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I went to the backyard and thank goodness no bodyguard around.
"Guys, come in now."
"Great." They said.

After a few minutes, they jump from the fence.
"Don't act weird here. Got it?"
"Sure. Wait. Where is Rose?" Taehyung asked.
"She waiting at the bar. "
"Guys, don't waste time. Go now." said Namjoon.

We said yes and went in back. I don't know why but I want to be hurry to check on Rose. I can feel something bad happened.

"Jimin, why you walking so fast?" Jungkook asked. He following me actually.
"Rose is alone."
"You..worried?" Jungkook asked. I stopped walking. Am..I...worried?
"Hyung?" he snapped his finger.
"I just want to check on her."

I can feel Jungkook staring at me.
"Anyway, let's go." he didn't say anything but just followed.

I went to the bar and-
"Hyung, is that Rose?" Jungkook asked as he pointed it.
"There. The one who with...a guy?" Jungkook said.

I try to find then...my eyes landed on..her. She giggling while hugging Seyun and that old man take advantage of it.

I clenched my fist.
"Hy-" I walked to them without let Jungkook replied.

I saw Seyun want to touch her thighs but I grab his hand. He shocked to see me.
"I'm sorry but...you are not allowed to touch her." He chuckles.
"You also because she said you are not her boyfriend." said Seyun with smirked. I glare at Rose who is chuckling.
"Did you make her drunk?" My expression darkened.
"None of your business." said Seyun.

I grab Rose and hold her.
"It is. She is...mine." why I said that? I don't know. Suddenly-
"Jimin!!!" whined Rose. Seyun eyes widen when heard my name. Ughh, Rose you such a-
"You...J-Jimin?" Seyun asked.

Look like it revealed. I take off my mask and Jungkook also. Seyun now shaking in fear.
"What the- BTS!?" Seyun yelled.
"That's right. And this girl that so you call 'Sugarbun' is BLACKPINK." he become more shocked.
"B-Blackpink? You...mafia..." said Seyun.

Such an old man.
"What did you guys do!?" yelled Namjoon.
"I think you know why we come here." Jungkook look at me with confused.
"Hyung, it not in part of our plan." said Jungkook.
"We can't stick to it. We already being revealed."
"Jimin was right. Just do what you have to do. Everyone get ready." said Namjoon.

This is all because of Rose.
"Jimin!! I'm hungry..." she pouting at me and it was...cute. I hold her head put it on my neck. I don't want to see that face. I can feel her breathing. Calm yourself down, Jimin.
"Did you..come for d-diamond?" Seyun shuttering.
"Such a smart old man." said Jungkook.
"We are. Give to us in a good way and you wouldn't lost everything."

I don't want to fight because Rose is...not in a good condition. Seyun clenched his jaw.
"I wouldn't give it." said Seyun with galring.
"Why?? That diamond can't make you rich." said Jungkook.
"It is!! A lot of people dying to buy it from me!!" said Seyun.
"We will buy it but..not with money." said Jungkook.

Seyun glare at us but then...he smirked.
"You guys must be prepared but..you didn't prepared...for this!!!" Seyun snapped his finger and his bodyguard start to shoot us.

Jungkook try to shoot them and I pull Rose to take a cover.
"Find the diamond!!!" yelled Namjoon.
"Jungkook, beside you!!" said Yoongi. He shoot it.

I just wait for help. Rose who still on my arms still...happy.
"Rose!! Wake up!!" I slapped her face gentle and she just giggles.
"That..s-soju is tasty!!!" she yelled. Soju? I leaned my face on her and smell her.
"Yah!! Who told you to drink soju during mission!!!??" I scolded her but I don't think she listen.

Rose pouting and crying.
"You are mean!!" Now she crying. Why this girl is really...hard to take care.
"Jimin!! Where are you!?" Jisoo asked.
"Take care of your spoiler friend!!"
"Good. Don't let her get hurt." said Jisoo.
"Jennie and Tae!! Both of you near the diamond!! Go get it!!" said Namjoon.

I hold Rose wrist.
"We need to go to van now!!" I dragged her and we run to the exit. When we almost near, Rose tripped her ankle.
"OWWW!!!" she whined. I knee down and touch her face.
"Are you okay!?"
"My ankle~" said Rose. I look at it and she sprained her ankle.
"Can you walk?" She just crying so I take that as...no. She really a crybaby when drunk.

I try to help her.
"Don't worried, I'm here." I whispered. Rose look at my eyes and..
"Chim...why you still caring about me?" she asked so sudden. I stunned there while looking at her brown eyes. Did she just call...my name? She did..right?

I cupped her face and caresses it. I wondered what if she not drunk?
"Please say that name again..."
"Chim..." said Rose. It make me smile when heard it. Suddenly-
"JIMIN!! WATCH OUT!!!" yelled Hoseok. I turn around and saw one guy want to shoot Rose. My eyes widen.


I can feel...pain in my back. Blood slowly coming out from my mouth. Rose staring at me and I smile.
"Why you make me confused, Pasta?" by that I fell on the ground.
"Jimin!!!" yelled Rose.

I can heard her voice shouting and everything is blurry. Why I even save her? I'm the one who said that she will save me again one day. Now..it me who save her.

My eyes slowly closed and everything...is black.


I felt my head dizzy and it hurting. Just like needle get into my brain. I open my eyes as I groaning.

Soon, I open my eyes...I can see...MY ROOM!!?? I sit up and hissed in pain. I hold my head. What happened? I only remember that we on mission.

I try to remember everything but sadly...I can't. It hurt me whenever I try to think. I get up and almost fall but my hand on the desk to support me.

"Why my ankle is so hurt??"

I growling and try to walked with limp. I open the door and saw no one. I close the door and sigh.
"Rose?" I startled and turn around. I saw Jisoo with her pajamas. I guess it morning.
"Unnie? Unnie, what happened to me? What happened last night?"
"You drunk. After that...Jimin help you and without you notice, you said his name. " said Jisoo.

What!? Arghhhh!!!! It embarassing. Wait. Drunk?
"Then, when you and Jimin want to went out, you sprained your ankle. Jimin become worried and try to help you even you are drunk. " said Jisoo. I just silence.
"Suddenly, someone want to shoot you but...Jimin cover you up and he's the one who......got the shot." said Jisoo.

My eyes widen. Did I heard it right? I felt...something on my heart. It..beating so fast. Not blushing but...panic.


Fight For Diamond - Mafia X Mafia Where stories live. Discover now