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We stare at each other like we try to talk through eyes. I can't believe it...our friendship broke just like that. So fast.

"Hand me the diamond, Lisa." said Yoongi.

"No!!!! We could have a happy ending with this!! We wouldn't give it!!" yelled Lisa. Now..YG deal change us...

"Stop!!" yelled Jennie. We look at her and I notice....

Tears run down from her face. She maybe act tough and say that she's fine, but...inside her is dying.

"I can't believe it. Mr Bang told you to kill us. We want to kill you but we can't. Our heart controlled us." said Jennie.

"I fell in love with you Jin, day by day. Being with you boys is so...fun. We never had so much fun before." said Jisoo.

"I never have chance playing games with other people. My member is not a fan games sometimes. You are the first one Jungkook. I can't believe that.. I fall in love with you.." said Lisa.

"This is stu*id. I fall in love with alien? But...it turn into pieces now." said Jennie. I hold my stomach as I felt that pain become more hurt.

I cough and blood coming out. Jisoo hold me in concern.

"Rose!!" I felt dizzy. So much blood coming out that's why.

I can see Jimin trying to hold himself from running to me.

"So you want to do this way?" Jennie asked. The boys silence.

"HAND. IT. OVER." said Namjoon as he ignoring Jennie question. I glare at him.

"W-Why you plan this?" they didn't replied.

It silence. Long silence. Tears dripping from my face. Suddenly-

"AHAHAHA!!" we turn our head and saw...Junhoe laughing as he clapping his hands while walking toward us.

"So much drama here. First, I saw you guys having so much fun then...it just blink of eyes, turn into chaos." said Junhoe.

"What are you doing here?" I asked weakly.

"I told you already. Careful with them but you girls never listen to me." said Junhoe.

"You know it?" Lisa asked. Junhoe scoffed and smirked.

"I knew something is off about them. But I don't tell you girls because I want to see...until when you girls keep believe them. " said Junhoe.

"Who told you that we believe them? We never did. It just an act." said Jennie. I can see the boys hurt including Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok.

"It just act. Like Rose said. Business is Business. " said Jisoo.

"So it business....huh?" Taehyung asked as he try to hold his tears.



Yoongi try to shoot us. I don't know why but he just like..he don't want to shoot us so he miss it on purpose.

"Girls!! Come with me!!" yelled Junhoe. Jisoo help me while Lisa and Jennie backup us.

They just shooting randomly because I know...they can't kill each other. I saw Jungkook lifted his gun and-

"ARGHH!!!!" I saw Lisa fall and the diamond escaped from her hand.

"Lisa!! Are you okay!?" Jennie asked.

"M-My leg..." Lisa said weakly.

"Shoot them!!!" Junhoe command his men. By that Jennie help Lisa to walk.

"Wait!! The diamo-"

"Your life is more important than the diamond!!" said Jennie.


I saw the girls try to run. We can't go after them or anything because Junhoe men is too many.

"Cover me!!" said Hoseok. He run to that diamond as we try to cover him.

"We must retreat!!!" yelled Namjoon.

We don't have any choice but followed. We run to our van and Jin as fast as he can, he drive away.

We breathing heavily. I push my hair back and sigh heavily. I close my eyes as the scene where Rose said something awful to me appeared on my mind.

"Business is Business..."

I felt my hands turn into fist.

"I did. We have a deal with YG and now...we will have happy ending."

She will left me...just for diamond? And just for happy ending? I mean...not with me? As I thought that, I felt something warm liquid run down on my face.

She...she betrayed me. She lied to me. She played me. She confusing me. She controlled me. She...she never felt anything to me. It just...act.

"IT FUC*ING ACT!!!!" I yelled. Everyone flinched when heard I'm yelling.

I know they think about it too.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

"Do you already know about this, hyung?" Namjoon sigh.

"I didn't honestly. I never expected they have same secret mission with us also. " said Namjoon.

"They just...acting all this time." said Jungkook. Hoseok hold his shoulder.


"Lisa...I never thought about it. " said Jungkook.

"This is stu*id. Why we have to broken heart?" Taehyung said. Somehow, it make pissed because...the way he talk just like...it not a big deal.

"Because we love them. Don't you think?" Taehyung look at me as my voice turn into harsh.

"We love them but they betrayed you. What you got? Nothing. Just a pain on your heart." said Taehyung. I know he didn't mean to say that.

"So you didn't love Jennie this whole time!? If you don't love her why don't you just kill her before this!?" I raised my voice.

Taehyung grab my collar and glare at me.

"Don't you dare to say that Park Jimin!!!" he gritted his teeth. Yoongi and Hoseok try to seperated us.

"Yah yah yah yah!! Stop it. Don't fighting at this...moment. It not a good time." said Hoseok.

"Tae, let Jimin collar go." said Yoongi with stern voice. Taehyung push me harshly.

"Don't fighting. I know our problem become more...problem. Just stop arguing at this time. We have to come together. " said Namjoon.

I look away while holding my anger. Taehyung and me never fight like this but I think...because of our emotion, we become sensitive today.

"We will go back to Korea tonight." said Namjoon.

"Tonight? Why so rush?" Jin asked.

"I told Mr Bang that we got the diamond. That's why he wanted us there as fast as we can." said Namjoon.

While their talking, I didn't listen at all. I keep thinking about Rose. I felt angry, sad, upset and anything else about her. How could she do this....

Now I know. We can't trust people so easily. We can't fell to easily. Beauty can trick us. I learned it. Thank you Rose for giving me experiences. Even it bad experiences..


They all stop talking and face me. I look at them with emotionless.

"Hyung, you're right. We can't trust anyone. Even love...."

I don't know they did say that to me or not but...I just said what I felt.


Sorry...it just one chapter...

Im so sorry...

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