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I stare at him in confused.
"I said...is it have to be you to seduce Seyun tomorrow?" Jimin asked. Okay, what's wrong with this guy.
"Yes. I lose remember?"
"But...that doesn't mean you have to do it." said Jimin.

His face is...really...serious.
"What is wrong with you? Of course I have to. Or not, we wouldn't get the diamond."
"That old man will touch you." said Jimin.
"Geez, I know. What is wrong with you again? You are acting weird."

I went downstair leaving him and I can feel he followed me. It really annoying.
"Are you following me?"
"Yes." said Jimin. I sigh and grabbing some snacks.
"You don't mind if that old man touch you?" Jimin asked.
"I mind it because it my body but..this just a work. Okay?"
"You can ask Jisoo to change the plan." said Jimin. Seriously, what wrong with him?
"No. It already perfect. "

I close the fridge and turn around.
"Why you acting like...you don't like it?" he silence. I can see his eyes just like...he don't understand too.
"I...I don't know." said Jimin.
"Well, stop acting weird and go to sleep. " I walked passed him but...something...happened.

He grab my wrist and pinned me on the wall.
"What the-" he shut my mouth with his...lips. I didn't kiss back or what. I froze there and still processing what just happened. It take a long time to realised what he doing. I look at his eyes and he looking at me while his lips on me.

What is happening? When I come back to my sense, I bite his lips. He whinced in pain.
"What the f*ck are you doing!!??" I whispered yelled because I don't want anyone know about this.
"You really a fierce girl." said Jimin with smirked as he lick his bleeding lips.
"Why.. you doing that?" I try to hold my tempered.
"You said you don't mind if 30 years old man touch you so...I thought you wouldn't mind if I touch you also, right?" Jimin asked. His voice become husky and his face is so close with mine.

I clenched my jaw.
"You think I'm what? A toy that you can kiss anytime?"
"You kiss me first remember? For the diamond. So it fair right now." said Jimin. What the hell? He do that without...any point!!
"You such a...jerk."
"I'm not. I just do what I felt like to. I just.....angry when I know that Pasta is you." said Jimin.
"I also very angry than you knowing that you are Chim."
"How I wish that...you are not Rose." said Jimin. My eyes widen.
"W-What?" I felt something stabbed my heart. Is it his words? Or is it mine?
"Nothing. Goodnight." by that he walked away leaving me there.

Why your words have to...hurt me?


Today we have to go to the cafe that Jisoo talk about. I wear black crop top sweater and white skirt. Jisoo said we have to dress like...student but we have tonuse mask except for me. I change my style so that he didn't recognize me. I let out my bangs and wear glasses.

Something make me can't focus. It was...THAT FREAKING JIMIN!!!!!! He kiss me last night- I mean...in the force way. Why he have to do that? I sigh heavily.

I went downstair and saw they already ready. Want to know how they look like? Well...

Taehyung wearing whits shirt with two unbotton and showing his collarbone. Why man love doing that? He wear black jeans. Jennie wear blue jeans with red hoodie. And....Jimin.

He...wearing...blue and white jacket with black pants. He wearing black sunglasses. So..hot- wait no. He's devil.
"Wow, Rose. You look cute!!" Jennie squealing.
"Thank you."I smiled sweetly at her.
"Anyway, guys. Good luck. Do not get caught." said Namjoon. We nods.

We went out and straight to the car. Our driver drive us to the location. I'm staring at Jimin. Why we have to...match today!? Great. Ughhh...
"You wearing black and white today." said Jimin.
"So what? " I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know you have bangs." said Jimin.
"Stop scanning me, can you?"
"I'm just saying. You look different." said Jimin.
"I said...stop scanning me. Don't talk me after what you did last night." he turn to me.
"Is that why you so cold toward me?" Jimin asked.
"I'm cold with you since we met."
"That why I said...I hope you are not Rose. I hope you are Pasta. The sweet and caring girl. " said Jimin.

I scoffed. Comparing me with my own body?
"Why I have to show you that side? You don't deserve it."
"You want to show it actually right?" Jimin asked. Sometime I want but...YG told me not to use my sweetness anymore.
"Can you stop talking?"
"You must being informed not to use your sweetness anymore." said Jimin with smirked.
"Toward you. Not toward anyone."
"I don't understand. Pasta and Rose is two different people." said Jimin.
"It is. If you are going to compared me with Pasta...it useless. Because of what? Because it wouldn't change. Pasta is in my body. You can't bring it out."

He narrowed his eyes.
"Beast inside of you can come out when you are angry. You don't need to force it to come out. Like now. You use your beast but your sweetness will take over you. Because of what? Because, you force yourself. " said Jimin.

Anyway, what he said is true. I just..didn't admit it.
"Sweetness inside me is gone. You can't bring it out. I know my body."
"You said you know but you didn't. Trust me...you will save me again." said Jimin and look outside the window.

I froze there in speechless. How this guy know all of this stuff?? He just like...he can see through me. He can feel what I feel.


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