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All this day I just stay at my room and doing nothing but....zoning out. My words with Jimin keep repeating inside my head. I'm mess it up.

I didn't mean it actually. It stu*id. I let out a heavy sigh and sit up. I should went out to have a fresh air. I stand up slowly as I still felt that hurt.

I went out and saw stair. This is hard...

"Rose??" a voice make me startled and turn around. 

"You make me startled, Hoseok." he chuckles.

"I'm sorry. Anyway, when did you come home??" Hoseok asked. 

"Last night." he just hummed in response then his eyes is like scanning me.

"What happened to you!?" he almost yelled. I sigh and I felt tired to explained.

"I'm tired to explained so...let say something came up and I'm hurt??" Hoseok sigh heavily and put his hands on his waist.

"You and the girls are same. You girls keep it secret and didn't tell us." he shake his head. I frowned at him.

"What you mean?"

"You don't know? Jennie blaming us about you. I don't know what happened. We really don't have any idea." said Hoseok.

Did they just arguing this morning?? The girls still didn't tell them the truth so...I should silence also.

"Oh really...." I look down. We don't know why we keep blaming them. I mean... it not their fault...

"I think Tae must be hurt...." said Hoseok.

"Hm? Why??"

"Jennie said something hurt to him. She said...she should kill him when she have chance." said Hoseok while mocking Jennie voice. I can't help but smiled a little bit.

Anyway, Jennie situation is same with me. Jimin appeared in my mind. I hurt him too. I wondered what he's doing right now. 

"Rose?" Hoseok snapped his finger infront of my face. I smile weakly at him.

"I felt sorry for Tae. Where is he right now?" 

"He's at the backyard." said Hoseok. I smile.

"If that so, can you help me to go downstair?" I smile sheepishly. He shake his head and put my arms around his neck. He help me to go downstair.


I went backyard and saw Taehyung sitting on the grass with earphone on his ears. I think he listen to his music. This guy is too dramatic. I let out a chuckles. I went to him and pull of his earphones. 

"Yahh!! What was that for??" Tae jaw dropped. I rolled my eyes and sit beside him.

"Just want to catch your attention." 

"Wait. When did you come home??" Tae asked as he take his earphone from my hand. 

"For the third time, last night." he just hummed and look away.

" I heard that you and Jennie fighting?? " by that question, he sigh heavily and groaned.

"What is her problem!!?? I didn't do anything to her!!!" yelled Tae. 

"She just stress this lately."

"But...is it important to said about killing each other??" Tae asked with sadness. 

"She probably...say it without...realised. She's too angry and that words just slipped from her mouth."

"I can feel that she really mean it..." mumbled Tae but I can heard it. 

"She mean it or not...she will always regret what she said." 

"I'm just...hurt when she said that. I know we're enemy before but....when I think again, Jennie take care of Yeontan and...from there I realised she have a soft side." said Tae.

I look at him. He look down with that sad experinces. I know Jennie felt bad like me but she still out of mood. But....why he care after all??

"Do you love her??" a sudden question came out from my mouth.

Taehyung look at me with wide eyes. He want to say something but look like he couldn't let out that words. I'm chuckles and stand up.

"Well...I know what the answer is from your reaction." I just about to walk but Tae stop me.

"Are you sure...this feeling is not...wrong?" Tae asked. Actually, I'm not confirmed about it but...

"If you love her then...try to court her. You have to love her harder." I smile softly at him and patted his head.

I went inside and close the slide door. I should take a snack for me to eat. I know I will stuck in my bedroom for the whole day. I limp toward the fridge and open it.

Hmmm...what should I eat?

" Can you move away?" my body froze, soon I heard that voice. I turn around and it was...him.

"J-Jimin. Um-" he cut me.

"Move away. I want to grab my food." said Jimin. His face is emotionless. I play with my finger while look down.

"Look, I know you're mad at me. I-I shouldn't yelling and say a bad words to you. I'm sorry... " I lifted my gaze and saw his eyes still...empty.

"You done?" Jimin asked. I let out a heavy sigh.

"You wouldn't forgive me aren't you?" Jimin just stare at me.
"Please...say something..." I beg him.

His face still like that. Then, he scoffed and look away.
"Like you said. You don't need me." said Jimin coldly.

I slightly gasp.
"I-I know, I did say that!! But...I couldn't h-help it...." I felt like my tears will come out anytime.

Jimin sigh and hold my shoulder. Is he...going to forgive me? Sadly no. He push me slightly to the side and take his food. I look down and gripping my clothes.

Before he walked away, he talk to me.
" You don't know how sharp your words is until it cut my heart." said Jimin. I bite my lips. I know, Jimin. I know. I make a mistake.

He start to walked again and didn't glance at me at all. Tears slowly run down on my face. I'm standing there like...a child who just being scolded. Now...he angry at me.

He's the one who help but I yelled at him. I'm going crazy. I let out a sobbing sound. I know it weird but...I felt like...hurt. I want him....

"Stop crying like a child there." I lifted my gaze and saw Yoongi. He sitting there while looking at me.


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