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"Yes. Tonight, we have to get the diamond." said Namjoon.

"That amusement park is open on day also. Can we have fun there first?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah. Can we?" Jungkook asked.

"We have to gained our energy first." said Namjoon.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee...." said Jungkook and Lisa. They used their puppy eyes on him. Namjoon try to look away.

You wouldn't made it, Namjoon. Trust me. That what special maknae can do.

"Ughh!! Fine." said Namjoon. The other cheer also.

"You guys hoping I say that too!!??" Namjoon asked.

"We want to have fun at day. So night we do a mission. Sound good." said Hoseok. They laughed at Namjoon annoyed face.

Smile appeared on my face but then it faded. I look at them. Namjoon ruffled Jungkook and Lisa hair. The others laughed. The boys...

"Watch out. Those 7 dorks might do something that you never expected will happened."

Junhoe words linggering on my ears. What...will happened? It make me worried. Is this beautiful atmosphere will end soon?

"Rose? You okay?" I snapped out from my mind when heard Jimin call.

"Uh...I am. Just thinking."

"Is something bothering you?" Jimin asked. He look...concern.

"Thinking what should I play at the amusement park." Jimin chuckles and patted my head.

"Trust me. You going to have fun." said Jimin. I smile and nods.


"Wowww!!!! " we squealing. This park is huge. I could get lost here.

"There's a lot of game here. " said Yoongi.

"What we waiting for? Come on!!!" Taehyung run in follow by us.

We look around while find a game to play. I swear, if they choose something that thrilling rides...Jennie will-

"How about that rides?" Jungkook pointed it out. We turn around and damn...

"T-That?" Jennie asked. He nods. That rides keep turn around while moving. I don't know how to explained it.

"Scare?" Taehyung smirked. Jennie act tough.

"Of course not!!" Jennie said. Taehyung don't know that she have a sickness. She can't ride something like that.

"Then, come on!!" said Taehyung while dragged her. The others follow.

"Unnie, you're not coming?"

"I'm scared of high. I will wait here and cheer for you guys." said Jisoo. I chuckles.

"I don't know you scared of high." said Jin.

"You never ask." said Jisoo. Jin rolled his eyes.

"You are not coming also, Jin?"

"No. I love being with her." said Jin as he wrapped his arms around Jisoo. I can see she blushing. I smirked and chuckles.

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