But...because of my anger, pain and sad about her, I'm confused.

"Hyung?" I startled as Jungkook call me.


"You coming or not?" Jungkook asked. I sigh and nods. Then, I felt Jungkook hold my shoulder.

"I don't know what Mr Bang told you but don't too much thinking." said Jungkook.

"Maybe I need some time alone, Kook." by that I walked away.


I saw Jimin just walked like that. I don't know what Mr Bang said but I'm sure he say something that related to Rose.

Plus with his fight with Taehyung, it make him more stress. Even I am right now.

We decide to go home. During ride, no one talk. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi listening to song. Namjoon just reading book in his phone using wattpad app. Taehyung sleeping and I know he awake actually but just closing his eyes.

Jin's driving. While me, looking outside window. Thinking about what? Thinking about Lisa. A girl that make me smile always.


"Do you girls know why I'm calling you back to Seoul?" YG asked. We shake our head.


I just get ready for him to scolding us or yelling at us. He stand up from his seat and went to us.

"Poor you girls..." we lifted our gaze and look at him.

"It must be hurt while being betrayed." he hugged us. Okay...

"Don't worried. I wouldn't mad about the diamond. What matter right now is your feeling." said YG as he broke the hug.

I'm really confused right now.
"Rose, is your wound getting better?" YG asked.

"Uhh....it...g-good." YG smile.

"Take a rest, girls. We will held a meeting at the other day." said YG. We nods slowly.

"You can go home now." said YG. We went out and I take a glance at YG. He just smile at me. By that I close the door.

"Why he suddenly being nice?" Jennie asked. We shrugged our shoulders.

"Whatever it is, I can't trust him at all. How he can be like that after what have we done to him!? I mean...my heart telling me not to trust him." said Lisa.

"Lisa was right though. We betrayed him. How he still can be happy like that?" Jisoo said. Something is wrong. I can feel it.

"Anyway, I'm tired. Let's just go home." said Jennie. We agreed. We went to out van and drive to our home.

During our ride, everyone doing their own work. Jisoo is just looking at her Instagram. Jennie is sleeping. Lisa playing games in her phone. While me looking outside window while listen to my song.

I take a look at my phone. It already 9:45 am. I sigh. I leaned my head on the window. What's Jimin doing right now? Is he mad at me? Idiot. Of course it is. I let out a heavy sigh and-

The car stopped as the traffic light turn red. I'm tired of this. I close my eyes and open ag- wait.

"Is that...."

My eyes widen. I saw Jimin looking outside window. I saw Jungkook and the others in the car also. I want to call the other members but no words come out. It just like...I'm shocked.

Jimin seem doesn't notice me. He look like he in deep thought. The car start to moving and we slowly apart. I saw he getting far and far and far.

"Jimin...." I mumbled.


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