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I saw Jisoo look down and didn't answer me. I sigh heavily. I know they wouldn't agreed about it. Well-

"I have." me and Jennie look at Jisoo with shocked.

"W-What?" Jisoo lifted her gaze.

"I have feelings for Jin but I try to get rid of it. Knowing that we're enemy but...this feelings getting stronger and stronger." said Jisoo.

"You mean..you love him!?" Jennie asked.

"I did, Jen. It just that...if we do this then...are we going to have a happy ending?" Jisoo asked.

She's right. I'm scared also actually. YG can do anything toward us.
"But..we can think that later. What important here is...are we still going to kill them?" Jennie asked.

"We-" Jisoo got cut by Lisa.

"NO!!!" yelled Lisa. All of us looking at her with confused.

"What 'NO'?" Lisa stand up and stomped her feet.

"Don't kill the boys!! I love them...especially...Jungkook." Lisa mumbled the last words but we can heard it. I smiled.

"We wouldn't."

"I just about to say no Lisa. Don't cut me when I'm talking next time." said Jisoo. Lisa chuckles and smile sheepishly.

"Then, we wouldn't kill them?" Jennie asked. We nods. Jennie smile. I know she have feelings toward Tae.

"Then we wouldn't." said Jisoo.

"But...Unnie. How about YG? He probably...planning something." Jisoo sigh.

"We can't do anything but...just wait and see." said Jisoo. We exchanged look.



check myself for the last time on the mirror. I fix my dress and my hair. I wear black short dress that is off-shoulder, black ribbon on my hair and innocent makeup.

"Rose, can you help me zip this dress?" Lisa asked.

"Okay~" I zip it on.

"I felt sleepy today." said Lisa.

"You didn't sleep. You playing game on your phone."

"Well, I can't sleep." said Lisa. I just rolled my eyes and take my handbag.

"Rose..." Lisa called. I turn around and raised my eyebrows.

"Are we...." Lisa play with her finger and look down. I frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Um...all of us already confess that we in love with them but...are we going to keep it secret?" Lisa asked. She's right though.

Do we habe to keep it secret? I mean...if we're not...what will happened? Suddenly-

"Of course we are." we look behind Lisa and saw Jisoo and Jennie already in their gown.

"We will?" they nodded.

"If we told them...don't you think they will angry?" Jennie asked.

"You are right though."

We look down. The boys probably upset for us and our relationship will broke. Suddenly, a knock interrupted our mind.

"Yah!! How long you girls will take to get ready!!??" I can heard Taehyung yelled.

"Ughhh!!! Can you shut up!!??" yelled Jennie.

"Let's go. Namjoon will mad if we're late." said Jisoo. We nods.

We went out and saw the boys waiting for us. They look shocked?

"Why you guys look shocked?"

"How...Jennie and Jisoo in your room?" Hoseok asked.

"Our room is connected!! We have a secret door!!" squealing Lisa.

"Really!? Wow..." said Jungkook. I chuckles. I glance at Jimin and..damn. He look hot. He wearing black shirt with coat then black skinny jeans. He also wearing sunglasses and it make him look like an idol.

"Done checking me out?" he smirked. I gasp and look away.

"I'm not."

"You mean you are not done yet?" Jimin tease.

"No!! I mean I'm not checking you!!!" I yelled. Jimin chuckles and patted my head.

"I'm just teasing you. Anyway..." he leaned on my ear.

"You look cute and sexy in this dress." whispered Jimin. I felt...my cheeks hot. He leaned away with that hot smirked.

"Oh come on! Stop lovey dovey here!!" scolding Jin.

"We're not!!"

"If you're not then why your cheeks red like tomato?" Jin smirked. I puffed my cheeks and stomped my feet.

"It just a cheek tint!!!!!" they laughed at my shyness. Ugh... I hate this.

After a few minutes, we're arrive. We went to the restaurant. It kind of fancy.
"Excuse me, 11 of us have book a table." said Namjoon.

The worker smile and bowed.
"Oh, Mr Bang and YG already told me. This way, sir and miss." said the worker. We followed her to our table. I look around and everyone looking at us.

I hate when we become attention.

"What those criminals doing here?"

I know they mention us. I look down and try to hold my tears.

"Ughh... I can't enjoy my dinner if those monsters girls is here."

I just hope that I can close my ears right now. Suddenly, I felt someone hold my hand.

"Ignore it." said Jimin. I frowned in confusion.

"What you mean ignore?"

"You think I didn't heard it?" Jimin asked. I look down.

"Why BTS also with them? I know they're mafia but...omg. Don't tell me those monsters selling their body!?"

"Ewww... I think it is."

No wondered we are famous. The most dangerous duhh. I felt like Jimin tighten his grip on my hands. Somehow, it make me feel safe.

"Here's your table." said worker. We bowed and say thank you. I sit infront of Jimin.

"What you want to order, sir and miss?" waiter asked. We told him our order. Soon he done, he went away.

"You guys order something that can make you drunk, you know that right?" Jisoo asked.

"Don't worried. We wouldn't be a burden." said Jin. I hope so.

"Tch. If you guys drunk, do not hope that we will help you guys." said Jennie and crossed her arms on her chest.

"Like I want to." said Taehyung. Jennie narrowed her eyes.

"Don't challenge me." said Jennie. Taehyung smirking.

"I already did." said Tae. Jennie jaw already clenched. I don't know Taehyung did that on purpose or not.

"Stop fighting. Anyway, where is the person that we have to meet?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon look at his watch.

"Hmmm....I don't kno-" without let Namjoon talk, a guy approached us and cut him.

"Sorry, I'm late." that voice...I lifted my gaze and my eyes widen. So do the girls.


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