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I on my way to go home but I stop at YG building. I want to ask him about Junhoe. Is he know about this? Should I tell him? I mean...he is YG favourite agent.

Now I stand infront of YG building thinking should or shouldn't. Suddenly, my phone ringing. I pick up without looking who is it.

"Hello?" I wait for response but no one answer. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hello??" I only heard breathing so heavily. 

"Hello!!! Who is this!?" I raised my voice a little bit. Suddenly-

"Rose...." my eyes widen soon I heard that voice. I just remember that I didn't delete his number.

"Rose...h-help me..." it hard for me to talk. Like, I never thought he will call me. 

"I know you shocked right now, Rose. But I need your help right now..." said Jimin. His sounds so....weak. I can't say anything.

"W-We need your h-help. Only you. Meet me...a-at xxxxxxx." 

By that he hang up. My hand slowly fell on my side. Jimin...I can't think anything right now. My body reacted by itself. I use a cab to go where Jimin ask me to do. My heart beating so fastly. I don't know why I still care about him after what he say yesterday. 


I arrive. It mansion.I think this is their mansion. I slowly get in by open their gate. No guard? Wow. As I get in, I saw a lot of guard laying on the ground with blood. I become panic as I remember about Jimin. I run inside.

As I stepped on their mansion, I almost fall because something liquid that I stepped. I look down and it was blood. 

"J-Jimin!!!!!" I yelled.

I look around the mansion but no sign of him or the others. I run upstair and check one by one room.

Still no one. I went downstair. I can feel my sweat dropping from my face. I went to the kitchen. Ughhh, let just call him. 

"Jimin, where are you!?" 

"At the...basement...." said Jimin weakly.

I rush to the basement. Soon I open the door, I saw....the others on the ground...so weak. I went in slowly.

"Jimin?" It dark but no sign of Jimin. It just the others. I kneel infront of Jungkook.

"Kook?" I shake him. He groaned and open his weakly. 

"R-Rose? W-What are y-you d-doing here?" Jungkook asked. I put his head on my laps. He look like being beat up so hard. 

"What happened here? Where is Jimin?" I asked. Jungkook coughing and blood coming out from his mouth. 

"You shouldn't be here. T-They...w-want y-you..." said Jungkook. I frowned.

"Who? Jungkook, who want me? Jimin ask me to come here and where is he? What happened here? Answer me!!!" I shake him. 

"T-That's not him. " said Jungkook. 

"W-What?" he leaned weakly on my ears.

"Run...Rose..." he whispered.

Without I react or answer, I felt something hard hit my head. Black take over my view. I can feel my body fall on someone arms but I don't know who. 


I watched some movie. I watching....alone. No one with me. I miss where all of us watching together. Talking about together,

I remember where the boys and us having movie night. It so funny where Jennie and Taehyung arguing. They pull each other hair, we fall together, so nice.

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