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"It not suit you."

"It not suit you."

"It not suit you."

His words still lingerring in my ears. I punch the mirror and it broke. Why he have to care about it!!?? If he don't like it then get lost!!!!

I grab my hair and breathing heavily.

"Rose!! Are you okay!!??" Lisa knock on my door.
"I'm fine!!"
"What is that broken mirror sounds!?" Lisa asked.
"It...just my mini mirror!!"
"Ouh...okay." said Lisa.

I know she didn't trust me but she have to. I really don't have mood today. First, because of Yoongi. Second, because of Jimin.

Why both of them is so...annoying? I look at my knuckles and it bleeding. It my habit. If I'm stress or sad or anything else, I'll hurt myself.

I wash my kunckles and wrapped it with fluffy towel. I went out from my bathroom. I take out the file and stare at it. This is so stu*id. I throw it into the dustbin. I let out a heavy sigh and brush my hair back.

"It so tiring..." I layed on my bed.

I wondered until when we will live like this? I know me and the girls are criminal. We know no one will love us. That why we are so...cold toward the boys. But..day by day, I saw the girls get along with the boys.

Well, it okay. I supported them.

"Why your knuckles bleeding?"
"AHHH!!!" I sit up and saw Jimin in my room.
"Yah!! What are you doing here!?"
"I try to call you but you didn't response. All of our member are downstair having meeting. "said Jimin.

I stand up and walked passed him but he grab my wrist.
"Are you trying to kiss me again?"
"No. I want to ask why your knuckles bleeding?" Jimin asked.
"None of your business." I yanked my wrist back. It silence. So I walked toward the door but he talk again.
"Did you hurt yourself?" Jimin asked. I stop walking and sigh.
"Can you stop asking like you care for me? You keep act like that."

I turn around and glare at him.
"Just stop. We are not friends or anything. We just work together." by that I went downstair.

I saw all of them sitting and talking. I sit beside Jisoo.
"Where is Jimin?" Namjoon asked. I just shrugged my shoulder. We wait for him then after 2 minutes like that he appeared.
"I'm here." Jimin sit beside Taehyung. I didn't even glance at him. I keep my face cold.
"Okay, then tonight, we have to go to Seyun party. " said Namjoon.
"What the dress code?" Lisa asked.
"He said, we can wear anything."
"Then, if that so, wear anything that suit to the party." said Namjoon.
"How we want to find the diamond?" Yoongi asked.
"Me and you will stay behind and try to find it. Each of you will get the earpiece and we will scan it through your earpiece. " said Namjoon.

I can see they didn't understand.
"It okay. You guys don't have to understand." said Namjoon as he raised his hand like criminal.

"Who's going to find the diamond?" Jungkook asked.
"Whoever that near to that diamond." said Namjoon.
"That's great. So it mean..we just act like normal?" Jennie asked. He nods.
"But, Rose must find a way for us fo get in. We can't come to that party with mask. It too suspicious." said Taehyung. He's right though.
"Then, let Rose come in and all of us will waiting outside." said Jisoo.

Why I have to face that old man again? Ughhh...
"Can I be with her?" Jimin asked. My head turn to look at him.
"Why?" Jin asked.
"Just keeping her safe." said Jimin blankly. All of them silence including me. I glance at Yoongi and he just smirked.

Do you think you can hit him like before?

His words still inside my mind.
"I don't need your protection." I mumbled but enough for them to hear it.
"So you want Seyun to touch you like you're sl*t?" Jimin asked so harshly.
"Why you care!? I don't need you to care for me!! This is my body and I know what to do!!" he scoffed at me and look at my eyes with his...dark expression. My blood started to boiling.
"Is it wrong for me to care for you? Eve we are enemy before but caring for a little bit doesn't hurt!!" said Jimin.

I stand up as I stomping my foot.
"Just shut up okay!!?? You can't care for me like you are my Chim!!!" his eyes slightly widen. The others just looking at us like...this is drama channel. He look stunned by my words. I sigh heavily and brush my hair back.

"It like you said. I'm not Pasta and it not suit me. Then, you're not Chim and it NOT suit you either. Stop acting like we still being friends like before." his expression shocked but slowly faded. It turn into dark back. He stand up and get closer to me.

"What you will get if you keep being like this?" he asked.
"What I get? Well...at least I get freedom from see your face 24 hours." Jimin grabbed my collar and bring me closer. His jaw clenching. Why he so mad? What is wrong with him? He remain silence but his eyes looking at mine so deeply. It like...I can felt he...hurting..

"Jimin, that's enough." said Namjoon with stern voices. He didn't looking or glance at Namjoon but just looking at me. He gritted his teeth then let out a heavy sigh. He close his eyes and try to calm himself down.

He angry...

He slowly let go of me while me glaring at him.
"Words can betrayed you. Words is hurting than stabbing knife in your heart amd.it parmenent."
"You said that but it sill return to you." said Jimin.


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