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Her soft hand slowly run down to my V line. Damn it. This girl really...get me.
"What is this?" Rose asked as her hand still on my scar. Her voice turn into soft.
"That just scar that I get from saving my friends before."
"Is it...still hurt?" she asked. I chuckles.
"It not. It been a few years already, Rose. There's no way it still hurt."

Rose pull her hand back.
"It look like deep." said Rose. Her face is blank. I don't know what she thinking about.
"It...It deep. Why you asking?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Nothing. Looking at it just like....you can hold the pain." said Rose. What's wrong with this girl?
"Anyway...GET OFF ME!!!"

Rose push me and I stumble back. She stand up and put her arms on her hips.
"I don't have time for your cheesy and flirty." said Rose with face-palming.
"Awww, but you blushing just now." I smirked at him.
"I-I'm not!!! Now give me your dirty clothes." said Rose in annoyed. Girls always never admit it.
"Fine fine." I take my dirty clothes and give it to her.
"Thank you." she about to walked away.
"Don't you want to take a picture of mine? It wouldn't be last long!!!"
"Never!!!!!" she yelled.

I laughed and shake my head. She really funny. Without me notice, there's smile on my face.


I put his clothes in the basket.
"I don't know it will take a lot of time to take Jimin dirty clothes." Jisoo smirked at me. I gasp.
"I-It not what you think!! He keep teasing me!!" I pouted slightly.
"That's mean he attracted at you." said Jisoo.
"What!? That was ridiculous!!!"

I mean...it was right? Come on Rose. Even you love him, there is no way he love you. He such a jerk.


I leaned my back on the wall and look around.
"There is two bodyguards there." I said through the earpieces.
"Standing infront of the store?" Namjoon asked.

Right now, we on mission. We have to steal the third diamond at the store. Seyun already sold it and we're not gonna buy it. It waste time and actually waste our money.

"How to get the diamond?" Jungkook asked.
"Use your brain." said Lisa. I can tell that Jungkook is annoyed.
"I do have brain. Not like you." said Jungkook.
"I have brain okay? That's why I'm not a baby like you." said Lisa. This two couple....
"Are you trying to say that I'm baby!!??" yelled Jungkook. Ouch..
"Yes!! You coconut baby!!!!" yelled Lisa. If I stay longer with them, I think my ears will bleeding.

"Stop fighting both of you!!" scolding Jin.
"She start it first!!" said Jungkook. I bet Lisa is rolling her eyes right now.
"Enough. Both of you start first. Now, how we want to get that diamond?" Jin asked.
"It too hard. The security is really...strict." said Namjoon.
"There is no other way in?" Jennie asked.
"All of it have bodyguards." said Namjoon.
"I think they know we will try to steal it." said Yoongi.

I sigh heavily. I look around and saw Jimin at his position. We all in our position.
"Mmmmm, this yummy. You should try this ice cream!!" said Taehyung. Don't tell me he...eating? I look at his position and...yeah..he did.
"Tae, focus!!!" Jennie said.
"We wouldn't made it if we went use a main door." said Jisoo. Main door?
"How about back door?"
"Rose, there's no time for joking." said Jimin.

This shortie...
"No, I'm serious!! You shortie!!" I look at him and he already glaring at me. I knew it even he use sunglasses and mask. Same with us.
"You call me sho-" Jimin being cut by Hoseok.
"Stop bickering, Jirose. Anyway, Rose maybe right." said Hoseok. I frowned.
"Hold on. Did you just call me and Jimin... Jirose?"
"It suit to you guys." said Hoseok. I gasp.
"YAH!!!!!" me and Jimin yelled.
"I don't think this is a serious mission." said Yoongi.

Some of the chuckles.
"Even at the back door have bodyguards but...we need someone to become attention of everyone." said Namjoon.
"I know who can." said Jisoo.
"Who?" we all asked.
"Jennie." said Jisoo.
"Oh yeah...she's great."
"I don't want!! Choose someone else!!!" said Jennie.
"Then, Tae. You will be with Jennie." said Namjoon.
"WHAT!!!????" yelled Jennie. I hissed in pain when heard she yelling.
"Gosh, stop yelling. It hurt..."
"I don't want with him!!" said Jennie.
"Jen, stop be stubborn and do your work." said Jisoo wirt stern voice. I heard Jennie groaned.
"Me and Jennie will do it." said Tae.

Trust me. Both of them can't stay with each other for 5 minutes and they will start bickering.


I throw my clothes into the dustbin. I wear white off shoulder dress, pull out my bangs and use sunglasses. I need to undercover.

I walked slowly to the store. I saw Tae and Jennie is taking the bodyguards attention. Then, Jennie step on Tae foot. What is wrong with them, I don't want to know.

I went in and look back. Jimin is looking at me. He smirked and I stick out my tongue out.

"Welcome miss." said worker. I smile.
"Thank you. I come here to check out some...um..uhhh..." I look around to find some idea.
"Ah!! I want to check out some jewellery. That..is...really..expensive."
"Sure. Wait here." said worker. I nods. When she walked away, I look back and bodyguards still talking with Tae and Jen.

I look around to find it and...bingo. There it is. In the glass box. I went to it and it have password. I look around and no one care about me. I signal Jimin from afar that it was locked.

I wait for a minutd fhen he give sign of number. 1...0...5...8...4...

My eyes sparkling when it open. Great. I take it and replaced it with the fake one.
"Miss!!" I flinched and put inside my pocket.
"Miss, you cannot go here. It off limits." said worker. I guve her a innocent smile.
"It okay Miss. I got some jewellery for you. Come on." said worker.

No thanks. I follow her. Suddenly -
"IT GONE!!!!" yelled another worker.
"What!? How it can be gone!?" they asked. The worker who serve me talk.
"There must be a thief here. Find them!!" she yelled. The bodyguards just now went in and check all the customers.


S*it!! They found it.
"ROSE!!!! RUN NOW!!!" no response.
"Rose!?" Namjoon call again. My heart beating so fast.

After a few minutes, she talk.
"I'm here, calm down. I'm went down right now using stairs. Meet me at the first ground." said Rose.

Huuhhhh, thank goodness she save.


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