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It silence. Our eyes become wide while me...stand there still processing what just happened. I slowly touch my cheeks as I look at...YG.

I only can see rage in his eyes.
"S-Sir-" I accidentally shuttering.
"You such a betrayer. " said YG through his teeth.
"Like I don't have spy to spying on you girls. I can't believe that...you met Jimin from early." said YG. My eyes widen.
"S-Sir, Rose doesn't mean to do that!! They-" Jisoo being cut by him.
"SHUT UP!! You broke the rules, Rose." said YG.
"I.. I-I don't know t-that was h-him!!" I want to be brave but...I think this is going too far.

Jennie hold my wrist.
"Sir, forgive her. She innocent." begging Jennie.
"It just excuses!! You want to betrayed me, aren't you!!!???" YG pull my hair and throw me on the ground.
"Rose!!" the girls rush to me.
"Don't you dare to betrayed me like how you betrayed...Mr Bang." said YG.

My breath stopped soon I heard it.
"What?" Lisa asked confusedly. YG chuckles darkly.
"She didn't tell you?" YG asked. No...
"Tell us what?" Jisoo asked. I look down while bite my lips.
"Tell her, Rose." said YG.
"Rose..tell us what?" Jennie asked.

I'm scared to tell them. I remained silence. Then, Jisoo call.
"Rose..." her voice is soft.
"I...I..actually...a-are not from YG." I mumbled but enough for everyone to heard. The girls stunned by my secret. I know they can't believe it because...we never keep a secret between each other.
"T-Then?" Lisa voice crack and I know she start to cry.
"She's from Mr Bang company but she betrayed them and join me." said YG.

I just hope that I can ripped that mouth of him.
"What the- hold on. So you telling us that...you...lied to us this whole time!?" Jennie asked. I can sense sad in her voice.
"N-No!! I didn't mean it!!" I look at them and each of them...have tears.
"Rose...I thought you will...put your trust with us but...you keep it secret." said Lisa with sad expressions of course.
"Lisa, I.. I just scared. I'm scared that you guys will call me betrayer."
"Enough with the drama." YG hold my arms and dragged me to the door.

The girls jaw dropped.
"Wait!! Where are you going to take her!!??" yelled Jisoo.
"You know what will happened if you broke the rules." YG smirked.
"NO NO NO!! Please, sir. Please!!" begging Jennie. I know they still sad and angry but...that what we call friendship.
"Three of you will go home." YG said with stern voice.

I know I have to face the punishment but.. I can't...
"Sir, please...let me go..." I'm begged.
"Tch. I told you before but you broke the rules." said YG. He start to dragged me but Lisa hold me.
"Don't!! Rose is innocent!!" yelled Lisa.
"Lisa!! Let go!!!" yelled YG.
"No!!" I can see tears run down from Lisa face.
"Sir, give her a chance, please!!" said Jisoo.
"Once I said NO, mean NO!!!" said YG.

The girls already crying. While me...I can feel tears slowly dripping.
"Please...stop..." I'm sobbing. Suddenly -


I close my eyes when heard a gun shot. It silence. I open my eyes slowly and saw YG shoot the ceiling.
"If you girls don't let her go, I'm not hesitated to kill you." said YG. Our eyes widen. He...He really...mean it? I felt Lisa grip on my wrist become loosened. I look at Lisa and her eyes show that she...scared.
"Let's go, Rose." by that he dragged me away.

I look back and they just stand there. Their eyes still widen with tears dripping. I'm sorry....


We went home and we didn't talk since that...unexpected...situatuon. I open the door and the boys still not asleep. Always stay late.
"You girls back." said Hoseok with food on his hands. They probably having a movie night.
"Welcome back." said Jin.

We didn't response but Jisoo did.
"Yeah..." said Jisoo with weak..smile. She always become a positive vibe but now...it change. The boys frowned.
"What happened? You girls seem...down." said Taehyung.
"Nothing just...the mall is close." said Jisoo.
"I told you." said Jin with rolled his eyes.
"When did you told them?" Jimin asked.

They just chuckles. Lisa straight to her room without words and it catch Jungkook attention.
"Is she okay?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah...she just..tired." said Jisoo.
"You okay, Jen? You seem..quite." said Namjoon.
"I'm okay...totally." by that I straight to my room.


Jennie straight to her room and her face is really...emotionless. While Lisa..she didn't let out any single words. Jisoo seem...forcing herself to smile. What happened to them?

"You girls weird. Are you sure you girls okay?" Yoongi asked. Jisoo look down.
"Yeah..we are." said Jisoo.
"Jisoo...you...you-" she cut Jin.
"I'm fine. Stop asking." she look like she try to hold her tears.

Wait. Something is missing.
"Where is Rose?" Hoseok asked. That's it!! That why I felt something is missing. Jisoo lifted her gaze but then look away.
"She..she have something to do." said Jisoo. By that she walked upstairs.

"O...kay. They are weird. Something is wrong." said Jungkook. He's right.
"Should we ask them?" Taehyung asked.
"I think this time...we should let they have their time." said Namjoon.
"Namjoon was right. I can see they look..down." said Yoongi after he yawning.

I let out a heavy sigh and push my hair back. I just want to know where is...Rose. Why she's not home? What happened to her?

I should call her. I stand up and went to the kitchen. I don't want to let they heard my conversation with Rose. I take out my phone and call her.



No response. I frowned. I don't think she was a person who didn't pick up the call. I try again but it end up same. Rose...where are you?


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