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I felt my body is hurt. Really hurt. I try to wake up but...instead of that, I saw...Rose face. It how she save me just now.


The way we look at each other eyes. She save me. She really...did that. But why? Then Pasta face came out. Wait. What happened? Their face came at the same time.


I sit up with breathing heavily. I felt really sweating. I look around and I'm in my room.
"You wake up?" Jin asked.
"W-What happened to me?"
"You and the others fainted because of the affect of the explosion. " said Jin. He give me a glass of water.
"Thanks. Anyway, how is Yoongi, kook and Tae?"
"They are fine. They wake up before you. " said Jin.

I sigh heavily and run my finger through my hair.
"Are you okay?" Jin asked.
"You sounds like not. I heard you keep saying 'she save me'. " said Jin. Great, he heard it.
"Mind to tell me?" Jin asked. I drink and give him the glass.
"Rose...she...save me." Jin raised his eyebrows.
"Save you?" he asked.
"She save me from being shoot and she save us from the bomb."

Jin look down. Why he look different?
"What's wrong, hyung?"
"Nothing. Anyway, don't fall in their trick. Enemy wouldn't save you. Even they did, it must be a reasons." said Jin. Yeah..he's right. There is no way she mean it. She better not to play with me or not I'll play with her harder even more harder.

"Let's go downstairs. We have dinner." said Jin.
"I'll come." he went out and I went to the bathroom. I take off my clothes and saw..scar on my v line. It make me remember everything.

That time I almost lose my members and I try to stop the bad guys from kill my friends. It all on me. If I fail, they died. That guy stabbed me and leave this scar. Thank goodness... I'm alive.

I wear black shirt and wash my face. Getting some refresh.


"So the file is vanished?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes. " said Namjoon.
"Of course that Blackpink group take it." said Jungkook.

No. They don't." said Jin.
"How you know? They got the first diamond and that mean they got the file!!" said Namjoon.
"That girls is a criminal. They got what they want." said Yoongi.

I saw Jin glare at him.
"We ALSO are criminals. " said Jin. Yoongi look at him.
"We different from them. They are killers. Not like us." said Yoongi. It getting tense.
"The last time I saw that file is on Jennie hand." said Taehyung. Jin slammed the table.
"They not take it!! Can't you understand!?" Jin yelled.

Everyone looking at him with stunned.
"Are you backup them?" Taehyung asked. Jin take back by that question of Tae.
"No....No!! I'm not!!" said Jin.
"Jin, what wrong with you?" Namjoon asked.
"I'm okay just...the Blackpink group is not the one who take that file." said Jin.
"How you know?"
"I saw it. Someone took it." said Jin.

Someone? Who?
"Who?" Jungkook asked.
"I don't know. They're wearing mask." said Jin.
"Wearing mask? They probably another mafia." said Namjoon.
"Have you try to check the CCTV?" Taehyung asked.
"I can't. All of it being erased." said Namjoon.

If it not Blackpink then who? We only fight them at the company. It weird.


I groaned in pain as Lisa treat my thigh.
"Ahh..it hurt."
"Hold on. It almost finished." said Lisa.

Jisoo sit on the couch and open her clothes bottom. Just showing her collarbone.
"What happened?" Jisoo asked.
"What happened what? You don't see that 7 clowns put a bomb in that company? That such a- ARGHH!!" Jennie growling.
"No. Not them!! " yelled Jisoo.

We look at her with confused.
"What you mean?"
"They-" Jisoo being cut by my yelling.
"ARGHH!! LISA!! EYES ON IT!!!" Lisa gasp.
"Ooo, I'm sorry!!" said Lisa. Jisoo shake her head.
"They are not the one who made it." said Jisoo.
"What? There's nothing else than them who fight with us!!" said Jennie.
"Yeah. Only the BTS is the one who we fight that time." said Lisa.

Jisoo stand up.
"No. The bomb is already set from we start. I hate to say it but it true. The BTS is not the one who cause the explosion." said Jisoo. I didn't heard them actually. My mind slowly in deep thought.

I keep thinking about Jimin. Why I save him? Why I tell him about the bomb? I could let he died...right? Now, I save him. Not only him but...all of them. What happened to me? There is something wrong.

Am I too much eating until I become...crazy right? Nah~ food isn't involved in this.

"Right, Rose?" Lisa asked. I look at her with confused.
"Seriously, you didn't listen!?" Lisa asked. I shake my heads.
"Rose!!!" she whined. She pack her stuff after bandages my thigh. She pouted and crossed her arms on her chest.
"You're mean." said Lisa.
"Seriously, what is it?"
"Lisa asking you. It true that BTS is good at trick people like us." said Jennie.

Yeah. Really..really good. Especially that shorty.
"I agreed."
"Hah!! You see!! That Jungkook guy is trick me!!!" said Lisa.
"Anyway, Rose. You seem...in deep thought. Are you okay?" Jisoo asked. I look down. Should I tell them about saving the enemy?
"Rose?" Jennie call. Now, attention all at me.

I lifted my gaze with smile.
"Nothing. Just thinking what the next plan."

I can't. They will call me betrayal. Even saving enemy also is call betrayer. That YG rule.


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