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I throw myself on the couch and watching Lisa playing games.
"You been play that...since..I don't know. Probably since we met."
"I always win this game. I finished all the games that I bought. I think...I want to buy a new game." said Lisa. I chuckles.
"I don't think so. Our paycheck is not arrive yet."
"I can borrow money from you." said Lisa.
"I'm out of money."

Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Good at lying." said Lisa.
"It up to you then." It true though. I'm out of money. I use it for buying food and food and oh! I'm buying a new guitar from online. So yes...I'm out of money.
"Guys!!!!!" Yelled Jisoo.

I saw Jisoo rush down follow by Jennie. I sit up and raised my eyebrows.
"What's wrong?"
"You won't believe it." said Jisoo. I frowned at them. We just silence and wait for them to continue. Suddenly, Jennie groaned.
"Ughhh!! Can you ask what is it!!??" Jennie said. I sigh. Do we have to do that?
"What is it?"
"The second diamond at club." said Jennie.
"Then, we have to find it before the 7 clowns did." said Jennie.
"Woah, which club did you mean it?"
"Thistle club. The owner is name Lee Junyun. He keep the diamond with him." said Jisoo.

I hug the cushion.
"So..you are saying that we have to go to that famous club and being...seductive?"
"Bingo!!!" Jisoo asked. Lisa put down her controller.
"No can do. " said Lisa. Jennie frowned at her.
"Why not!?" Jennie asked.
"Unnie, you great at seducing but us? Pass." said Lisa.
"Lisa is right. I'm not good at it. "
"Lisa don't have to do it. You just have to be eyes around the club and shoot whoever interfere. Rose, you just need to get the diamond and Jennie and I will seduce them." said Jisoo.

Jisoo? Seducing? It my first time hearing she do something else instead of hacking.
"If that so...then okay. "
"We will get ready. " said Jisoo. We nods.


Today, we will go to Blackpink house. We will sneak in their house to find the diamond and to kill them also. I check my gun while sitting on my bed.

Then I realised. I didn't text or talk with Pasta all this day. She didn't even text or something. Probably, she busy. I miss to hang out with her. She is funny girl. I really hope she is not mafia but sadly she is.

"I really want to see her face..."

I sigh heavily and just do whatever that distracted me. We will get ready at 12 am. There is no way they're not asleep at that time right? I mean..come on- girls need her beauty sleep.

I layed on my bed because nothing can distracted me. Maybe I can go to sleep. My eyes slowly closing and...drive to dreamland.

Time is sure moving so fast. I felt like...I just sleep for a few minutes.
"Yah, Jimin wake up. " said Taehyung.
"Ughhh, is it the time?"
"Yes. I told you don't sleep. You might get more sleepy." said Taehyung.
"I can't help it. I don't have anything to do."
"Why you don't join me and Jungkook-" I cut him.
"Counting Yeontan fur? No. Thank you." I walked to the wardrobe and change my clothes. I already wear skinny black jeans that the black is really shining. I don't know how to say.

"Why? It fun and it can distracted you." said Tae. I wear black hoodie.
"You and Kookie sure have to go to mentally illness hospital. I'll tell Namjoon about it." He gasp.
"Yah!! Don't!! I'm just joking!!" yelled Tae. Suddenly, Jin come in.
"Shhh!! The others still asleep. Come on. We need to go." said Jin.

We nodded. I grab my gun and put it behind me. We use black van and drive to where is it. It silence ride. We didn't say anything. I look outside the window.

I really didn't agreed with this. Meet that blonde girl? I willing to kill myself to meet Pasta than Rose.
"What are we gonna do when we arrive?" Jungkook asked.
"We sneak inside their house slowly. Find them and end their life. After that, we try to find where is the first diamond." said Jin.
"Are you sure they hiding the first diamond in their house?"
"I think. Or we can find some information that use." said Jin.

I replied with hummed only. I want to finished this mission as fast as I can. I look at my watch and it already 12:15 am.
"How if they still wake up?" Taehyung asked.
"There is no way they still wake up. Come on, they are girls. Girls always sleep early to take care of their face." said Jungkook. I chuckles when Jungkook answer almost same like me.

After a few minutes, we arrive. There is guard everywhere. We park our van in hidden place. We carefully climb the building and kill the bodyguards silently. Jin try to open the door.


I play my games peacefully. Jisoo at the kitchen, Jennie in her room and Rose taking a shower. Suddenly-


I turn my head to the door. I think I heard the knob being twisted. Is it my imagination? Why I felt uneasy? I want to focus on my game back but I can't.

"Unnie!! " I yelled.
"What!?" Jisoo yelled.
"I think I heard something!!" Jisoo come out while holding apron.
"What is it?" Jisoo asked. I put down my controller.
"I don't know but I heard someone twisted the knob."
"Twisted?" Jisoo asked.

She went to the door and slowly open it. When it fully open....it nothing.
"Nothing, Lis. You probably misheard or something. Even someone try to come in, they have to pass the bodyguards." said Jisoo. Well, she right though. But I swear I heard it clearly.
"Maybe you are right...." Jisoo chuckles and patted my head.
"I'm always right." said Jisoo. I chuckles. Suddenly...

"Not this time, Jisoo." We turn our head and saw...oh uh...


I just finished my showering. I wear a bathrobe while drying my hair with towel. I look at the paper about the information that we get.

The file about the second diamond is burn down. Jisoo said the bomb is on purpose. Who did it if it not BTS? I sigh and wear oversized black shirt with no pants inside.


I snapped my head to the door. What that loud noise? Is Jennie try to kill Lisa again? I let my hair wet with water dripping. I went out.

"Yah, Lis-" I stopped talking when saw...them.

Lisa being hold by Jungkook. Jisoo being hold Jin. Jennie? I don't know. Jimin looking at me and our eyes met. He look... shocked?


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