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"ARGHH!!!" I groaned in pain as I felt my back crashed on the wall. That guy take off his mask. He have that red hair.
"On it." he said. He must be talking to his friend. He just about to walked to me but the door bursts open. 

It reveal Jisoo and one guy.
"Hyung?" the red hair guy said.
"This girl kick my ball!!!" they guy yelled.
"Uuuu, that must be hurt." said red hair guy.
"It is!!!" he yelled.
"Namjoon said their members have that diamond." he said. That's mean...Rose made it!! Jisoo went to me.

The two guy look at us.
"Who are you girls?" he asked. I smirked.
"You will know us soon."
"Tch. I think we will." he yelled. One guy come in point a gun to us. All of them point to us. Woahh, not too fast, boy. Me and Jisoo smirked and hold hands.
"Um..you might mind this." I show them.the ring of the bomb. Their eyes become widen.


"GET DOWN!!!!"


It take a while for me to realised. I open my eyes and it totally messy. Damn, that girl. She use a bomb. But her face is pretty though.
"Hyung!!!" I yelled. Then, a table flip down. In saw Jin hyung groaning in pain.
"Hyung, you okay?"
"I'm okay." said Jin. Wait. Where is Yoongi.

A figure stand up weakly.
"Ughhh!!" he groaning. Thank god he still alive.
"Namjoon, you saw them?" Yoongi asked.
"No. They already gone." said Namjoon.
"We fail guys." said Hoseok.
"And we trapped at this fuc*ing rooftop!!!" yelled Jungkook.
"Lucky you. I'm being hit in my 'thing'." said Jin. By that, Jungkook bursts into laughter. I'm wondered who are they....




"Yah, Jimin."


"AHHHH!!" I sit up and look around. I'm still on the ground like how I am before. I breathing heavily and hold my head.
"Jimin!! Are you there!!" yelled Namjoon.
"Ughh, I'm here."
"We thought you died." said Yoongi.
"I'm not okay. Where is the girls?"
"They gone." said Jungkook.

I groaned frustratedly. Sh*t. She know how to use trick. Then, I remember. She...kiss me. I touch my lips. She really did that. It was my first kiss.
"Everyone, get back now. We need to tell Mr Bang." said Namjoon.

I stand up and that girl still on my mind. Her eyes...like I saw it before. It brown. Her face is...not bad either. Just the bad thing is...she is mafia.


Mr Bang slammed the table harshly.
"YOU LOST IT!!??" he yelled.

Now, we inside his office. We didn't shower or what. We just straight to his office. He yelling madly at us. Great. If I just can kill that girl right now.

"You lose to a girls!!!?? You embarrassing me!!!" he yelled.
"We're sorry. " said Namjoon. He smashed all the things on his table to the ground.
"YOU LOSER!!!" he yelled. I clenched my fist holding my anger.
"Now, I want you to find that girls and kill them. At the same time, find the other diamond also." he said.

We nods. We bowed. We went out and no words come out. Jin close the door. We just silence. Then, Namjoon broke the silence.
"Blackpink." he said.
"What Blackpink?" Hoseok asked. Wait. I heard it. Where did I heard it? I try to think and hold my head. That girl...that girl...that's it!!!
"Blackpink!!!" I yelled.

They look at me with frowned.
"What Blackpink again?" Hoseok asked.
"The girl that I fight told me before I collapsed. She said...she is Blackpink."
"Is that a group name?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes. "
"It sounds girly." said Jungkook.
"Because they are girls, kook." said Taehyung.
"They are the 4 girls that Mr Bang told me. Now, I remember them." said Namjoon.

I frowned. Then, it hit me. Namjoon have talk about them with us.
"Hyung, who are they?"
"They are mafia. Their group name is Blackpink. It include 4 girls which is...Jisoo, Jennie, Rose and Lisa." said Namjoon.
"How you know?" Jin asked.
"Ughhh!! I already said that Mr Bang told me!!" said Namjoon.
"Geez, calm down. I'm still hurt here okay. That nuts girl kick my 'thing'" said Jin.

Ooo, poor him. Our weakness is always there but...if me..I don't think so.
"It Jisoo." said Namjoon.
"W-What Jisoo?" Jin asked.
"The girl who kick you is Jisoo." said Namjoon.
"How you know, hyung?"
"I saw their face from CCTV. Tae, the girl that you fight is Jennie. Jungkook, the girl that you said pretty is Lisa. Lastly, you Jimin. It was Rose." said Namjoon.

Rose? It...kind of...sweet name.
"What we need is..find them and kill them." said Namjoon.
"They could be anywhere. " said Yoongi.
"It okay. We just need you four." said Namjoon.

I raised my eyebrows.
"What four?"
"You, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin." said Namjoon. Hoseok clapped his hand.
"That's was awesome." said Hoseok. Damn...


I groaned as I put some medicine on my hand.
"That mission is....the most weird I ever handle."
"Me too. That freaking curly guy stabbed my hand!!!" yelled Lisa. Jennie groaned as she layed on the couch.
"That guy is tough." said Jennie.
"The one that you met holding the diamond." said Jennie. I mouthed 'O'.

I stare at the white ceiling thinking about...him? Seriously, why him? His lips...I still can feel it. And his eyes...it like..controlled me.

It not a trick actually. I did that- no. I didn't. My body did it by itself. What is happening to me? I groaned and stand up.

"Where are you going, Rose?" Jisoo asked.
"I'm going outside for awhile. "
"But..it the middle of night." said Jennie.
"It okay. I'll be fine."

By that, I grab my coat, my mask and went out. I just need to calm myself down. I don't know why the kiss is still bothering me.

I walked and I can feel wind hit me.
"Why it so cold today??" I put my hands inside my pocket. Without me notice, I arrive at park.

It silence. I feel glad but not actually. I keep thinking about him. I just walk to the bench and I saw someone there.
"Hello??" that figure turn around. I saw the figure went to me. Soon, it stand under light, I can see clearly.
"Pasta?" it a guy and it was...



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