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All of us running in the airport and didn't care people looking at us. What the most stu*id here is, we didn't use our mask.That's why people distance theirself from us. I already told them everything.

"Why you didn't wake us up earlier!!??" Namjoon asked. I scoffed.

"How I want to wake you guys up even myself join you guys sleeping." 

"Guys, it not the right time to bickering. " said Jin. 


All of us breathing heavily. I layed on my chair and brush my hair back. 

"YG and Mr Bang is full of surprises." said Jisoo. She sitting beside me. Lisa and Jennie sitting behind us. The boys is at another row. 

"Who they want us to meet anyway??" Lisa asked from back. 

"I don't know though."

"I hope it not something bad." said Jennie.

" I hope so..."

It take a few hours for us to arrive so I decide to sleep.

tick tock tick tock~~~~~~

"Wake up, Rose." I open my eyes and saw Jisoo waking me up.

"Are we already arrive??" I rubbed my eyes.

"We did. Come on. The boys already out." said Jisoo. I stand up and follow her. 

Soon we outside airport, the sunlight hit my eyes. 

"Where we going next??" Taehyung asked. Namjoon take out his phone.

"Uhhh...they said there was a black van waiting for us. Two black van." said Namjoon.

All of us look around. I try to stepped back but I hit my luggage and it slide away. Aishhh. I try to catch it but someone catch it for me. I lifted my gaze and...a guy. 

"I-I'm so sorry. " I bowed many times. I heard he chuckles. 

"It okay. It not your fault anyway. This luggage is sliding by itself." he said. I nervously giggles. I look at him and he have blonde hair. He have a good shape of body. 

"Anyway, here. " he give me the luggage. 

"Thank you. " I smile at him. 

"Rose!!! Come on!!" Jennie yelled. 

"Okay!!!" I yelled. I look at that guy back. He look...shocked?

"R-Rose??" he said. 

"Uhh...yes. Well, I have to go. I can't believe that you didn't recognized the dangerous criminal." I chuckles. 

"I just-" he got interuppted by Jimin. 

"Rose, we have to-" Jimin stop talking as his eyes landed on hat stranger guy. He just like he scan that guy firts than he talk.

"Rose, we have to go." Jimin take my luggage and my wrist. What the-

"Yah!! It so rude!!" 

"You girls can't talk to stranger, remember?" Jimin said. He's right. We can't. I don't want to being punished again but...is he trying to protect me??

We get in the van and what surprisingly is Jimin also get in. I look at her with shocked. He closed the door and sit beside me. Then, he look at me.

"What?" Jimin asked. 

"Why you also get in?" 

"Because we in the same van." said Jimin. Ughhh, great. Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook also with us. That's mean, the other three kick them out.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Lisa asked.

"Namjoon said that we will going to Kimnyoung Maze Park." said Jin. What? Are you kidding?

"Are we going to have a vacation right now?" Jennie asked. 

"It must be something else." said Taehyung. Tae was right anyway. We just wait to arrive. 

Anyway, that guy earlier seem....really shocked to see me. I mean, how he can't recognized me? But he seem he want to say something but he got interuppted by this shorty guy. I rolled my eyes and sigh.

"Who is that guy?" Jimin asked. I look at him.


"The stranger before. who is he? You know YG can hit you again because you broke the rules. It dangerous." said Jimin. His eyes still locked on his phone. 

"Owhh, I don't even know him. Anyway, I didn't mean it anyway. My luggage sliding away by itself" I rolled my eyes again and look outside the window.

"You always want to win." Jimin said. I let out a chuckles.

After a few minutes, we arrive. We went out and wowwwww....so beautiful.

"Is this...maze park?" Lisa asked.

"It is, idiot. So, what are we going to do here?" Jungkook asked in annoyed.

"Don't know. Let me call, Mr Bang." said Namjoon and call him. 

"Can we play...one match?" Taehyung asked. We all look at him with disbelief.

"It not the right time, Tae." said Jin.

"But...Tae was right. Let's play!!" said Jungkook.

"We come here for work." said Yoongi.

"Yeah..." said Jisoo.

"Just admit that you girls scared." said Taehyung and Jungkook with smirked. I know Jennie is someone who...hate being challenge.

"Hold on. What? We scared?" Jennie asked.

"Yup." said Taehyung. Oh god...

"Fine. Let's battle." said Lisa.

"Guys, we-" Jisoo being cut by Jin.

"I join. I want to beat this chicken girl." said Jin. Jisoo gasp.

"I take back what I said!! I join!!" said Jisoo.

I slowly stepping back.
"Rose!! You join also!!!" they said. I groaned.

"Guys, stop. We come here to-" Hoseok being cut by them.

"SHUT UP!!!" they yelled. I chuckles.

"We split into partners. I will partner with Jungkook." said Jin.

"I'm with Jimin. " said Taehyung.

"I'm with Rose!!" Jennie pull me.

"Lisa with me. Girls, we should beat their ass off." said Jisoo.

"Like you girls can." said Jimin. I glare at him.

"What!? I'm totally join you girls!!!" Jimin scoffed.

We stand on the line.
"Hoseok, ring the bell." said Jennie.

"But guys-"

"RING IT!!!" we yelled. Hoseok ring it and we start the game.


"WE KNOW IT, OLD GUY!!!" yelled Jisoo. A ballon ribbon tie at our wirst.

"We have to find a way." said Jennie.

"Wait, Jen. This is the same way."

"Then, we go left." said Jennie. Why I'm agreed to this anyway? Ughhhh....


"Ohhh, I got it. Thank you sir." I hang up.

I turn around and-

"Where the others?" Yoongi just shake his head and sit on the bench.

"They playing the maze park." said Hoseok. I look down and...yes. I can see balloon.

"Let's wait for them. " Hoseok sit beside Yoongi. I just watch their competition. Seriously, they look great together but...sadly, it will end soon.


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