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I staring at ceiling while thinking about Rose. I just angry at her because...not because we fail but...it because of...she..


Ughhh!!! If she got shot... I don't know know what happened. I'm really mad at her. She didn't even listen to me. I told hed not to get near to that Seyun guy.

Guess what!? She so stubborn!! I ruffled my hair while groaning. One question. Why she want to get drunk at that time!? But I don't think she is someone who...drinking?

She..she is someone who...professional and she wouldn't do it. Remember when we at club? She even didn't want to drink.

Something that tell me it not her fault. I don't blame her but I mad at her because she make her life risky.

"Jimin?" the door open revealed Jin.
"Yes, hyung?"
"Do you think you can get up and go to kitchen? Or I will send your afternoon food." said Jin.
"No thanks. I can get up."
"Okay. Careful." said Jin.

I get up slowly even it hurt. I went out and my eyes landed on Rose door. Our room is opposite. I didn't see her since I told her to go back to her bed. I even didn't hear her voice.

"Maybe she asleep." I went downstairs and meet everyone at the kitchen.

"Hey, Jimin. How are you?" Taehyung asked.
"Fine." I sit beside Jungkook.
"Thanks to me to told Namjoon to save you guys." said Jennie.
"What?" I frowned.
"Remember when I told Jennie and Tae to get the diamond?" Namjoon asked. I nods.
"When both of you down, Jennie didn't want to let Rose and you dead. Tae also think like that. We don't have any choice. A lot of people come to kill all of us. So, we have to fall back." said Namjoon.

Teamwork, huh?
"Anyway, it already past. So it fine." said Jennie.
"We can get that diamond if it not because of Rose." said Jungkook. I don't know why but I felt angry when he say that. I about to open my mouth but Jennie cut me.
"It not her fault. Don't blame her. She is risky." said Jennie.
"Give me more than 1 reasons why we can't blame her?" Jungkook asked.
"She is risky member. If she's not here..who will do that risky job?" Jennie asked.
"It not answering my question." said Jungkook. Jennie glared at him.
"She is not a drinking person and I know something happened. Why you want to blame her so bad?" Jennie asked.

Jungkook scoffed.
"Because it was her fault." said Jungkook.
"Jen, juat admit that you think like that also." said Jungkook. She slammed the table.
"No!! I never think like that!! Because I know her better than all of you!! Including the girls!!" yelled Jennie.
"Jen, calm down." said Jisoo.
"What!? Is blaming her will get that diamond!? Now, I want you guys change position. Is one of you want to take Rose position!? Where you can be shot and stab!?" Jennie yelled.

Jennie was right though. That's why I'm silence.
"Jennie that's enough." said Namjoon. Jennie look at Jungkook.
"If you think you are very professional than go ahead. Get that diamond by yourself." by that Jennie walked away.
"Why you said that infront of Jennie?" Lisa asked.
"Why? It true though." said Jungkook.
"Can I ask? Is Jennie and Rose really close?" Hoseok asked.
"They are." said Jisoo.
"Is both of you thinking the same like Jungkook?"

They look at me with stunned.
"We....just a little bit." said Jisoo.
"We know she didn't do it on purpose." said Lisa.
"Then, why you blaming her?"
"We just...stress about all of this." said Jisoo.

I narrowed my eyes on them.
"Did you guys do another mission than this?" their eyes widen. All of us staring at them with suspicious.
"No. No we didn't." said Lisa.
"You guys don't believe us?" Jisoo asked.
"Is not that we don't but..just asking." said Jin.

They just silence. Weird.


It bored. Rose didn't come out since morning. I dry my hair and went out from my room. I meet Jennie with tray of food.
"Why you bring that?"
"To let Rose eat. She didn't come out or let anyone in. She keep lock herself in her bedroom." said Jennie. What?
"She didn't eat since this morning?"
"No. She refused." said Jennie.
"Let me take it to her."

Jennie frowned at me.
"Why you suddenly doing this?" Jennie asked.
"Because I'm not blame her like how the boys blame her." Jennie eyes slightly widen.
"Let me take it." I take it from her and turn around.
"Do you love Rose?" Jennje suddenly asked.

I froze at my place.
"I mean...you seem like..caring for her than your friends." said Jennie. Wow. This is my first time hearing Jennie talk so nicely.
"If she was Pasta who I met before...then..maybe... I will."
"She is Pasta." said Jennie. I chuckles.
"No. She's not. Pasta wouldn't be cold toward me."

By that I walked away. I knock the door.
"I don't want to eat, whoever is outside, please go." I heard her. I touch the knob and try to twisted it but it lock.
"It lock. You wouldn't get in. Back off!! I'm busy." said Rose. This girl....

I went downstairs and saw Namjoon, Tae and Jungkook.
"Guys, do you know where is spare key?"
"Why?" Jungkook asked.
"I want to talk with Rose."
"Oh.. Um... Hey hyung. Can you tell Rose that.. I'm sorry." said Jungkook with guilty face. I smile and nods.
"It in the drawer over there." said Namjoon. I nods.
"Make sure she eat and encourage her to go out. We miss her." said Namjoon.
"Since when you like this?" Tae asked teasingly.
"Since you shut up and mind your own business." said Namjoon. Tae pouting and cross his arms on his chest.

I chuckles and get the key. Soon, I went upstairs back. I open the door with key.
"I said get-" she stopped talking when saw me.
"What are you doing here?" Rose asked.
"I heard you didn't eat." I close the door and went to her.
"I don't have appetite." said Rose as she turn her head to look away.
"Eat or not I will stuff it inside your mouth."

She bite her lips and groaned.
"Fine." she snatched the tray from me and sit up.
"Eat slowly." I know she hungry but she just hold it.
"How was your ankle?"
"Getting better I think." said Rose. I went to the edge of bed and put her ankle on my laps.
"I'll massage your ankle. If it hurt, tell me." she just nods.

I start to massage it and she flinched.
"It hurt..." whined Rose. I keep massage it.
"Ahh.. It hurt..."she whined again. I press my thumb and she yelled.
" AHHHH!! IT HURT!!! " she yelled.
" That what you got from get yourself in danger. "
" That was stu*id!! " said Rose.
" I don't care you are risky member but please..take care of yourself. " she stunned at my soft side but she look down.

I just keep massage it but this time...in gentle.
"I'm sorry..." she mumbled.
"You keep saying that."
"I know it my fault we fail." said Rose.
"It not your fault. I know you didn't get drunk in purpose."
"But...I don't remember anything..." said Rose.
"You don't?" I frowning at her.
"I don't. I just remember where I..at the bar I think?" said Rose.

Bar? Wait...when I saw her..she with Seyun and she-
"That's it!!" I clap my hand and she startled.
"Seyun must give you a drinks that make you drunk and forgot everything."
"But I'm not a drinking people." said Rose.
"He must be forcing you." she look down while eating.
"It not your fault. Okay?"

She just nods. I put down her ankle and I went to hug her. She stunned at first. I don't know why but I felt like to do this.
"I feel glad that I save you..."


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