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"Fine. I want to ask. Are we going to help and tell the girls about it?"

They exchange look. I know they still confused and...whatever it is. I look at Jungkook and raised my hands.

"See? Even they confused. You just think about yourself. You don't understand about what we felt actually."

By that I walked away until bumped on his shoulder.

"Jimin!!!" yelled Jin.

Maybe before this me and Jungkook is close but now, everything broke. I slammed the door close and leaned my back on it. Finally, I let it out. I burts into tears. I slide my back againts the door until I sit.

"I'm sorry, Rose....I really am..."


I heard Jimin went upstair and slammed the door. We maybe don't understand each other because...we're not in the right state. How could I want to understand?

"Jungkook, why you said that to him? You know Jimin is not....Jimin we know right now." said Taehyung. 

"He don't know what he's doing. " 

"You both never arguing before but now...huhh." Hoseok sigh. He went to me and patted my shoulder.

"You should go and rest." said Hoseok. I push his hands harshly and glare at him.

"Then what? Just wait for the 5th diamond!? I thought you guys love the girls!!! I thought...you guys hate to do what Mr Bang asked us to do." 

Tears slowly run down on my face. Hoseok try to hug me but I push him.

"If you, Namjoon and Yoongi didn't reveal anything that time, I still can have fun with Lisa. Me and Jimin hyung wouldn't have conflict like this." I said so harsh.

"Kook, stop. You shouldn't talk like that to someone who older than you." scolding Jin to me.  I smile and chuckles in pain.

"Fine. I will follow you guys. Let see who regret." by that I went out without say anything.



I yelled. No use. He already went out like that. Namjoon groaned and let out a heavy sigh.

"I miss the old us. Where I can see smile on you guys face, where I can heard you guys laughing and all of it are beautiful." said Namjoon.

I sit beside him and patted his shoulder.

"It okay, Namjoon. Everything will be fine."

"I think it my fault that we become like this." muttered Namjoon. I look at him with sad expression. Poor him.

Honestly, I blame him, Yoongi and Hoseok actually but...seeing them like this, I have to be the one who still can stand. I don't want to make it become worst. I miss Jisoo also. Who doesn't miss the one that we love right?

"No. It not your fault. Don't blame yourself." 

Namjoon didn't replied but just humming. I sigh heavily.

"Hyung..." I turn my head and saw Taehyung trying to talk with Hoseok.

"Hyung, I'm sorry..." said Tae. I hear what they talking. Actually, we notice the tense between Taehyung and Hoseok this lately. But, we didn't bothered to ask because...like I say. We're not in great state.

"I know you didn't mean it but...can you give me time to...cheer myself up?" Hoseok asked. Taehyung look down. By that, Hoseok walked away leaving Tae standing there in sadness.


I groaned as I felt hurt on my head. I open my eyes slowly and try to have a clear view. I look around and it...crack wall...nothing but just..dust and dirty. I can smell blood in this room. Obviously, it basement again. As I try to move, I felt something wrapped around my wrist and my ankle.

"W-What is this??" I look down and it was chained. They tied me up with chained on the chair.

"What happened? How I end up like this??" 

I try to escaped but can't. This chained is really tight and strong. Wait. Jimin...Jimin in trouble!! What I remember is only Jungkook told me to run. After that, everything is black. Suddenly-

"Our kitten is awake." 

I lifted my gaze and saw Mr Bang come in with two bodyguards. I glare at him and he raised his hands like criminal.

"Woah...don't look at me like that. You look scary." said Mr Bang.

"What did you do??" I asked. He laughed.

"You are so dumb, Rose. I don't know that you still care about Jimin after what happened. You are so naive." said Mr Bang. I frowned.

"Listen here, I ask Jimin to acted like he was in danger so that I can trapped you. Guess what, he did what I asked for. But I don't know that you will come. " said Mr Bang.

My eyes widen. Jimin....trapped me? He...did that? I mean....he helped him. Seriously?

"You're so fool, Rose." said Mr Bang. H e started to walk like he circling me. 

"I want to kidnapped you so that it easy for me to find the 5th diamond. " said Mr Bang. So, what Jungkook say just now was true? He try to save me?

"Listen, don't try to escaped from here." said Mr Bang as he grabbed my face harshly. I gritted my teeth and spit on his face. He close his eyes and leaned back as he wipe his face.

"Like I give fu*k about it." He look at me and chuckles darkly. Then-


I felt my cheek is burning.

"Don't show your bad side here if you still want to see your friends." whispered Mr Bang. My eyes widen. He laughed and walked away.


He just laughed and close the door. I breathing heavily. I felt mad and I don't know how to let it out so I let it out by crying.

"Jimin...why you do this...." I muttered. I hate you. But I know I can't hate you.....it just words and it not from my heart...

I bite my lips.

"Jisoo...Jennie..Lisa...please run..." I muttered.  


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