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Right now, all of us in Junhoe car. I can't hold it anymore. I coughing and blood coming out.

"Rose!!! Junhoe, hurry up!!!" Yelled Jisoo.

"Calm down, can you?" Junhoe said with calm tone. How could he calm?

"We can't calm down if our friend here hurt!!! If you injured, we don't care but this is Rose!!!" said Jennie.

I can heard Junhoe scoffed.
"We will bring her to my hotel room. You can't go back to you girls room." said Junhoe.

"Obvioulsy can't..." mumbled Lisa.


I already felt dizzy. Jisoo hold me in her arms as she try to comfort me. How I wish it was Jimin who holding me right now?

Why I even wish for that? Oh..I know. Because you love him Rose!!!

"Hang on, there Rose." said Lisa.

"I'm t-trying."

Soon, we arrive. Junhoe open the door and about to pick me like a bride style. Before he do that, I push him even I'm weak right now.

"I...I d-don't want y-you to touch m-me." Junhoe rolled his eyes.

"You can't be stubborn right now, Rose." said Junhoe as he want to try again. Jennie push her harshly.

"She said, she don't want so BACK OFF!!!!" yelled Jennie. Thank you, Jen.

"Let me help you." Jisoo put my arms around her neck and bring me in.

We went to Junhoe room and get in. I admit it, I can't hold it anymore. As we infront of Junhoe room, he try to unlocked it.

"Rose? Are you okay?" Lisa asked. I know she notice my expression.

"I...I..I-I can't h-hold it..." I mumbled. Soon I say that, I fainted on Jisoo arms.


That was the last word that I heard from them. Everything become black and I can't feel my body.

I know, Junhoe will pick me up. I like it or not, I have to let him do that. I don't want to laying on the ground.

"You will left me!?" Jimin yelled. My eyes open wide as I heard that voice.

I realised that I'm standing alone with Jimin infornt of me. Around us are black. I look at Jimin.

"J-Jimin?" He just glare at me.

"You lied to me Rose. You fuc*ing lying to me!!!!" Jimin yelled.

"No...I'm not. I really love-" he cutted me.

"No you don't. You just act. You just acting this whole time!!!!!!"  yelled Jimin.

"Jimin, I...I-"


"AHHHHHHH!!!" I breathing so heavily.

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