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"You miss it, Jimin." said Yoongi. I sigh.

"Try again. Don't worried." said Yoongi. I take a deep breath and let if out.


"You miss again." said Yoongi.

"ARGHHHH!!!" I throw away my gun.

"Everything is not working to me!!!" I groaning and sit at the couch that we have in shooting room.

"You look like something is bothering you. What is it?" Yoongi asked. I sigh heavily.

"I don't know...." I mumbled.

Yoongi didn't replied. He stand up and grab the gun that I throw.
"I think you keep thinking about Rose. That's why." said Yoongi.

I huffed in angry but try to calm down.
"Talking about Rose, where are you going last night? What happened between you and Namjoon actually?" Yoongi asked.

"Actually, I met Rose last night. So, I say something to make everything end. Then, Namjoon suddenly scolding me for going out."

"Only that?" Yoongi asked. I graoned.

"Ughhh, I don't remember. It make me mad thinking about it!!"

Yoongi chuckles.
"Whatever. I will ask Taehyung or Hoseok about it." said Yoongi.

"Oh! Talking about Tae and Hoseok hyung, why they look...cold to each other?"

"I don't know either. Since, you guys fighting that time, that both look not in a good term." said Yoongi.

"Did you realised that...we become apart after we separated from girls? "

"I think. Maybe." said Yoongi.

I sigh and leaned my back on the chair.
"I think I need some water. Or food. I'm hungry. Don't play dumb, hyung." I said as I point at him.

"I know I know." said Yoongi as he rolled his eyes.

We at competition actually. But, since I keep miss the target, I lose some points.

"Fine." I walked away.

I went to the kitchen and get something to eat. I'm hungry. I saw pasta in the fridge. Damn. Everything's around me make me remember about Rose.

"Hyung." I startled as I heard someone calling me.

"Kook? What's wrong?" I back looking at fridge for something to eat.

"What happened with you and Namjoon?" Jungkook asked. I sigh. I grab the leftover out.

"Nothing happened." I put down the plate.

"Nothing happened? Huh. Then, what did I heard and saw last night?" Jungkook asked.

"That just joking."

"Joking? Don't be so idiot, Jimin. I saw you ready to hit Namjoon. Is that what you call joking!?" Jungkook asked. I look at him.

"Wow. Did you just call me Jimin?" I asked.

"I hate you guys. You guys just make this become more worst!!!" yelled Jungkook.

This is the first time that Jungkook yelling at me. We usually just joking. Without me realise, there's tears on Jungkook face. My heart ache as I saw it.

"I know we mad at the girls. But, can't we comfort each other?" Jungkook said. I can't say anything because shocked to see he's crying. It rare for Jungkook to cry.

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