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"Rose...of Blackpink?" Mr Lee said. I smirked.

Then...he...laughed? He clap his hands and stand up. He went in front of me.
"I can't believe that you are the first one to come here." said Mr Lee. What he mean by that?
"Nothing. It not important at all. Anyway, are you coming for something?" Mr Lee asked.

"I need the file."
"The file? What file?" he asked. Oh, come on. Is he playing dumb right now!?
"The file about the second diamond." he chuckles darkly and leaned his back to his desk.
"I'm waiting for it. Look like Blackpink is the first one." said Mr Lee. Why he keep saying that?
"What if...I don't want to give you?" Mr Lee asked.

I smirked. I point outside the window.
"The bullet will come from there and get through your head when I snapped my finger."
"Are you threaten me?" Mr Lee asked.
"I did. Turn around and you will see a red laser on your head." he narrowed his eyes and turn around. There's a laser on him. Good job Lisa.
"Huh. A sniper, I see. Is it Lisa?" he asked. Of course everyone know our name and our position.
"Yes. Now, the file."

He laughed and went behind his desk.
"Of course I will give it. " said Mr Lee and take the file. I look around his office and it pretty modern.
"Soon you get the file, rush out." said Jisoo.
"On it."

Mr Lee take it out and give it to me.
"Here." I checked it and it was true.


A alarms sounds come out. Okay, what's going on?
"Unnie...what happened?"
"We have company." said Jisoo. Ughh, great.
"Fu*k!! It was that 7 clowns!!" I heard Jennie yelled. Why it always them!? Whenever we do a mission, we always meet them. Mr Lee laughed like a crazy person.
"Good luck, Rose. " said Mr Lee. He press the button and the secret door open.
"W-Where are you going?"
"To save my life." By that he walked away. What a selfish old man!!!
"Rose, time to go!!" said Jisoo.

I groaned and went out. I kook down and everyone running for their life. I saw three men shooting. I have to get out without their notice me...but how?

This building is so high and using elevator. I wouldn't use stair!! I can lose my legs!!
"Find a way out?" I stopped. Don't tell me...I turn around and..
"Ughh, it you." It him. It Park Freaking Jimin.
"Look like it a fate for us." said Jimin.
"It call coincidence. I don't like my fate if it was you." said he chuckles and take out his knife.
"You are really a feisty girl." he said.

Then, his eyes landed on the file.
"Wow. You have the thing that I want." said Jimin.
"Too bad, it was mine."
"Really? Too bad also I will get it from you." said Jimin. I glare at him. He really suit to be my enemy.
"Rose, throw the file down." said Jennie. I smirked at Jimin.

I show him the file.
"You want it?"
"I wouldn't come here and waste my time if it not for that thing." Jimin said in annoyed.
"Then..get it." I throw it down. I know Jennie will catch it.  I saw his eyes widen. Awww, what wrong? Lose your toy?
"Oops, my hang slipped it." he clenched his fist and walked toward me.
"It on the first ground." said Jimin.

He talks to his friend, maybe. Suddenly, he swung his knife right and left. I keep stepping back and dodge it.
"You playing with knife too?"
"Yes. You want to see?" Jimin smirked. I hold his arms from hit me. I stare at him and my eyes landed on his lips. The scene where I kiss him flashing on my mind. I felt my cheeks become hot.

Hey!! I'm not blushing am I? No no no!!!
"I'm regret giving my kiss to you." He look at me and his expression...softened.
"You did?" Jimin asked. He looking at me and our eyes locked. His eyes...familiar with me. Like we saw each other everyday. My grip on his wrist loosened. He smirked at me.
"I regret more than you." by that he stabbed my thighs.

"AHHH!!!" I fell on my knees. Jimin chuckles darkly.
"So easy to trick." he swing his legs and hit my face. I fall on the ground in pain. He kneel down in front of me. He sweating so bad and his hair fall on his forhead. It look...attractive.
"Next time...don't fall in hot guy trick." he said as he take out his gun.

I try to take off the knife out from my thighs. He want to shoot me but I saw a guard behind him.
"WATCH OUT!!!" I push him.


The guard miss the shot. I take out the knife forcedly and throw it on his chest. Thank god...

I look down and met his shocked expression. I'm on top of him right now. We staring at each other. Why I save him? Why so suddenly my body act this way?

"Rose!! It time to run!! There is a bomb in there!!" said Jisoo. I force myself stand up and he still laying in shocked. I look away not to met his eyes.
"There's a bomb..." I whispered.

I force myself to run. I save him...twice?


I shoot every guy. Then, Yoongi try to shoot me. I take cover.
"Lisa, are you done!?"
"Outside is clear!!" said Lisa. I saw the file on the ground.
"Go!! I will cover you!!" said Lisa. 

I run to the file and I heard some people died by Lisa sniper. I take it and-


I hold my scream. Someone shoot my hand. I look infront and it was..a black mask guy? Who is he? Then, he being shoot.
"Carefully, princess." Taehyung said. Why he..save me?
"Jennie!! Run!! The company will explode!!" yelled Jisoo. I saw Rose and I run with her.


I saw Jennie and Rose rushing outside.
"Guys!! We have to go!!"
"Why?" Taehyung asked.
"There's bomb here!!" Their eyes widen.



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