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I wake up by my phone. It keep vibrating. I groaning and take it.

"Who's calling me..." I open one eye and saw someone calling.

I fully wake up and sit up. It unknown number. Huh? Who is it? I bravely pick that call up.


"Look like I interrupted your sleeping, am I?" wait... That voice.

"JUNHOE!?" I close my mouth and look at Lisa. She still asleep. Phew..

"Yes it me." said Junhoe.

"What you want?" I asked coldly.

"Meet me at cafe. The cafe that you and your 'beloved' friends have breakfast yesterday." said Junhoe. He pressed the word 'beloved' and I know he being sarcasm.

"Why I have to meet you? I don't have any attention to see your damn face."

"Ahhahaha, Rose. Don't be like that. I just want to have a few words with you. ONLY you." said Junhoe. I let out a heavy sigh. Should I go?

"You like it or not, just come." he hang up.

I groaning and throw my phone on the bed. How he got my number?? What's wrong with that guy!!?? Should I tell the girls? Wait. No. I'm scared if Junhoe do something else that might hurt my friends.

I take a look at clock and it only 6:45 am.  So early. That freaking Junhoe wake me up for this useless thing. It better be not useless.


I take a look at mirror the last time. I wear oversized hoodie and black pants with sunglasses. I take my stuff and glance at Lisa for a last time.

Sleepy head. I giggles and went out. I peeked outside, I'm scared if the boys went out or something. I close the door and run.

I take a grab to go to the cafe. After a few minutes, I arrive. I went in and look around. Where is you, punk? Soon, I saw he wave his hand to me. I rolled my eyes and went to him.

"Make it quick." I said as I take a sit.

"Waoh, chill down. Don't be too rush." said Junhoe. I sigh.

"I don't have much time. You better be quick." He chuckles darkly.

"Don't you want having a breakfast first?" He asked.

"I'm full." actually not. Hehehe.

"Liar. It okay. Actually, I call you to meet me because I want to ask your permission." said Junhoe. I furrowed my eyebrows on him.

"Permission? What permission?"

"I told YG that I want to help you girls to get a diamond and kill those dorks. But...he said, I should ask your permission instead of asking him or the girls." said Junhoe. What YG try to plan?

"We wouldn't kill them, Jun. And I don't need your help."

"Oh come on. Why you don't want to kill them?" Junhoe asked. Bonus question.

"We wouldn't. Fullstop."

"I asking why." said Junhoe.

"No need to know." I look away. He scoffed at me.

"Well, it must be...your love toward those 7 dorks is really strong. Right?" Junhoe asked. Dorks? You are the one who's dork here.

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